Its almost harvestin season :c

Its almost harvestin season :c

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bet u didn kno that

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if 5 bannerlord is delayed by a month

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Post your weapon

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For me it's my trusty lance, deadly on the ground, deadly on a horse, deadly for a horse.

Never for the life of me could I use it in the ground.

my brother from a black mother

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I'm a pleb that couldnt properly use the melee system so I went bows
I wasnt good with those either

two handed axe, chop chop mother fuckers.

Are jannies locking all bannerlord threads now?
What the fuck is wrong with them.

Thowing axes and shield. There is nothing more satisfying than whipping you weapon at an enemy who has their weapon raised to attack and you thump you axe into their chest.

>kn*ght: m-muh h-horse

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why is there no ragdoll physics in any gameplay from the beta or custom battle mod? I'm getting antsy about this shit now


Because they ditched nearly all the combat mechanics they advertised. You cant even access the blogs anymore talking about ragdolls, new animations or cleaving enemies.

Longsword and long bow. All you need

They've already said they work from home.

>deadly on the ground

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One handed sword, since it has unique buffs. Need a weapon with fast speed because the one thing the AI has going for it now is that they attack and block more aggressively. And because M&B has such shit combat you can guarantee large two hander weapons get fucked over by that while smaller faster ones dont.

i was looking for those earlier what the fuck is going on

"Lance" is a very loosely defined word. A spear can be a lance and a lance can be a spear, for example. Spears are good on both mounts and not, so a lance is as well.

Oh ok. I thought you were trying to use an actual lance in melee combat.

They did it months ago, but they purged nearly all the developer diaries, including deleting all the videos they had made showing off the mechanics which are not cut.

Maybe in 5 years the game is good, but until then its going to be pretty shit.

spear or a polearm. but spears because they are fast in warband, fuck horses up and with upstab mod, can work relatively well in moshpits

>what the fuck is going on
roaches gonna roach

>"Lance" is a very loosely defined word.
Except it isn't you faggot.


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I'm not him, I'm just pointing out a discrepancy. He may have been talking about the big tournament "lance" but I'm just pointing out that the word lance really just meand any pointy long weapon that is usable on horses. Doesnt preclude being usable on foot.

>spouting bs
they're having issues with their site. new dev blogs aren't even posted there anymore. dev blogs can be found on steam.

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Then I sell them into slavery.


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Trump just announced you Americans will be on social distancing/lockdown until April 30th. now you have a whole month to play.

nice to see that Easter deadline worked out for him

why does everyone clip into the ground and eachother on death then? not shitposting, seriously just love ragdoll physics and get my immersion broken by death animations

>until April 30th
Are you stupid? We're all going to be in lockdown for at least 3 more months no matter where you are.

Yeah the issue is called "false advertising"

Alot of people have to still work through it. I at least got a week off for being actually sick.

beta is over now so i can't check ragdolls for you. but i thought the canned animations are a plus. can't ragdolls be modded in?

I work from home as a software developer. This virus is honestly one of the best things to happen for me
>stock market going down when I'm only now getting started, aka perfect opportunity for xboxhueg growth
>never have to deal with driving to and from work, save money and lots of time
>No one physically breathing down my neck, more productive and happier as a result
Its been a blast

Christ you are fucking annoying.
You can clearly see the first guy getting killed just ragdolls as he folds backwards, and the second one plays a death animation.
There, will you shut the fucking hell up already, you fucking autistic?
You're worse than the "nice water graphics" guy.

Always nice to see a fellow niggaknight

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they're just mad as hell because we're getting game of the decade

>ASoIaF mod confirmed
>Clan system becoming houses
>George R.R Martin on lockdown writing WoW
I'm erect. Kingdom or Arda will probably arrive first though, and that also looks bretty gud.

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>proto-turkic throat singing intensifies

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I'm a simple man. I like two handed swords and throwing knives

I'm hype but I suck at pvp. It seems harder than in warband.

Siege Crossbow and the rest of my points go into intelligence for that sweet party bonus.

It's either a lance or a spear you brainlet. And they suck too I doubt you ever played the game.

Goy of Thrones is a dogshit series. The books were always trash for normies. Lord of the Rings will always be better.

Thats not a turk weapon.

user I just searched bow on google because I will be playing a horse archer, don't be dumb

>Reading comprehension
Not him but hes quite clearly pointing out that they removed physics based ragdolls whereby bodies could pile on top of each other.

Stop being bootlicking retards.

>playing M&B for PvP
Go play Mordhau, its objectively a better PvP game.

>unlocks in 10 hours
who staying up?

My body is ready

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You don't know what you're talking about. I don't care what a game calls their weapon, doesnt change the definition of a word. Stupid faggot

I never watched the show but the books are great user, calling it "trash for normies" doesn't exactly point out it's flaws. LotR is also great but mainly because of Middle Earth as a setting and it's extensive lore. Most LotR characters are pretty boring in comparison though.

George is never going to finish WoW, it's time to accept it and move on

Mordhau is slow dogshit


Not him but a lance is defined as a longer, heavier weapon used on horseback. A spear is a shorter, easier to use weapon which can be used on foot or on horseback. You simply do not understand the terminology.

What faction are you rollan?

Personally I'm going for the patrician choice of WESTERN EMPIRE

I'm getting a good nights sleep. Wake up at 10am, two hours before release. Highly recommend it.

And M&B PvP is unbalanced and boring. No one plays M&B for PvP and you should neck yourself.

If you like that, I suggest reading Gormenghast and Gloriana. If you like the medieval fantasy concept, check out Baudolino!

I actually want to disagree, mordhau just doesnt feel as fluid as M&B does to me.

I can’t decide between going full Cato and PRESERVING THE SENATE or just being a knight with the coneheads.

Lotr is just not the same.

The word lance has nothing to do with weight or even length. I know your game says that but thats not what fighting manuscripts say, I'm sorry.

Aserai so that I might spread my desert horse lord rape across Calradia

Ima need my sleep for the next days harvest will be long

I will play SP, hopefully to marry Empress and princess.

Horse back archery of course

I like NW swordfighting but not warband besides the scimitar

>Mount and Blade
>Early access
Its going to run like absolute dogshit.