Why did Bungie sell Halo?

Why did Bungie sell Halo?

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Because it's a shitty casual console shooter among a sea of them and the only good thing about the Universe is the lore and books and visual designs. Also the fanbase was too cancer for their taste, the zoomers of their time.

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Because they didn't want to keep being the halo house. On top of their games, shitty books and comics kept ruining the story, so they decided to start new.

They didn't sell the ip, they just didn't want to fight microsoft for it when they were already working on destiny.

Their contract ended up being 4 games last I remember. As much as they probably liked doing Halo I imagine they wouldn't wanna do it forever.

You forget that there wasn't that many FPS games when Halo 1 came out it made them popular years before COD got huge

They wanted money, and Bill Gates outbid Steve Jobs.

>Casual shooter
>an arena shooter
Imagine outing yourself as a retard for all to see

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>there wasn't that many FPS games when Halo 1 came out
Nigger do you know how many FPS games I had on my PS1 and it came out in 1994?

>console arena shooter with console handicaps for console controllers so consolekiddies can feel better than they actually are playing it
Fixed that for you.

Halo is anything but casual. I know you wanna be a hardcore contrarian but at least try harder why don't you.

>among a sea of them

Halo CE wasn't the first shitty console shooter, but it was the first console shooter to hit the mainstream.

gotta say i'm loving the revisionist history where children pretend halo wasn't babies first fps until mcc was announced for pc where all of a sudden it's this deep complex arena shooter on par with quake

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>Gets called out for being a retard
>W-well it's on console C-chekmate

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If Bungie is so great why haven't they done anything after Destiny?

They sold the IP. The contract they signed with Microsoft at the very beginning stipulated that Microsoft retain all rights to the franchise.

So they made a game with worse lore, combat, systems, UI and lobby matchmaking?
Oh wow they have raids... who fucking cares.

Destiny killed Halo Bungie. I don't think anyone is left.

>Halo is anything but casual.
Ah yes, the meme statement that only started appearing on Yas Forums in around ~2011, while the shit was unanimously considered casual kiddie shit for 8 years before that.
Spare me your headcanon user.

>tries to call out someone
>by adding arena shooter as labels as if that changes it being a console shooter which is casual by definition
Noice kiddie, keep it up.

>There was a period where we were going to work on a game with Peter Jackson. We had what we called the three buckets—Halo 3, the Peter Jackson game, and Halo 4. We had to fill those three buckets in order to be completely independent, and own our own IP. We officially became our own business around then, but we still had our contractual obligations with Microsoft.
Contract with Microsoft.

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>why haven't they done anything after Destiny?
no marty

Oh so was it was sold before they ever finished the first game, thought they meant during their departure.

>Why did Bungie sell Halo?
They never owned it in the first place MS always did there was nothing to sell. That being said they got away from Microsoft because they wanted to make something that wasn't Halo. Though ironically Destiny has a ton in common aesthetically to Halo. Now that they are out of their publishing deal with Activision I would like to see them make a game that isn't just a futuristic space themed shooter.

>when people having an easier time beating GAYLO games on highest difficulties than they do Zoom Eternal
So much about gaylo.

Just take the L you retard nobody ever said it was complex or compared it to quake which you are obviously bringing up cause you are losing the argument. But it's anything but causal arcade. And being on console doesn't somehow change that.

it was actually 3 games, and the original third game to close out the trilogy was supposed to be entirely different from the Halo 3 they put out, which was just Halo 2's ending. They've never said what their original plans were and Marty is still sour grapes about it.

Halo 3:ODST started transitioning the IP to Microsoft's control.

Being on console changes everything considering handicaps are introduced and AI is made dumber and more retarded to fit the slower aiming and slower response of console kiddies.

Gaylos difficulty comes from the weapons being garbage

Exactly. In return, Microsoft sunk just about everything they had into Bungie at the time. Anything Bungie needed, they just about got (except the final extension they asked for to complete Halo 2 as they intended).

It's a casual a-arcade shooter only zoomers p-play

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But Destiny is even shittier than Halo
I would understand wanting to break free to try something different, but they just left to do a watered down version of the same game

cant give a good answer but destiny sure sucks by comparison

>If Bungie is so great

lol not anymore, not in a long time. activision "reformed" the entirety of bungie during 2013. seats were filled and alot of people that didn't play ball were fired.

>Tfw Halo infinite comes out and outsells Doom on in the first week

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>being on console doesn't somehow change that
any shooter designed with consoles in mind is casual trash by default

Let's face it. Bungie got lucky with CE & 2, and it somehow went downhill after. I thought Reach would be the lowest point.

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Speak after it happens booboo, not before.
Also whether its difficulty stands up to Zoom is also open to discussion, after it happens and not before.
Too bad however that Doom is on at least 3 more platforms than HALO Infinite which kind of fucks up your mental mathcanon.

I never knew Halo pissed off Yas Forums this much. Gonna have to start posting more often about it. Can't wait for Infinite.

Infinite Letdowns?

This. Destiny is cancer to the max.

If their incompetence on MCC's development is of any indication - yes.

Halo Legendary difficulty is boring as fuck and just requires you to know what weapons to take (usually long range weapons) and pick enemies off at a distance and constantly hiding because your shields are made of tissue paper. Doom Eternal's nightmare difficulty requires you to stay mobile and control the arena and it's fun and exciting as fuck. Halo Legendary was always a boring meme difficulty.

Doom is not going to outsell Halo Infinite user despite being on more platform. Halo tends to sell more copies in general. You are fooling yourself and I don't even like either games.

The pc mcc is being done by a skeleton crew . you honestly think they'd give the port more than a skeleton crew of interns when infinite is the main project?

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Microsoft always owned Halo.

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>Speak after it happens booboo, not before.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA He actually thinks Infinite won't shit on doom in sales

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Whose? 343 or SBL? These are the two devs working on Halo Infinite.

343 Industries portfolio descending order:
Halo: Fireteam Raven
Halo Recruit
Halo Wars 2
Halo Wars: Definitive Edition
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo: Spartan Strike
Halo: Spartan Assault
Halo 4

SBL portfolio descending order:
Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas
Halo 5: Forge
TASTEE: Lethal Tactics
Age of Mythology: Tale of the Dragon
Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms
Grandia II Anniversary Edition
Parade Runner
Protocol Zero
Military Masters
Project Spark
EA Sports UFC
Rise of Nations Extended Edition
Other random shit i've never heard of.

Damn, two devs of the highest quality and FPS experience working on Halo Infinite. Nothing like putting RTS developers who excel at that to waste their skills on FPS, akin to Massive Entertainment having their talents wasted on Assassins Sheet.

Managerial incompetence is still incompetence.

Considering Halo 5 still hasn't sold over 5 million copies I'd say that's up in the air

>Halo kiddies have to attack Doom to cope with the fact their favorite franchise is rapidly losing relevance.

Infinite was supposed to finally get its big gameplay reveal at E3 this year and thats not even happening anymore. Game is gonna bomb.

I'd expect them to care just a little bit more than to put out a blatantly half-baked, broken bundle of ports in a fancy wrapper. People buy it anyways and then defend them for the privilege of taking their money.
God forbid anybody call them out and hurt their feefees - "making games is hard"

But it's even worse when you consider that the people producing it are just working the hand their senior management dealt them.

Halo is not a fucking arena shooter, you worthless zoomer filth.

Are you saying Legendary could be fixed if they made the enemies more aggressive, mobile, and turned it into a bullet hell FPS?

>any game where it is possible to dodge projectiles is a bullet hell now

Sounds actually fun. Halo legendary is just sitting back safely as far as you can and playing "point and click on enemy heads" until the game is over. Halo's higher difficulties are awful and just makes every weapon except plasma pistols and precision weapons impractical.

Because nuBungie is a shit studio.

Other studios used to call Bungie "Microsoft's spoiled child" in the 00's for good reason and things only broke down because MS Studios were interested in Destiny being their next game and Bungie had already pitched it, but the Xbox Leadership team circa 2009 (Back then MS studios and Xbox leadership were entirely different orgs with guns trained on each other) wanted more Halo and Bungie wanted out.

>most of us were against a sequel
>game was literally ended to imply a sequel is in the works

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Doomfag made the first post though?

They got lucky with 3 too.

It will be revealed in May or June, Doom bitchboy.

Can't wait for both Halo Infinite and Metroid Dread to shit on Zoom Eternal on release.

I don't understand why people say this dumbass shit. The fact that Destiny turned out shit has fuck all to do with the fact that they were tired of churning out Halo games.

I don't see how Destiny was anymore fulfilling creatively than a Halo sequel would have been. It's the same shit.

If they had went on to make a fantasy RPG or something I would agree but another sci-fi shooter was super gay.

Plenty of media do that though
Pic related

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I can't speak to modern Halo lore, but I genuinely enjoyed it in the early days. It's a setting with just enough thought put into it that you can get invested into the finer details like the history of the different species, or the specs of different UNSC capital ships.

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>Metroid Dread
>Doing better then Doom

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Ahahahaah cope harder retard
Doom Eternal is KING baybeh

Agree with what? They just didn't want to make Halo anymore. Okay, they made another shitty sci-fi shooter, bad decision maybe, but at least it was their own decision and not cause they had no other choice.

Agree with their line of thinking.

>Stop Halo cause you're bored of it
>Do something completely different

That makes sense.

>Stop Halo cause you're bored of it
>Do the same shit

Doesn't make sense. Actually it does make sense financially but not in any other way.

It’s still pretty good but now the books have to build around the absolutely shit story of 5. Pretty sure they are working themselves to death to prevent Halo from being Star Wars’d.

>Make Halo
>Drop Halo goldmine because they want to make something else
>Create Destiny
>Becomes who-tier in 1-2 years

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Their line of thinking was that they didn't want to be owned by Microsoft anymore and forced to churn out Halo games forever. Destiny may be similar but it isn't Halo and Microsoft doesn't own them. What do you not understand about this?

Halo isn't in a much better situation honestly. 4 and 5 killed the franchise so hard that even the MCC on PC hasn't been able to revive it.