Do you have hambaga?

do you have hambaga?

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No, but I do have the ultimate argument against your pitiful excuse for a game.
As I explained in a previous thread, in the OG Doom there is an imagination factor, and you behave on your own accord. You go where you want, do what you want and this results in some “I’m so badass look at me” moments and genuine enjoyment.
In Eternal, it’s all on rails. Fucking Singilarity had less linear map design than that game. You simply die and die and die until you memorize the enemy layout and attacks, and then you proceed to wipe the floor with them, which grants some fleeting and artificial satisfaction that is quickly forgotten when you realize your brain basically did the same calculations as if you were playing a shmup. None of that was you, it was just muscle memory. NuDoom has no way to express yourself through combat, and no imagination factor due to everything being portrayed in hyper-precise, gory detail.
To explain the imagination factor I am referring to, in Old Doom, when I shoot a zombie, I can see in my head the things the bullets are doing to his innards. I can imagine him being laid out against a wall by a shotgun blast, his jaw dangling down. I can visualize when I punch something their jaw breaking, their nose bleeding. In Eternal, there is no room for this due to all of your mental cinema being replaced with cutscenes.
Nu-fun is real.

It's funny how it took DOOM, the ultimate boomer game, to weed out all th faggots and casual zoomers that swarm this Mongolian Basket-weaving forum. The amount of seething it has generated in the mere week that's been out has been as glorious to watch, as it has been pathetic looking in.
Genuinely, unironically, legitimately, you're a fucking scrub if you got filtered by Doom Eternal of all games.

imagine being this ass pained that people are enjoying a video game

>Doom Eternal
>Boomer game
Let me list for you the reasons why this is untrue:
>Flashy fortnigger color palate
>Levels so linear it’s like they copy-pasted a CoD game
>Weapons lack any sort of punch
>Pigeonholed into a single play style with no room for improvisation
>Enemies are either not a threat at all, or two-shot you with no in between
>Cartoony cheesy over-the-top story obviously directed at tweens
>Hub world
>Levels have god awful piss ugly backgrounds
>Levels are just hallway-arena hallway-arena with zero variation throughout
>Levels have a bunch of useless shit like platforming sections and platforming sections and monkey bars and a bunch of other playground shit that would be fresh in the mind of any faggot zoomer
>Did I mention the level design?


Yeah that's gonna be a seethe, cringe, have sex, dilate, shill, shook, sneed, unbased and bluepilled buzzword from me t󠛡bh fa󠛡m.

i love you guys,

Man you really can tell who hasn't played the game just by reading the thread lmao. The amount of seethe generated by this game is incredible. Helps that the game is fantastic too.

Literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY all of that is present in DOOM (1993).

>you guys
I’m one person you fucking nigger

It's literally all casual zoomers playing this game though you retard

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>t. born 2003 or later

We got banana cream pie, kid, but I can throw a patty on the grill.

>googled "BJ Banana cream pie" to get a screenshot of BJ with his birthday pie
>mfw probably should've specified Wolfenstein

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I turn 31 this year.
First exposure to DOOM was 5th grade science class.
Had sex when I was 18.
Killed a man at 20.
I'm smarter and more competent than 95% of Yas Forums, you included.

>Killed a man at 20.

>hating fun and videogames
it isnt Yas Forums is just resetera and wokefags seething

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>Nu-fun is real.
You seem like the kind of retard who'd say people having fun with a game are having "artificial fun". You should probably ask your mom why she didn't do the world a favor and abort you.

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What kind of restricted flicks did Doomguy watch before it all went down?

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Well since restricted just means R rated, and Doomguy canonically doesn't know what sex is, I'm guessing mostly action/horror movies.

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Hentai of course

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>Doomguy canonically doesn't know what sex is
Not possible. He was a jarhead after all.

This is what he really looks like

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yo bruh deadass for real doe this niggas eyes finna boutta fall off on the sides lmfao

>Green eyes instead of blue

Attached: UM-001.jpg (400x536, 116.84K)

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That looks fucking awful. How do you go from the concept art to that?

You gonna keep posting this?

Attached: 1585484126024.jpg (754x706, 142.7K)

It's a forced meme, that model is being viewed with an extremely wide angle fov. See

That's fucking weird. Does the FOV slider actually move the eyes farther apart?

No, it's perspective. The same thing happens to real faces with wider FOVs when you get close.

Attached: allsmall.jpg (1628x532, 293.32K)


Attached: file.png (651x441, 76.37K)

His eyes are still too far apart and FOV doesn't change that lmao

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Attached: DooMEternalGuy1.jpg (863x1200, 118.11K)

how do I activate this jew filter on my phone's camera?

he's got pretty eyelashes

>here's your grandfather, bro

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Attached: DooMEternalGuy2.jpg (1529x1200, 249.41K)

no, no. It's Hambur-ger

>its all the same shitty shit, just a different coat of paint
of course, the involvement of shithesda and jewmax should've been giving off red alerts way back in 2016.

you were warned, now enjoy the mess.

>When you hear the mortally challenged joke for the 87th time

Autism is a sin.

>His eyes are still too far apart
According to who?

wait, changing fov actually moves his eyes apart? kek

No, no. It's HAM-BUR-GER.

Attached: 1585033591462.png (200x240, 69.37K)

Except the ideal is that the gap between your eyes is exactly the length of one of your eyes, and DG's eyes meet that standard.

Attached: eyes.png (347x392, 158.03K)


categorically blown the fuck out

>killed a man @ 20

>When you realize people love Gordon more than you even if he is barely in new game in his series.


That was his point you fucking brainlet

>haha his eyes are too far apart

Attached: marko-jaric-headshot.jpg (600x782, 85.88K)

No, you retard, it isn't referring to in-game FOV, but rather how his face is being viewed from the model viewer's camera. Learn how FOV works.

Attached: Wait a minute...png (347x392, 151.65K)

Your eyelids are involved in the equation too, not just the eyeball.

Attached: sylvia-sidneyfeat.jpg (640x360, 24.12K)

>your eyelid isn't actually part of the eye because I say so
This reminds me of that infograph of Ryan Gosling that proves he's a 0/10 using incel science because his canthal tilt is all wrong and his philtrum is too smooth and shit.

>didn't have sex until he was 18
You're just a special kind of pathetic

People are saying its FOV, but I thought it was because his visor has refraction and they edited his model to make up for it.

Adam Driver is ugly as sin too but hoes love him, because he acts well.