Why dont you own a VR headset?

Why dont you own a VR headset?
Give just one good reason or else

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My apartment too tiny.

I tried it at my friends house and puked in his trash can after

I own one and wish I didn't. I haven't found any games I actually like with it.

Does VR work well for people with extremely shitty eyesight?

dont worry user, you completely get over the motion sickness after a few sessions. i get very motion sick, generally, and it took me about 6 sessions of 20 minutes before all discomfort was gone

you can get lenses that fit your eyesight, or you can wear glasses in the headset, if you have protection on the lenses. even if you are near-sighted and the lenses are close, you still need correction

VRChat, Alyx, pavlov, are my favorites

I have 4k hours in VRChat alone

Yes works better even because you can make the whole world in focus.

Index also has 144 hz. And much less god rays than oculus offerings too.

Which of these is true? I'm extremely near-sighted. Needing to fuck with additional lenses or whatever makes me want to buy a VR headset even less

im not retarded

Both of them are true. If you get lenses that are prescription you don't need glasses and you can also just use your glasses and either option makes the entire world in focus.

Hit me with some low/mid range VR sets that arent the rift OP

I have the money.
I have the required space.
I also have amblyopia...

>makes me want to buy a VR headset even less
Why? You just might have to wear glasses or pop in inserts, at its very worst it's between minimal and virtually no additional effort.

I'm sorry user. I hope when we get brain interfaces then you can enjoy VR too.

I have one
Using it for more than 10 minutes makes my face break out

Because something about virtual characters talking to me with a sense that I'm actually standing there with them makes me uncomfortable. I don't know if I'm retarded or not but I haven't used a VR since 2016 because of that.

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Kys ugly fuck

I want the resolution of the HP reverb for flight sims, but I didn't want to compromise on the controllers (Rift S was my other choice) in other games. Indecision has left me at an impasse.

I get the impression the best part of VRChat is witnessing all the insanity, which you don't even need VR for.

poorfag atm, got laid off just after christmas and couldnt find work, don't qualify for borisbux either

Dumb fuck

I don't like gimmicks, especially "interactive" ones

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i don't want peripherials that touch anything that isn't my hands.

Take a loan lmao

Go fuck yourself. I want VR, but I'm in no rush.

Dumb fuck
I bet you are ugly irl and your mother has genital herpes
What a whore

>Give just one good reason
VR games are the next generation of walking simulators. except with teleporting instead of walking.

You can use the index controllers with any headset though.

Seek medical help
Adhd kid.

i'm a poorfag. i did go to a VR cafe once on my birthday, and i liked it, so i'm saving up for VR now.

i tried riding on a bus once and puked after five minutes too. then my grandma told me the secret to this whole bullshit, and the secret is hard candy

Seek a lynch, nigger shill.

Why are you poor user?

that is for scrubs. actually being part of the insanity is where it's at

Currently don't have the money to justify the purchase. There's a lot of interesting stuff on there so it's on my list

when i had a "going into games" machine - this woulve been early 2006- i used to go into majoras mask A LOTand one of my fav things to do was fondle romani at the ranch. one of the great things about fondling video game characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognise u as a player character..its like you dont exist. but let me tell you, she smelled like SHIT. in fact everybody i that game did..I got used to it after a while but that first moment when i smelt romani up close..i was almost sick. she looks clean & nice when you see her on television but when ur there stood next to her its a different story. The machine was stolen in the end and im kinda glad. it had started to take over my life

>why are you poor
thanks to a combination of factors outside my control

Want to try to say it to my face IRL?

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You talk big shit. Watch yourselves

Fad like 3dtv.

HL Alyx is just Avatar. The swansong of the medium

windows mixed reality. these are made by different manufacturers so your mileage will vary, but they all submit to the quality standards

Nice poverty mindset you got

Why dont you try to get out of poverty instead of blaming others than your own lack of success?

>Why dont you try
this is why. i don't want to try, because "try" involves failure. i did make unsuccessful attempts to exit poverty and i'm tired of their lack of success. so until i have a way that will be successful, i'm fine as is

But youre poor and cant consume the latest tech fad. How could you say youre fine? Spending money is life!

Enjoy wasting the only life you get on living like a poor fuck

People like you make me mad

have you even tried it?

I'm poor

ok niggershill

You don't need to try it to know it's a fad.
It's literally just a different type of screen with some motion control ability linked to it.
There's nothing a VR headset can display to you which conventional displays cannot. Head movement can easily be inputted via a right-thumbstick.

Yes its awesome. But the playstyle limitations will prevent mass adoption and most game devs will always target the larger audience. Exactly like 3dtv.

that's where you're wrong kiddo. being rich is not necessary to make the best of life, this is why plenty of rich people feel unsatisfied with life.

obvious bait is obvious, but it seems like you were being ironic so you get a pass now. next time though, remember that even ironic shitposting is still shitposting

You haven't tried it.

I haven't tried eating shit either and I don't plan on it.

I only have one functional eye.

Im not rich enough to spend that amount of money on something that i barely will use

so you haven't tried it yet act like you're an expert on it. pic related
VR cafes with reasonable prices exist. go and try VR out and then say if it's shit or not

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I live in canadastan which no fucking company ships to apparently, and the ones I can find are all well over 900 fucking dollars

I didn't say "I don't like it."
I said "It cannot do anything outside of the scope of conventional displays and input methods."
Can you not read English?

Racist piece of shit

I puked playing Portal. No amount of sessions will ever help me get over my MS.

imagine making that entire image

redditnigger piece of shit

how long have you been alone?

>It cannot do anything outside of the scope of conventional displays
false. conventional displays struggle with 3d because there's only one 2d plane they use. VR uses two 2d planes, similar to our eyes.
>It cannot do anything outside of the scope of conventional input methods
also false. being able to point two guns in two arbitrary positions while looking into a third arbitrary position is nigh impossible to do with a controller or KBM without doing a lot of shortcuts and hacks. in VR it's as natural as pointing with your hands and looking with your head and eyes.

you haven't tried green eggs and ham so stop saying you know all about them. you don't even know how they work for Seuss's sake!

I'm not paying hundreds of dollars for a Wii U tier library of like 4-5 good games and then giant piles of nothing and/or garbage. If in a few years it actually starts getting more than like 2 good games a year I'll consider it.

>all genre being represented.
what games are like pic related. might be fun in VR.

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Because I literally do not care for this sort of VR. I don't understand the appeal of this sort of VR to anybody. I mean, it definitely seems to be the case that most people don't care when Samsung were handing out Gear VR headsets with all their smartphones a few years ago and people were selling them en masse on Ebay for $20 because nobody wanted them. Sure, it's not the same in terms of power, but the general experience doesn't seem to change between that point and spending $200. You're teleporting around and flicking switches or pointing at things to shoot. It got old fast, and nothing seems to have changed besides a few standout titles like Beat Saber.

Seems to me that VR is a dead end in terms of player experience until the bridge of physical limitations is snubbed out completely and the games are controlled by mental thought alone, then I'll be interested.

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Adress weak wh*toid?

The games suck

>conventional displays struggle with 3d
3d rendering has existed for decades. What do you mean they struggle? You think depth can only be displayed with a headset gimmick? You think it's impossible to tell if one object is in front of another with a conventional screen?
This isn't doing anything new for video games, it's the literal definition of a gimmick.

>being able to point two guns in two arbitrary positions while looking into a third arbitrary position is nigh impossible to do with a controller or KBM without doing a lot of shortcuts and hacks
Again, you're bringing up gimmicks. You're acting like this is some kind of revolution in gaming, being able to waggle guns like you're playing some Wii shovelware titles.
Gunplay with conventional controllers is perfectly adequate.

My problem with VR isn't that I don't like VR. It's that VR is redundant, gimmicky and ultimately (this is the big one) unnecessary.

Now stop strawmanning me.

Would have to upgrade some shit in my PC, don't give a fuck about any VR games, might buy one for porn someday but even VR porn seems shitty at the moment.

Basically just wake me when they invent holodecks.

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