Animal Crossing: New Horizons

post dodos and catch buggos

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Does anyone want a zap suit?

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Any southern hemisphere anons willing to post their dodo?

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Is there a way to turn off the music? I want to listen for the fish bite without the repetitive hourly song.

you could always try the settings
x out of the game and press - on the start screen

flags, post em and rate em

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after the first visitor is the campsite just exclusively for amiibos??

Is there a headpiece that goes with the zap suit?

why was the last thread pruned?
I can't see all the flags that got posted damn it

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Okay Yas Forums, maybe you can help me

I've had my Town Hall for two days now, I've had 5 villagers for a long time (I completed the three house plot quest), and I have the Campsite built already, yet for some reason Nook doesn't give me the option to sell plots of land and all of my Mile Islands have no villagers on them.

How do I get the option to get more villagers?

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post susie

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She turned millions into furries

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Are you the user that keeps spamming her in every thread? Don't you mean she just turned you into a furry?

You and the cherryfag need to fuck off.

Anyone have the March bug chart?

anyone have the 5x5 flower breeding guide?

Turnip prices of anyone half a day ahead or time traveling?

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some anons have been saying that the guide is wrong

Anyone have any good flags? I'm looking for a city flag.

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what if Cherry was a human?

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fuck off dude.

So I've been experimenting with dropping shit on the ground and seeing if it stays. So far everythin seems to stick.

But does anyone know if shit will disappear when I build my house?

i also want a good flag please

Nothing disappears that you drop.

In specifics I'm looking for something that might be good for a city or metropolis

>nfc tags delayed and they'd take days to work anyways
>need two more villagers for three-star rating
>no one I like on my mystery islands
>running out of miles

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For how much? Post your dodo code

I could try drawing one for you, but I don't know how I'd send it. How do you even generate those QR codes?

Do I need to build plots of land to find villagers on mystery island tours? I've built up a sum of miles but I'm down to my last spot for a new villager and don't want to just build a plot on the off chance I don't find anyone I like and some random nigger moves in as has already happened before.

If you don't reply to this post your turnips will rot in your sleep.

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Just want an octopus for my museum and still haven't managed to catch a single one somehow. My poor squid must be feeling lonely.

Are they not available until a later month?

I don't actually know. But thank you for offering friendly artist

What happened to the drawfag from yesterday who said he was drawing smut of the human and animal villagers? Did he deliver?

>4 coaelacanths in a single island trip
Fish rarity might be a little off

Is this a new villager?

here mate

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Yes, you need an open plot built for villagers to show up. Either you find someone you want on the day you build or you get a random.

Pinguin villager gifted me this sweater

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I think you have to wait until tomorrow for somebody to show up at the campsite

Can someone post the artwork of Tom Nook with "so tired" in his eyes please? I can't find it anywhere I look.

Question to timetravellers. How much NK does the water permit and cliff permit cost?

I have cosmos and have been watering them for a while using this guide and haven't had anything so far. I've gotten more mutations from planting in clusters than I have doing this.


Come through, i have art to show to people

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From what I know, she was an e-card character for gc and was obtainable in NL through amiibo card but hasnt been a character you could get through the base game until now

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You meant the Nook Miles? 6k each.

What was everyone's turnip prices?

Do my turnips go bad if I jump forward a day? Or is it only backwards that spoils them?

anyone have a bamboo fence recipe at their nook kiosk? I can stop by and craft you a pan flute and some other bamboo stuff for it. I'll also throw in some of my own bamboo to help you craft the other bamboo recipes.

Am I forgetting any daily chores that might be new?

- Unearth 4-5 fossils
- Shake two pieces of furniture from trees
- Knock eight resources from each rock
- Water flowers, if it didn't rain
- Get one emote from a random villager
- Pay off today's debt
- Purchase all new music, clothes, and furniture for the catalogue
- Add a new town project
- Find glowing hole and plant money tree

Does New Horizons still have hidden treasure, where two unmarked spaces have money or furniture to dig up? I never dug up my whole island to see.

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I paid 96 per turnip

>Nook Miles
Lmao I wrote it as NK as in nook kilometers. Fucking hell.

nice hobo style

Got em at 100 each myself

is the user with the pink drink machines still here? I have the vanilla Gojira

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Can you really get one emote a day? I've only gotten two so far, I want more.

Hacker, anything you have is good if you got extras of all of them

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves

get a diy recipe from message in bottle
get a diy recipe from a villager using their workbench
They can be duplicates though unfortunately.

They'll go bad either way, but not if you bury them beforehand.

This is why Sailor Jupiter is the best waifu.

>see flip stomping around pissed as hell
>tells me sylvia told him his lifting gains aint shit
just wanted one reason to get rid of that ugly purple bitch and this is it. day of the net has come for you cunt.

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>Water flowers, if it didn't rain
is there any point anymore? flowers don't seem to die or wither anymore

I haven't watered them since ever

>nook wants 1,240,000 bells for a second floor
>not even the final step

Ah yes, I keep forgetting to list the message in a bottle since I don't even think ahout them when picking them up until an hour later when I'm organizing my inventory.

why was that your response

Thank you user.

Hybrid flower breeding.

It’s just a game bro calm down.

I got 1,240,000 bells in 7 days

Atleast cherry fag posts amiibos. This faggot is just useless

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should have duped while you had the chance bro, it'll take you an entire year to finish a this rate

Yeah, I'm super dumb and on top of not noticing that the monster statue is more expensive, I realize that I haven't bought a drink machine yet and need to order one.

cant you customise?

>top cock
>doesn't have a "nice cock" shadow poster
I'm not mad, just dissapointed

Yas Forums please go