Tonight between 10PM and Midnight (est) Microsoft will finalize the purchase of the entire gaming catalogue from Konami. The deal they've been working towards is so expensive for Microsoft that it will single handed fund a new manufacturing facility Konami has been wanting build to focus on new R&D for gambling devices. Microsoft will have to keep paying royalties back to Konami on all games that Konami originally released, including future remasters. Only new games, made from the ground up, will be fully profitable for Microsoft. Konami will also retain the rights to create new gambling hardware based on any previously adult (M-rated) themed game they've released. In the deal Microsoft will be able to select a team from potential layoff employees after the sale to help found a studio in Chou City. Konami will allow for the current "Xbox Games Studios Tokyo" as a satellite office for 12-18 months on the second floor of their current headquarters in Chou City while Microsoft finalizes their plans to move to, or construct, their own studio space.
Ms buying Konami
they really though it was them buying it? sony doesnt have money and looking at how they are halfassing their ps5 and games now, i doubt they are inststed in buying new stuff. they just want to repeat ps4 again
>buys a company
>doesnt own them
>reading comprehension
New games gonna be added to game pass. neat.
so does this mean that microsoft gets yugioh?
Rumble Roses WHEN??
>company that makes shit games buys company that doesn't make games
cool, i'm sure that next castlevania game is going to be stellar
Honestly this would be way better than Sony owning them
Yeah, that's complete bullshit. Who even "leaked" this anyway?
>american company buying a japanese company
Be honest, have you ever seen the inside of a school?
Honestly the only hype-ish part of Sony buying Konami's franchise is that they have some OG team silent members and are in good terms with Kojima, I wouldn't be very excited for a MS first party Silent Hill game.
>conveniently cropped tweet
>a Japanese company ever allowing American piggus to own them
They'd Sudoku themselves first.
Source: IdleSloth1984
I think so since it is mostly part of that side of konami now anyways
just like that playstation buying konami franchises rumor yea?
I hope you are wrong and that Konami blows up
>Being this ignorant when people like Craterface and The Hack exist
hopefully they do more of this so Sony wont be able to
>First Sony now MS
What's next ? Valve and Epic trying to buy Konami ?
Breaking: Konami to buy Konami
So let me get this right; Microsoft will own MGS4?
If this weren't a load of bullshit, yes.
They arent buying the company retard, learn to read
this is retarded they would sell to sony before ameridogs
Literally who?
it's spelled Suikoden
This is the big question. I doubt it though cause card games=gambling and Konami loves that shit. Microsoft may make the yugioh video games now though who knows
B-but this was our rumor sonybros
didn't a "leak" exactly like this happen but with sony?
>x will totally buy Konami, guys, trust me, my dad works for Konami
I was actually predicting M$ doing something like this as a power play to get more IPs for their brand, I just thought it might be FromSoft
>ESL tard can't read
every time
Why the fuck are there like 10 twitter screencap threads on the Yas Forums catalog
Same thing. Konami needs their IPs to make more gacha and pachinko. And they, like most Japanese studios, hate white gaijins.
Pretty insightful guy, doesn't seem to have any bias whatsoever.
That's how it's been for years quarantinefag
The appeal of Sony buying them was the Kojima link. This would be a pretty expensive way for Microsoft to pad out their backwards compatibility and Game Pass lineup with remasters and Western-made 3D Castlevanias lol
>MS is gonna buy EA guis!
>rumor that MS might buy Konami's IPs
>rumor that Sony might be making two Silent Hill titles
nice rumors
No its not the same tard and also retarded for thinking all japs hate westerns
>ms gets yugioh
holy shit how much did they fucking pay???
>After MGSV and Death Stranding
Yeah, no thanks
>all japs hate westerns
Most of them, anyway.
>MS buy konami IPs
>Don't have any studio to make games
Yea sure, great idea
Damn shoulda been a company that actually makes games, like Nintendie
there are dozens of rumors regarding konami atm. atleast the ones about silent hill are consistent.
Fake and gay. Typical Xgroid, nigger, fanfiction
And just like that the thread is dead.
Japan is going through a trend this last decade of selling it's company's off to foreign buyers, although they tend to be a lot more thorough and take there time to sell it the most appropiate buyer, not just the one with the highest bid
So just like the rumors Sony were buying Konami then?
>draw your last pathetic exclusive so i can end this sony
>my catalogue has no pathetic exclusives microsoft
Why do you retards consistently believe that Konami is only just some video game/gambling company? They're way fucking bigger than that. They own a bunch of gymnasiums in Japan, and constantly host sports clubs and events.
Same bullshit as MS buying EA/Sony buying Take-Two rumors.
Konami IP's would be valuable for helping MS reach jap audience though.
also this is literally what happened to Sony
You have to be a moron to believe this rumor at all!
Literally days after releasing their own mini console Konami will shutter their business
no one wants to see microsoft make a konami game. all konami IPs are dead, and they all outstayed their welcome well before the company gave up on video games
They're offering jobs to the devs who would be laid off, they'll work for MS Tokyo until MS finishes their new studio
>Sony buying Take-Two rumors.
Wait, someone actually spread that and stupid fucker believed it?
I wish no one gets them, I prefer having all those series just die than having them been sold off and become exclusive for a console manufacturer
Gonna laugh at Xbros tonight. Anyone else?
Huh, just like those rumors of Sony buying franchises from Konami. Still sounds fake though.
they are buying the IPs, not the company
They'd rather Amerimutt than Chinamen
>[Rumor] by a literal nobody
>microsoft buying jakuza
boi do I doubt that
Trust me bro
Motherfucker, I'm going to buy Konami just to shut these fake rumors up.
That and Microsoft knows they have a niche weeb fanbase, hence why they keep pushing Capcom and Sega stuff like DMC and PSO2 respectively
Just like Sony, right?
i'd just like to see another jap company buy their ip like square enix
Next week it'll be Nintendo.
Wish Nintendo would get Castlevania though. They're the only ones of the big 3 I'd trust with the IP.
>Yas Forums thinks Konami would ever sell an IP like YuGiOh over to an American company
What's it like to constantly breathe from your mouths?
Bots are already celebrating. Kek.
I knew another sequel
That's a dozy, because I don't trust neither modern Microsoft or Konami to make a new Rumble Roses.
Just put XX on the GP and I'll be happy. Hell, make a new achievement list so I get to be entertained for the next 2 or so years that will take me to 1000gs this game again
Yeah, I don't buy it.
feels good
Funding an entire facility means they will in theory own a part of the company, or is that not correct?
KONAMI makes an awful lot of money with pachinko, phone games and other shit. They are better off than Square Enix, Capcom and others
Read the article dude.
>Sony rumoured to be buying SIlent Hill and MGS
>Suddenly some random Irish guy has a massive scoop that MS are buying all of Konami's IPs
Yeah nah.
neither does microsoft
Thanks OP for adding a built in kill time for this rumor
Fedora and not eyepatch. Fag
If its tru that MS Buys all the ips from konami i can be hyped for new xbox konami exclusives , Castlevania3 , Silent hill , Zone of the enders3 , metal gear6 , they will win worldwide and 4k enhanced konami BC gam
I wonder how Konami feels about people constantly roleplaying on twitter about people buying their IPs from them
This the main franchise silent hill and metal gear are dead.Its like when microsoft bought rare thinking the magic will carry over.
>Konami needs their IPs to make more gacha and pachinko.
It says "March 4th" this was posted and it was supposed to happen that night? And it says "E3 spoiler", but E3 was cancelled. This can't be real.
ohnonono no snoys!!!
Microsoft had done that before, to be fair.
>"Sony buys Konami's IP's dude"
>"No, it's actually Microsoft"
What's next, Nintendo is on it to? These are all fake as fuck
B-but he has a pastebin!
So no one here actually knows how to read?
Nowhere in the article says anything about them buying Konami.
4 more hours until nothing. Get ready for bot damage control.
I see April Fools came early this year.