>this is now the only non canon doom game
What a piece of shit
This is now the only non canon doom game
Why does it matter if something is canon or not? It's all make-believe anyway.
doom series has an overarching canon storyline?
Coincidentally it's also the only good Doom game.
1,2, 64, doom 2016 and doom eternal are all one extremely long timeline, with at least one timeline jump during, and the doom guy living an unknown length of time between games
Weak bait, Doom 3 was objectively bad
Doom 3 BFG with all the codes to open the vaults is legit one of the top 10 best games of all time.
Shut up faggot
Doom Eternal AKA nudoom, is a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to combine what they think console kiddies and nostalgic boomers might both like.
Then why was the soul cube in 2016 and eternal? Doom guy is aware of what doom 3 bro did.
Who cares? Doom story is shit anyways, especially nu-doom.
Incredible. Zoomers really have overrun the board.
That and boomber hipsters. Which is the shittiest person I don't know.
doom 3 starts off so strong and then turns into
>walk into room
>switch from flashlight to gun
>monsters crawl out
>there will never be more than 3 monsters on screen at the same time except the really small easy to kill ones
>switch to flashlight
>move onto nest room
and stays like for like 10 hours before ending.
Doom 3 has literally one of the worst feeling and sounding shotguns in videogames in a series renowned for having great shotguns, no wonder it got sidelined.
Doom 3 is the only Doom game that has aged terribly. It was a technical marvel at the time, but now it's ugly and boring as fuck to boot. Doom 64, System Shock 2, FEAR, and Dead Space all do everything it tried to do but massively better in every way. Doom 3 is kind of worthless as a game now.
FEAR has aged pretty poorly as well.
i mean he made games that were much, much worse
fucking what
you have not played FEAR recently, the gunplay is still 10/10 and the lighting is better than most modern AAA games
it still has shit level design and the textures are bland, but they are ultimately minor if the core gameplay is still a master of its field
You must have never tried the shotguns in eternal. Less punch than a quadriplegic.
Isn't this the Tom Hall vision for the original Doom?
I don't really see how the core gameplay is all that good.
the good thing is the slowmo button, that's it.
the guns, the levels, and the enemies are all meh as hell
This but unironically
>giving a shit about anything except the gameplay
are you a fucking faggot?
Nah, its combat is still incredibly fun and visceral and the lighting, damage decals, dust and particle effects still look really great even to this day. Doom 3's combat was never good.
god, shut up faggot
>you have not played FEAR recently, the gunplay is still 10/10
What does this even mean? Taht the bullets go where you aim? It's boring as fuck dude. It's extremely linear, very low enemy numbers very slow pace, lots of cut-scenes you can't skip because they are half life styled like you even admit to the bad level design. And the only positive you can say about it is "the gunplay is good". Yeah dude it and about 9000 other games with guns. Means jack shit if the game is boring and unengaging with its main gimmick ripped off from other games. Bullet time got old real fast and that hasn't changed.
The level design and atmosphere were good. The thing I don't really enjoy about nuDoom is the all the platforming.
Don't forget
>literally spin around constantly while moving between areas because monster closets spawning shit behind you
>implying implications
It's an easter egg. Unless you want to argue that Half-Life, Duke Nukem, Halo, etc. all take place in the Doom universe because of the bookshelf.
>Level design
>Not related to gameplay
You dumb nigger
>the guns and enemies are meh.
Get the fuck out of here. I'll give you some of the level design can get repetitive, but FEAR has some of the best gunplay and humanoid enemy AI ever.
He's right though
but shut up though?
You must have never played Eternal either, because the shotguns all have decent range and kill shit really good and have great alternative firing modes. Also the super shotgun is still king in Eternal and feels fucking great with the addition of the meathook.
I am a gay nigger jew and I don't like Doom
reminder that the Slayer is now canonically a jewish virgin hopped up on alien space god energy
Doom 3 was fucking awful anyways, high pc requirements for the time, boring combat, boring story, it's on par with doom 64.
Of course its canon. Its just not important anymore.
I thought the shotgun sucked complete ass until I found the combat shotgun mod.
>the guns, the levels, and the enemies are all meh as hell
the guns are ultimately tame design wise, but the satisfaction of shooting is top tier. the nail gun, the shotgun, even the AR have sound design thats beyond impeccable and just makes even the most tame shootouts a particle-effects fuckfest
the enemies are.... m8 have you not seen the myriad of AI analysis of FEAR? sure they're just dudes, but they flank you non stop and work as a team in a way most modern shooters dont even come close to
> It's extremely linear
not a negative for a shooter
> very low enemy numbers
yes but the AI is designed to hunt in packs and fuck you up as a result
>slow pace
do yo have ADHD?
>And the only positive you can say about it is "the gunplay is good". Yeah dude it and about 9000 other games with guns
no actually most shooters have shit gameplay. the sound design is awful and the very act of taking down enemies is unsatisfying. killing a single enemy in your average gun game is unimpressive and not worth considering, but in FEAR they explode into blood effects, get nailed to walls, or even get electrocuted to the point where they are literally a skeleton
the slo-mo is actually the least interesting part of combat you fucking nonce
>with its main gimmick ripped off from other games
assuming you mean slow-mo, im sorry it did it the best for an FPS after your beloved max payne
Jump off a cliff shill
>Signs it anyway
Apex Chad
have you not seen how even the compact rooms in that game tie to the AI?
are you fucking retarded?
In my headcanon Doomguy is the result of a Nazi breeding program and Blazkowicz was sent to Auschwitz where he died an emaciated weakling
DOOM 3 was always shit. 2016 and Eternal being consolized garbage won't change that.
I liked using the pistols but there was like barely ever ammo for it compared to other guns so i rarely got to use it. the shotgun doesn't feel that satisfying though ive used more satisfying ones like killing floor 1
Make me, you tortanic faggot.
>no actually most shooters have shit gameplay. the sound design is awful and the very act of taking down enemies is unsatisfying. killing a single enemy in your average gun game is unimpressive and not worth considering, but in FEAR they explode into blood effects, get nailed to walls, or even get electrocuted to the point where they are literally a skeleton
Oh no no no no
Doom 3 was a good game. It was just a bad doom game because it focused on the horror aspect and not run and gun.
based devs knowing doom3 is a piece of shit that should be forgotten
Im liking the game so far, but I think it´s too long? I mean, Im 10 hours into it, that´s not too much, but the you are always on the same dark hallway fighting the same demons... Im tired at this point.
Im on Lab Delta 3 (I think), I killed 3 Arch-viles... How much to get to the end?
good counter argument you cuck
They gutted the fuck out of the guns in FEAR 2. SMG went from being a nice bullet hose to shitty assault rifle.
>"You're like a pizza at an anime convention, she wants to consume you."
I never finished this garbage.
You're about half way through the game, about to enter the Hell segment. I will say Doom 3 has the best presentation of Hell, imo.
>m8 have you not seen the myriad of AI analysis of FEAR?
Yes, the ones that show you that the AI is mostly smoke and mirrors with them calling out their "tactics" as the main wow factor. Your point?
Also if you're playing the og 2004 release of Doom 3, there are many mods and overhauls that fix the game for the most part. The game looks excellent even by modern standards with the wulfen texture packs and properly configured sikkmod settings with relief mapping.
There's a modpack/overhaul called Absolute HD (?) that I think I liked the best, and it expands on the wulfen/mono texture packs that were left unfinished.
>It was just a bad doom game because it focused on the horror aspect and not run and gun.
>not run and gun.
Did you even leave Mars city?
god, shut up faggot
How is 64 canon?
Takes place between 2 and 2016.
They're probably playing the game slow and methodical on an easier difficulty.
Play on Nightmare, and move as fast and as freely as the level design lets you while mowing down the baddies that pop in around you, weaving through projectiles, and playing whack a mole with zsec officers. Doom 3 plays much like the rest of the series if you move fast and never stop moving forward.
My cranium howitzer is Doom 1 = Doom 3.
Also again, if you're playing the 2004 release of D3, there are mods that improve enemy AI behavior while rebalancing emcounters to make them more involved.
It wasn't absolute HD, I think it was Doom 3 Redux actually.
FEAR2 is shit, yes
lmao what a fag
>long hair
>black nail polish
tranny fuck
>Liking Doom 3's gameplay
This is hyper contrarianism