Armour or HP?

Armour or HP?

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Depends, if enemy atk ignores def/arm you should go for hea


With generic not-any-specific-game mechanics it would usually be a mix of both since what you actually want is survivability ≈ effective health, and mitigation provided by armor increases value of HP, and vice versa. With the usual caveats (mitigation also increases value of healing, you definitely need enough health to survive unmitigable damage usually in form of magic burst, sword and board specializations might base damage of some skills on armor, damage reflection benefits from raw HP pool...) of course.

If it was purely a thematic playstyle choice and they were in actuality perfectly equal (even if for different reasons), I would pick armor.

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the more patrician of stats: DR

sounds like bullshit, they'd just bite his legs/face off

There are no wolves in New Zealand.


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Should've posted your soijack with it so you could get a 3-day vacation you fucking newfag

Kea will land on a sheep's back and peck through the wool, flesh and then eat their kidneys. Sheep can't do anything to stop it.

Why not shear it off at this point?

Heckin' posts are ban worthy now?

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It depends on the game. Higher health is better in Dark Souls, but higher defense/armor would be stronger in Paper Mario.

I know. They aren't wolves though.

Been an autistic shitposting newfag is

>been an
Beeen the ESL poster is tu

Baaad Hair Day Appeared!


imagine the smell

The sheep must be fucking strong now

It's literally just low quality shitposting. Why wouldn't it be?

>when you shave it’s wool off it has a gigachad body underneath

>15 armor blocks 15 damage outright
>15 armor blocks 15% of damage
Pick one

They could've just bit his face off. It's pretty surprising that they didn't.

I wonder if this is how sheep survived before humans cucked them for their wool.

Ah yeah, the VIt Fluff strat

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my frend meple

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Stop acting like a fag. We're all human beans after all.

1 assuming the total numbers are small and it doesn't go into the 1000s and shit which mean you get shit like where you get 10 more attack and it triples your damage

They used to assemble in giant, tangled, Dark Souls style masses and roll over their enemies.

It would have died eventually from the wool. Sheep are basically gene cucked with a disorder that causes excessive hair growth and would die without being sheered.

>unwashed, matted, fucking disgusting shit and dirt filled wool
>soft and fluffy
I'm trying to imagine the kind of person that's never even seen a picture of a sheep let alone touched one and my god it's hard

>IRL Ringing Bell

A good balance of both

>Like I give a shit

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I prefer percentage-based stats. It makes every stat point mean something, and it's much more tangible
And there's nothing more satisfying than a game that actually lets you reach 100% evasion/DR with extreme min-maxing and the perfect armor-set

Baabsolute unit

>He needs high health while playing Dark Souls

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I'd imagine lots of people have never touched a sheep.

>chad male lion chilling in the back making his lioness harem do all the work

>amelia after you make her a general


Both like New Vegas.


Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu

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>Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu
thanks, that's a hell of a name

Sounds like a load of bullshit. That sheep would have just overheated because of the wool.

weeblet cope

Damn that sheep must be fucking jacked up.

I'll cope by watching it

In an alternate timeline

not if he was wearing sunglasses

If the game has lifedrain? Armor. The tiny dings and scratches I get get healed over instantly.
If the game doesn't have lifedrain? Still armor, it's pure ecstasy to see a boss's big dick mega laser to single points of damage because you're guarding, shielded, armored, etc.
If the game has attacks that ignore armor and hit health directly? STILL ARMOR, BABY! Because now it's not about defending, it's about fighting the Man (developer)

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The hippo looks so unbothered lmao

HP is an antique system that should be dealt away with.

Look at Dwarf Fortress. Look and learn.

HP cause developers are all almost complete faggots of the highest autistic order. Armor either doesn't exist or is under the "risk versus reward" mandate that actually makes it fucking useless. Relying on armor isn't risky so an investment in it can't pay off or else everyone would only take armor. So the braindead game designer says, anyway.

It's almost exclusively a design trap any time it comes up.

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There are people who actually believe "wolves tried to eat the sheep but couldn't".

Looks like a goddamn waterbear

>kill the sheep by chomping it's face
>still can't bite through the wool to eat it
waste of time

Its hide is thicker than their claws are long
It feels like its been pricked by thorns

I got a warning today for responding to the usual yuroshit. I wonder if the yuroshits got a warning for their bullshit?

Depends on average attack damage, if attacks are regularly doing greater than 100 damage, I take the percentage

1. Ideally some mix of both though. But 2 is dumb unless you have several damage types, since it's the fucking same thing as just adding more HP.



>literal rip off of the worst FGO character

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Hippo skin is like 2 inches thick
Those lions aren't even drawing blood like that

Less than 5% of first world populations have touched peasant animals you flyover hick

>he doesn't believe it

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You stupid motherfucker, that user said more health is better than more armor in DS, not that he needed either one.

The first one is easier to compute mentally but almost impossible to balance in a game.

Grim Dawn had weirdly complicated armor but basically it boiled down to
>Damage is reduced by a % by your Defensive Ability, if it's higher than the enemy's Offensive Ability
>Armor reduces by a flat amount after that equal to 70% of your actual total armor, but you can increase that to 100% of your armor with skills and gear
% resistances to specific damage types are nice too

Did they really have to type "floof" instead of "fluff"?

>Armour - "oof! hmm, that wasn't so bad."

Sheep's wool is fairly dense normally, I can see layers of it being pretty hard to pierce

Faith is the only stat i'll ever need

Do Hippos not have natural predators?

>what about all the European, NZ, and Australian farmers and pastorialists?

Euthanasia is the best option for you.


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Hippos are the predator.

how dare you make me relapse

>that user
Sure thing, bud

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>armor gives evade chance
defend this, d20tards

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because it's Yas Forums.

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2nd means with 100 armor you are invulnerable

I wanna beep beep that sheep.

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in scotland we all live within like ten minutes of a field even in the cities :)

You really are an absolute fucking idiot.

foreverally bound and ripping off yukkuris

they're soft and fluffy still, it's just that their fluff stinks and it's got all kinds of shit stuck to it

what do wild animals that don't shed do?


matted wool or matted anything for that matter is in no way shape or form fluffy

A lot of health is meaningless if you lose it fast

Gambeson may not be bulletproof, but it is a hell of an armor. 60 pounds of thick wool doesn't need to be woven to be extremely bite resistant. As long as it kept moving and the wolves didn't go for the little bit of legs sticking out of the puff ball, I could definitely see it warding them off long enough that they would give up.

breaking the game is so epic though
you play the game until you no longer have to play the game

Why are you so worked up?

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What if there's a revenge ability where you hit the guy for as much damage he dealt to you?

Wild animals do shed. We just mostly bred that out of sheep over the centuries that they've been domesticated.
Like how milk cows can fucking die if they don't get milked often enough

If the game is breakable, then you have to.

>That one lioness that tried to do a mount & topple and failed

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What games let you become an immortal god?

It must've felt so good to have all of that shaved off.

I will now buy your game.