Public service announcement: If you attack people that criticize a game, you're a shill, and what's worse is you're doing it for free.
Public service announcement: If you attack people that criticize a game, you're a shill...
If you criticize a game but your criticism is:
-Poorly worded
-Blatantly untrue
-Motivated by political bias
-Motivated by a sheer lack of skill at playing the game, or understanding it's genre
Or similiar, then i'm completely justified in calling you out for your poor criticism, and you shouldn't complain about me blowing your bitch ass up like a baloon.
In short, you can have your opinion, but if it's a fundamentally shitty or stupid opinion i'm gonna call you out on it, and nothing you say will stop me from doing it forever.
>w-why doesn't Yas Forums agree with me!?
>I though this was my safe space!
And they are free to call you a faggot.
If your callout is an insult or an ad-hominem instead of an actual argument, you're not calling them out and are no worse than the person you believe yourself justified in calling out.
i'm not doing it for free
you're a nigger that doesn't know english.
kill yourself
>you are not allowed to like thing
ok retard
Fucking BASED.
Nioh 2 is shit. It's a complete regression from the original. The enemies are frequently operate outside of the rules the game places on them (Tracking removing debuff doesn't prevent them from tracking you, hit detection frequently either moves ahead of the boss or lags behind them, making counters either connect when they shouldn't or not connect when they should, per boss) It's not worth a full price and should have been a half-price DLC for the first game.
I have completed Nioh 2 story, all side-missions included.
>-Poorly worded
It is well explaind and properly worded.
>-Blatantly untrue
Everything was factual.
>-Motivated by political bias
There is no political message whatsoever.
>-Motivated by a sheer lack of skill at playing the game, or understanding it's genre
I have a platinum trophy with a 100% clear in Nioh 1, and a platinum trophy with 100% clear with all the soulsborne games, namely Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, and Bloodborne.
Your move.
You shouldn't be emotionally invested into them to the point you take any criticism of them as a personal insult to the point it turns you into a vitriolic drone. For nobody's sake but your own, it's not healthy.
ok retard
No u!
You shouldn't be emotionally invested into my post to the point you take any reply to your shitpost as a personal insult to the point it turns you into a vitriolic drone. For nobody's sake but your own, it's not healthy, retard.
Rip and tear faggot.
I will rip your head off, piss down your throat and then drink my piss out of your still drinking cock.
I'll fucking fuck you so fucking hard you fucking fuck your children will fucking fuck feel fuck fucking you fuck fuck fuck.
ok retard
ok retard
All criticism is based on bias. Unless the game runs like literal dog shit it's not bad.
Games that run like dog shit
>dark souls 1
>Duke nukem forever
>metroid 2
Games from same series that run great but are called bad because lmao
>dark souls 2
>dark souls 3
>metroid prime 2
Point is if the game works as intended fuck off
Are you mad bro?
>Your move.
I don't care because i didn't even especially like Nioh 1 in the first place.
Everything you just said seems legit, i'll take your word for it.
Is angry a kind of mad?
>Unless the game runs like literal dog shit it's not bad.
You have zero standards and that's not normal
u mad?
I have more standards than you I promise but I'm not going to unnecessarily tell people to stay away from a game because I dont like x thing about it. I'm going to tell people to stay away from it because it runs like literally fucking trash. Also
>you're a faggot and that's not normal.
you can criticize the way people critizice things, dongus.
Yeah, which means that you are mad at an internet post.
Just turn 360 and walk away, like just turn off the screen bro.
ok retard
>All criticism is based on bias
What about shitposting retards that admit to not having played the game?
Oh, I'm not angry, I was just asking if angry is a kind of mad. Are you so mad you can't see I'm not mad?
Anyway, is perturbed a type of mad?
That's still bias. They hate it because they hate it. Cool move on. I dont like resident evil 2 remake because the weapons are dog shit and unrealistic but I still tell everyone to play it because it's a good game. Yas Forums is just a bunch of fags. Literally on par with reddit.
>Oh, I'm not angry
Is the exact thing someone that is mad would say, I think you are mad.
What would a person say if they're not mad?
That is something you would know if you weren't so mad.
Are you mad at me for not knowing?
I'm smug at you for being mad.
I'm mad at you for being smug.
If you can't take what you dish out then you're gay.
>don't criticize my criticism
>saying "its' shit" and blatantly lying are valid criticisms
Shut the fuck up you nigger faggot.
And so I win, get dabbed on.
How dare you reply to me
>saying "its' shit" are valid criticisms
sometimes it is, yeah. if you can't defend your game, it's shit.
But in this game winning is losing, so you're a loser.
>Someone calls a game shit.
>Can't think of a single positive thing to say about it so you attack the person instead.
>It's not valid criticism
Sounds pretty valid if you can't come up with a counter-argument for such a simple statement.
Said the loser for losing, be a good loser you loser.
Youre looser.
ok loser.
Hey user.
Hey user.
user, hey.
Ur mum
Public service announcement: baseless whining is not criticism.
>Criticizes something
>It's not criticism because I'm a shill
>calls a game "shit" without explaining why
That is literally (and I mean "literally" definitively) shitposting.
>Call a thing what it is.
>Why don't you explain why.
Nigger do I need to explain to you why water is wet?
>cant come up with valid criticisms
>call everyone shills instead
OP utterly destroyed
I'd like to see you try, yes.
>Can't come up with a single reason why it's not shit.
>It's not valid criticism
Just because you repeat it doesn't mean it'll come true. It's valid if you can't counter-argue without resorting to insults. It's as simple as that, you saying it's not valid doesn't invalidate it, but you having no counter-argument does validate it.
There's a difference between criticizing a game and being an emotional, butthurt, faggot screeching about games you hate.
Do you believe in god?
Because you touch yourself at night.
I am agnostic.
>without resorting to insults
So you're incapable of forming your own opinions. That explains things.
I'm not talking about safe space you faggot. I'm saying that if your response to a game being called shit is "You're retarded" for example, you're not counter-arguing the point, you're just arguing the person, and you can do that shit all day, it doesnt' change the fact that their point still stands and you didn't invalidate it, you just insulted them. You can insult a person all you want if you make a valid argument you dumb shit.
>Don't let theistic and atheistic religions dictate my mindsate.
>How dare you not get brainwashed, you must not have an opinion.
Based atheist brainlet.
>Got people to argue over a game without giving a game to argue over.
>you're not counter-arguing the point
All you're doing is calling a game shit. That is an insult, not a criticism.