Why does it make Yas Forums seethe so much?

Why does it make Yas Forums seethe so much?

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It's an opportunity for zoomers to pretend their oldfags by crying about.

Because Yas Forums is bad at video games.

Yas Forums can't make it past the first level on UV or higher

too much focus on melee finishers

It's the best FPS of all time and Yas Forumseddit can't accept it

Because it’s a shit game and Yas Forums has every right to be upset that it doesn’t live up to its own franchise’s legacy in even the slightest way. It’s a tremendous flop that will reverberate through Bethesda’s halls for years to come.

idk, I was better in doom 2016.
Now I always have to think what weapon and then what is the weak point of every demon.
In doom 2016 everything was smoother

Doom Eternal AKA nudoom, is a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to combine what they think console kiddies and nostalgic boomers might both like.

>It’s a tremendous flop that will reverberate through Bethesda’s halls for years to come
Like the game or not you are fucking delusional if you think it sold poorly.

Isn't it the best selling game in the series or something lol

majority of Yas Forums likes it like the poll proved it's just your usual vocal minority that are literally autistic.
They can not play vydia in general and any semblance of challenge filters them.

I play on Ultra-Violence


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>Now I always have to think what weapon and then what is the weak point of every demon.
you really don't once your decently upgraded. SSG with flaming meathook is so OP you can really just swing around the arenas using that with the ice and frag nades and obliterate everything ez

Oh, I'm just about to unlock it

Because it aint Doom and i'm god damn sick of the nufags coming here and thinking they can hang. They can't hang and they'll never be one of us, they just will never be able to hang.

looks brainless and tedious, like something a teenager would enjoy playing

>Corpses don't remain
uninstalled that fit(((girl))) repack so fast


it's not Call of Duty, Battlefield, Half Life or Star Wars. BTW, Doom 2016 and Eternal shits on HL2.

The simple answer is that people who are calling doom eternal a shit game are either trolls or idiots.

because zoomers are too poor to have a gaming pc to enjoy it as intended.

flaming meathook comes with weapon mastery, but its super easy to get. get that ASAP and also the suit upgrade to refill dash quicker. totally changed the game.
also you're only a few levels in, when you're more upgraded it's way easier. the master levels have multiple cyberdemons at once in the same arena with barons of hell and pain elementals and it's cake because you're so OP with your weapons and suit upgrades

user, I have bad news...

because it's fun as fuck

the shills

Game would get laggy very quick if all the bodies and chunks stayed on the map. Do you happen to be playing on a supercomputer?

>Doom 2016 and Eternal shits on HL2.
This but unironically.

they'll move on next Friday

Looks like every other Doom game but updated for a 2020 audience. They accomplished what they set out to do

It literally runs on integrated graphics

zoomers do not use pcs. they use consoles or phones.

>Constantly cycling through weapons to get the most efficient output, while all the game's mobility to move around the arena and avoid enemy projectiles
This level of cope isn't healthy.

Garbage game

Would have refunded it but I already put 27 hours in it

2016 was bettet

>plays a game for 27 hours before realizing they dont like it

Is this bait


zoom zoom zoomer goin zoomies

>another pussy with glory kill high light on filming himself hopping around like a tard

More like play 4 hours in, realize it's average, too late to refund, then finish the whole campaign at least.

I don't know, I play on nightmarre and I even get to survive doing stupid shit like in webm related

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Nah. Yas Forums doesn't play video games. This entire board is just perpetual shitposting

Too videogamey for a board of people that dont play video games.


t. fag who is too stupid to be able to tell when an enemy is staggered so he is glory kill high light and thinks he can lecture me about fps

>run and turn to aim


>jump and aim

guess which is better for dodging shit

I just think the entire theme and story is absolute trash. Not sure how anybody could think otherwise.

Gameplay wise its totally solid.

if people dont enjoy playing like Rambo and massacring thousands of demons they're too old for video games

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So like all doom games

>dude im jumping to dodge
no jump is done here to try and look skillful but you look like a fag

The story is dumb, but the lore is actually top kino.

Shooting is literally optimal faggot, and glory kills last a second

if by seethe you mean make my penis very erect then yes this game does succeed in doing so

Some fans of the classic Doom games would've wanted something designed to be more similar to those and possibly something to address the complaints Doom 2016 received. Eternal pretty much doubles down on the differences between 2016 and classic Doom and it's even more unlike the originals, so (some) people are upset.

I'm kind of in-between. Eternal is really fun when you get into it, but I don't like the much more linear levels or the continued focus on combat arenas, or how the game is designed around giving you infinite resources mid-combat via animation sequences which make you invulnerable.

>glory kills last a second
and that's just a second too long

it's doom: overwatch edition
in fact if they made the multiplayer doom: overwatch edition it would have been better then that gimmick we have now

Which is why 2016s is better, because doomguy had the demeanor that the players wanted, they didn't fucking care, they wanted to play. He broke shit and ignored the story and was going on as straight a line as he could to the demon thumping. This new game shovels so much shit into your face, its awful. And it just so unfitting and jarring. Maykrs? Night Sentinels? King Novik? Humanized Hell priests? Floating cathedral base? Fuck off, throw by ass in hell and set me loose. The story is shit, its the antithesis of 2016, which was praised for its treatment of the story.

2016 - the story is dumb, ignore it and kill demons

Eternal - hey look at our stupid fucking backstory for everything! its terrible! le doomguy was spotted!

you can jump and spin in any direction while maintaining momentum, running doesn't allow that.

Why does it make some people seethe when you don't like the game?

Its like saying soccer requires brains.
Its instinct repetition and muscle memory, what is required to be an athlete.
Thats not what we typically call smart or requiring brains.

In games those would be the ones that dont rely on twitch movements and muscle memory but on having deep game systems that require the player to acquire a lot of information about how those systems work to try and navigate within them.

>And it just so unfitting and jarring. Maykrs? Night Sentinels? King Novik? Humanized Hell priests? Floating cathedral base? Fuck off, throw by ass in hell and set me loose. The story is shit, its the antithesis of 2016, which was praised for its treatment of the story.
Yeah the lore they added is gay. I think I know why theyre doing it, but its still gay and I don't know if it (a shared universe with Quake) will be worth it

>bro if you jump you can dodge any way you want, you totally cant run to dodge
can I laugh in your face

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Oh so your point is that while that stuff was bad in the other games they didn't try to shovel it down your throat. Alright, makes sense. I haven't played eternal yet and I'm feeling around to see if I want to. If they try to give backstory on everything in eternal then yeah that kinda goes against the core of doom which I always thought intentionally ignored that shit

i'm saying hopping has a point, especially with projectiles/rockets.

Hayden mentions a slipgate.

Feels like Hexen. But, you might be closer on with Quake, I haven't played Quake in a long time.

But yeah, the fantasy aspects they have added have rubbed me the wrong way. Now, if they wanted to make a Hexen game I could be more on board, but to this mishmash they've currently done with whatever they are doing with Doom is ass.


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You dumb fucks know that Doom 2016 tried to be half life and force you to watch/listen to dialogue and cutscenes, right? At least here you're literally given a skip button for people who give no shits for the story.

2016 gave background through the codex, and you could read it. But all the "world building" they've done Eternal is painfully, painfully awful.

Id still recommend playing it for the fun of it, though. It just doesn't even feel like a Doom game, really. The Night Senitels and entire level looks like some Eye Divine Cybermancy/40k shit.

>Doom feeling like 40k
You say that like it's a bad thing.

yeah Hayden says the core of mars is a slip gate, theres quake game boxes in Doomguy's office on the space station hub thing, etc
Im also wondering if their gonna connect Wolfenstein to it cause in young blood bj talks about there being tons of different dimensions.

Its not that it feels like OG quake, but the sentinel maps look like some of the maps from Quake Champs. And with the other references (haven't seen it yet but someone here yesterday said theres pictures of Ranger in Eternal) and the "Doom universe" line by one of the makes of the game, Im guessing theyre gonna merge the two. Just hope they don't ruin quake if they do, cause they've kinda torched dooms story with all this lore

OMG its another Doom "arena TM"

>run around in a circle for 10 minutes doing clunky parkour while metallic farting music plays, shoot a demon from time to time
>all the guns feel like ass because they're designed to stun enemies for the glory kill rather than just kill them
>need more health
>get locked into cinematic mocapped animation that has no gameplay purpose and is just there to be BADASS

Very heckin epic. Onto the next "arena" section that feels like a 1vs1 multiplayer map with some NPCs spawned into it

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2016 also had less, and shorter story content. So, it levels out. My issue is less with how you experience the story content (I can indeed stand there and listen to some exposition for a few seconds) but rather the content itself is shit. You getting what Im saying or are you still confused?


Hes right though

That's why they hate the game. They suck at it.

Well I like 40k more than Doom but an amalgam of the two really detracts from the Doom parts of the game.


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Because it's popular

>>all the guns feel like ass because they're designed to stun enemies for the glory kill rather than just kill them
The fuck? Most of the time my gun kills them too fast and I have to pepper them if I want a glory kill

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>That's why they hate the game
No I hate it because the game expands on dooms story via tacking on a bunch of other dimensional beings.

Its literally just supposed to be man vs Hell. Not Man/Sentinel/argent energy tech vs hell/makyrs/hell priests that used to be sentinels

What video games do you like to play then, user?

Yeah, not like the high IQ chess game of DOOM 1 and 2 right?