>demon invasion begins in central Europe
>UAC propaganda telling people to stop resisting the demons and to "make our new arrivals feel welcome in their new home!"
>pic related
What did they mean by this?
Demon invasion begins in central Europe
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They knew what they were doing. Doom is Bethesdas right wing franchise while Wolfenstein is their left wing.
>they ditched that clean UI for that abomination in the complete game
Wolfenstein used liberal virtue signals in its marketing, but the actual game revolves around an aryan guy butchering evil foreigners to send them back to where they came from and save the United States. It's redpilled.
>you can disable individual HUD elements as well as set monochromatic color schemes to match DooD 2016
>"durr am stupid multicolor bad colors bad"
do you niggers even play the games you complain about?
its just to cause controversy
any PR is good PR
and you retards are falling for it
>do you niggers even play the games you complain about?
Have you even been on Yas Forums longer than 10 minutes?
BJ is a literal jew.
>super gore nest is in the oldest most corrupted place on earth
>it's in europe
what did they mean by this?
ok but can you make the UI look like the one in the trailer? Then shut the fuck up retard
final UI is superior
lmao nah, too kooky
you're retarded AND delusional
every time i have to squint my eyes just to see my chainsaw counter because it's the same exact color as everything else
Doom Eternal AKA nudoom, is a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to combine what they think console kiddies and nostalgic boomers might both like.
both UI's share the same issue fundamentally, far off in the corner and small.
aesthetically though, the new one is far superior, if you say otherwise, fucking seethe you shitscum, you don't deserve doom if you're as bad as you are at shooters.
nice copypasta
fuck off
please tell me about this superior aesthetic you found to be so great instead of the more fitting holo helmet based one
Why did that broadcaster bitch have a statue in hell?
desu 2016's is anything but small. at least in Eternal, though, you can adjust the size and color preset
>blocky tertiary colors with hotkeys and cooldown timers everywhere is aesthetically superior to a smooth unified style that is believable and actually fits the game's setting
being a strong white man killing evil white men for darkies is the sjw dream
bitch, that's Olivia Pierce
Is that not Olivia Pierce?
thanks for the heads up
more colorful and pleasant, and the whole "hud curvature" thing is not only derivative and cliche, but it's not as symmetrical and it's actually unnecessarily less utilitarian because of it.. even though it may not be by much.
Europeans have always been the cause of Earth's problems, so it really makes sense.
Why not just have the whole thing be fucking rainbow rectangles then, being more colorful and symmetrical doesn't mean it looks better
Isn't BJ a jew though?
glad you can change that in the settings you fucking videogamelets
nobody in this entire site plays videogames
>the new one is aesthetically superior because you can mangle it into looking more like the old one
>more colorful
the point of an UI is not to be some Simon Says shit
old one had enough colors to differentiate the different information without overdoing it
But the USA is the melting pot?
It means you should pick up a gun and shoot yourself you dumb racist
getting shot is for niggers
Not sure what you mean, unless hating demons is now racist.
might be a pasta but its spot on
Reminder that there are people so dumb that they think that the mortally challenged jokes are shots at sjws and not cloying corporate wokeness culture
I guess the entire alt right community follows this troll
They're the same thing, user.
Imagine having the Archvile as your doctor
Go back to ResetGender faggot
Makes sense, considering how alpha, good looking and powerful he is. Makes Aryan dogs lay down and roll over and hand over their most precious societal institutions.
oh dear
one is people caring (yes this is a real thing, even if it can get massively misguided)
the other is people pretending to care so their billion-dollar company can get fake brownie points from the mass-media (aka actual literal virtue signalling)
if you're one of those people who believes everyone who is progressive is virtue signalling then youre one of the dumb ones i talked about
Kill yourself.
It meant that boring a tunnel into Hell was always the goal of the masonic satanists, and that's the in-game lore explanation for why Humanity opened a portal for the demons to invade to begin with; IT WASN'T AN ACCIDENT SHUT DOWN THE SUPER HARDON COLLIDER UNDER SERN RIGHT NOW
remember that coke or pepsi kylie jenner ad? thats the sort of thing you are standing up for. go sit in the corner, you utter dunce
Get back in the oven Chaim.
indeed it is
why are you alt righters so sensitive? Are you gonna go on a shooting rampage cause someone said something bad to you on the internet?
go extinct urbanite nigger
is HILLDAWG planning on running again lmao
Fox has to continue to brainwash people into a Us/them mentality during a national pandemic so they still use the old election graphics for the new data.
ok boomer
you are aware that the DNC is a right-wing party, aren't you? as in america has shifted the overton window so much you only have right and further-right voting options
ok boomer
ok boomer
ok boomer
>wolfenstein is redpilled
The US is so left its unrecognizable. These last few generations have ruined everything the US used to be.
In the 19th century the share of the US government of the economy was under 2%.
Now the US government's gdp is about 35+% of the gdp of the economy.
The US turned from a free country into another european slave society, controlled by corporations and other interest groups through a huge all powerful government.
Education, welfare, healthcare, infrustrcuture and a gazillion other parts of the economy and your life have been taken over by a body that works through coercion as oppose to voluntary action.
Now go suck some more bernie(whos an imperialist and voted in favor of corporate welfare) dick and eat some more mainstream propoganda you lefty mule.
>demon invasion begins in central Europe
Fuck off with this invasion shit and kys. Trying to claim that demons immigrating to Earth is an invasion just shows you're a xenophobic jackass. Demons have just as much of a right to live on Earth as humans.
>UAC propaganda telling people to stop resisting the demons and to "make our new arrivals feel welcome in their new home!"
And? What's wrong with that? It fucking disgusts me that there are so many people out there that push for gender and ethnic diversity in society but as soon as we start proposing moral diversity oh geeze that's apparently a terrible idea because demons ALLEGEDLY (YES FUCKING ALLEGEDLY BECAUSE THERE'S NO FUCKING PROOF THAT THEY ALL DO IT) kill people.
>Yas Forums humor
>can bring you back from the dead
Sign me the fuck up.
Urbanites love to shit on rural folks, but when you look at these urbanites and you look into their eyes and you see that they're empty and soulless. When some godless urbanite goes off on rural people you really catch a glimpse into the state of their disgusting souls. Every liberal fag I ever met who shat on rural people was a miserable, insufferable cunt. And you look at these rural people and they're the happiest people you'll ever come across.
>And you look at these rural people and they're the happiest people you'll ever come across.
Dumb people are usually happier.
>user posts from his filthy trailer using stolen McDonald's wifi
>his coal-smeared face lights up for a moment as he hits Enter
rise up