Nioh 2

Fuck Mitsume Yazura grabbing the host edition

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I need to fap now

Saw a lvl 1 grave at one of the dawn missions today, rest easy lad.

How terrible would it be to play through the entire game naked? 1 shot by everything?

>Diablo loot
>No interconnected single world
>No PvP
>Straightworward narrative
It literally didn't fix any of the problems that ruined Nioh 1.

Redpill me on this game, Yas Forums.
Why should I play it instead of just replaying Sekiro?

Go play dork souls instead of ruining other games.

After the first zone possibly.

Because you've beaten Sekiro, possibly charmless and want something new to sink your teeth into.
If an ahistorical fantasy that possibly shares the Ninja Gaiden universe sounds appealing then by all means, jump in.

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You'll get one shotted by most things anyway.

Except someone who played Sekiro won't find Nioh good.
Nioh is just too archaic and videogamey to be enjoyed.

I mean, you're wrong as I have played Sekiro and still enjoy playing Nioh.
Taste is subjective and while Sekiro has a good combat system I like Nioh's stance-based system.
Also, since when has a videogame being videogamey ever been a bad thing?

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>Hide sends a poor man insane by feeding him shit
Hide is ruthless.

When I tried Nioh I found the stance and ki-pulse systems to be too convoluted and cumbersome. Maybe I could have endured it if the rest of the game wasn't terrible on so many levels. Comparing it to Sekiro's almost perfect combat system is an insult to Sekiro.

>Also, since when has a videogame being videogamey ever been a bad thing?
It's a bad thing because it ruins the immersion and the atmosphere. The Souls games, Bloodborne and Sekiro's seamless transition between areas makes you feel you're in the middle of an adventure larger than life, that you're a traveler or an archeologist finding the secrets of the world.
Nioh forcing you to a level selection screen every hour reminds you that you're playing a videogame (and a bad one on top of that).

I mean, he offers an all-important elixir first.
But the dude doesn't want it and would rather eat literal shit.
So whatever.

>videogame is videogamey

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all of the things you listed are what makes the game better, I definitely wouldn't play it, if it didn't have the loot system

You're putting in a lot of effort here but Sekiro is far from a perfect combat system. Its a great combat system where rhythm and timing matter, but its not perfect.

Also, the mission select screen isn't a bad thing. Interconnected worlds are nice but Nioh is an a-historical fantasy where you're moving to different areas of the country. Participating in different battles or running around historical sights.
It has no reason to have an interconnected world, especially when the game takes place over the span of decades. Again, its not a bad thing that a game feels like a game.
Its a great game, why wouldn't I enjoy that feeling.

Of the many legitimate criticisms you could lay on Nioh 2, you instead hone in on the fact that it isn't a souls game. If you're bothered by that, then go play souls.

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Only issue I have with this game is that red attacks can remove your i-frames. You're supposed to be invulnerable during a killing blow or a grapple but red attacks remove the i-frames

Still not sre if it's a bug or meant to be that way but if it's the latter it removes a few skills from being used

>Still not sure if it's a bug
Bug apparently.

>I definitely wouldn't play it, if it didn't have the loot system
Said by absolutely no one ever.
Diablo loot is not only what ruined the series but what kept it from being genuinely commercially successful: the first game sold on its lifetime, on both PS4 and Steam, what Bloodborne sold the first year and Nioh 2 pretty much bombed.

Just fought Maeda, turns out he's got a couple of spear skills I need to farm him for. Is there a duel mission or something shorter later on or do I have to run this mission over and over?

>If you're bothered by that, then go play souls
Don't worry I will.
In fact I haven't replayed Sekiro in six months, but I think it's the time to start a new savefile tonight. It will be my personal "fuck you" to Nioh.

I hope Danjo never leaves the Interim. He feels like family now. Like that cool uncle.

>my personal "fuck you" to Nioh.
If this was intentional then you are so fucking funny

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Never finished Nioh 1 and picked it up again recently. Should I finish it and go to 2 or just jump to 2? I'm around level 70 and just beat the white lion thingy

I dropped some A++ scaling nodachi at Ice guy farm.
Tell me if there is a better place for share

>Tfw Tokichiro helps you out in the final boss and gives you encouragement.

Fucking brilliant game.

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"I'm coming to ride to the rescue!"
Not gonna lie, I teared up when he kept cheering you on.

Jump to 2 already, man. If not you will burn out before actually playing the better game

>Straightworward narrative
>It literally didn't fix any of the problems that ruined Nioh 1.
The narrative was a fucking mess in Nioh 1. Even as someone with knowledge about the time, famous people and the clans it was hard to follow because it was just *insert famous person without explanation or context* for current mission.

Mataza Of The Spear unlocks in the next zone after

Well you felt like William then.

Why does 2kat has 4 boss skills while several other weapons have only 1? Fucking bullshit.

Sweet, thanks.

Play 2 immediately. Aside from the death music, it's better than 1 in every way.

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How many regions are there? i'm at the 5th


Jump right in to 2, if you're worried about missing out on any story don't be.

>doesn't even have a system where limbs are actually ripped or cut off
what a shit game

You already get one shot by shit regardless.

Because the devs are fanboys of Miamoto Musahi.

Is izuna drop in nioh 2?

In 1 I guess part of it was intentional because we were playing as William in a kind of "stranger in a strange land" kind of plot.
It worked quite well and sure as shit got me invested in the world.

>found a benevolent named Chilly Jubei
>full heavy armor except for pants and boots

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Not, at least not yet.
Remember that Nioh 1 only got that in the final DLC along with Hyabusa Ninpo.

One Eyed Dragon set looks good. worth farming the text?

>go sneak up behind an enemy
>they are programmed to back attack anyway

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If you like 2kat.

Tokichiro is a dumbass who got his lust for power get the best of him, what a fag.

Is it ever explained why we cant die in 2?

To be fair, he only started going loopy when Okate implanted the idea into him.
Then the Amrita did its thing where it corrupts people, then it all spiralled out of control.

Special sword grants immortality

I do

Your dagger is bound to you, and it's made from the sword that Saito Dosan used to slay Yokai. It gives eternal life.
That and you're half-Yokai, you probably outlive most mortals anyway.

Its the same reason Mumyo doesn't age.
Don't read the spoiler unless you've beaten the game.

Then its absolutely worth farming, its a good medium set.
It drops from Miura Anjin. Have fun.
Its a medium set if you were wondering.

Reminder that Shibata is not a unfair boss and in fact has really well balanced tells that aren't too hard to grasp but still require quick reactions. You didn't lose because he's "bullshit", you lost because you aren't good enough yet.

Medium? I wonder if I can let go of my heavy swordmaster set

He's there to force heavy armors to learn how to dodge, and light armors how to block. Pretty well designed imo after I cooled off from my butthurt

Game should have done a better job at showing the oda leadership power struggle. After Nobunagas dead Tokichiro just wants to centralise power and carry on. Nobunaga wanted to unify the whole country and everyone was fine but when Tokichiro wants to do the same and carry on it was suddenly bad and all former allies fight against him.

>Miura Anjin

Ask yourself if you're willing to lose half your health on hit vs. get tickled.
Also as yourself if you're willing to live dangerously.

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First boss in the Afterglow section of the map user, Miura Anjin.
William Addams was known as the Anjin of Miura when Tokugawa gave him a title, to this day there is a festival celebrating that moment.

The difficulties of the game come from only really having Hide's perspective.
Lots of people complain about doing all the heavy lifting and being in an unequal partnership because they don't see the work that Toki does. Namely getting information, commanding troops and taking part in meetings and councils to decide battle plans.
He really was the brains to our brawn.
As a result the resulting power struggle that ensued after Nobunaga's death was meaningless to the plot because what was happening was between Hide and Toki.

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I want to go to that festival. I wonder if Nioh made the festival more popular.
Sengoku Basara 2 made Kojuro a lot more popular in Japan too and people toured his homeland a lot.

This freak just did this to my Hide
I've never seen someone moan like that once it threw her

I guess I'll wait for the inevitable complete edition. The wait is going to be a pain because I really enjoyed the demos

Same, I hope its a good festival.

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>because what was happening was between Hide and Toki.
But what really did happen? He came to help Hide and Hide left. Now the traitor says he must die. After that Hide comes back and Toki still wants to be friends and Hide kills him. Hide betrayed Toki. Yes YinYang balance bullshit. The whole time no one gave a fuck about this but suddenly the traitor is the one Hide listens to...

Give some other samurai games a shot in the meantime.
Even if you gotta emulate.

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>since when has a videogame being videogamey ever been a bad thing?
This is something fucking autists forget too often, most recent example being doom eternal

>>>>>>>>>my Hide
His Hide now

>Hide is ruthless.
That's why Hide is getting bullied so hard now

Hide saw the same Guardian Spirit that Otakemaru had, so they knew something was up.

Toki was acting oddly since after Hide killed his brother, since he became a general and wouldn't talk to Hide about it.
Not that a mute is much good at conversation, but the point is that Toki was being corrupted by Amrita as evidenced yet more by how he was casually popping it during his first boss fight.

Hide didn't want to have to kill Toki, neither of them want that and it shows. Toki is pretty much the only guy that Hide kills on screen that he is overtly respectful towards the death of.
Not even Shibata or Azai get that respect.

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Hide thought Tokichiro betrayed them (because he had the same spirit as the bad guy). It didn't help that Tokichiro just casually stabbed a man in front of Hide (when Tokichiro is shown to be a coward and afraid of fighting).
Hide decided to follow their heart and felt they had a responsibility to the world.

I mean its a question that's worth asking given the shitposting around "cinematic" games and games that have gameplay.
My only gripe with Doom Eternal is the platforming sections feel oddly out of place but in combat I don't care because it adds wild verticality.

Based Mitsume stealing waifus

That man he casually stabbed was a traitor.

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