Is the campaign worth playing?

Is the campaign worth playing?

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i finished it when i bought it so many years ago and for the life of me i can't remember anything.i remember single player missions from moh,cod and even older battlefields like i played them yesterday
so no you ain't missing anything

Not really unless you're interested in some extremely vague references to 2142.


wait what

Yes, because you can unlock the P90, QBZ-95, and some LMG if you finish the campaign.

Attached: Battlefield 4™_20191020064811.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Is this still active online on console?

Do you like the REX revolver, M249, P90, or the QBZ? Then be prepared for an experience that's worse than unlocking the Co-op guns from BF3

Battlefield 3 and 4 are prequels to Battlefield 2142 and its expanded upon in the multiplayer. Russia forms the East Asian faction the rest of Europe fights against and you see their signs in their laboratories during the US fight against them in the Siberian maps.

Yes. BF3 and 4 are still active on console.

I stopped at the carrier level. It's dumb.

Yeah, its good, you fight chinks. So relevant too.

I was sad whem dima kicked it.

Good luck getting past that underwater section.

Only the first mission.

changing the FOV is fuckey
but getting to pop the mainland chinese with the scar-H is fun

I'm about to get back into bf1 after not playing it for a while. I was really good at it back when I played it, let's hope I'm not trash now.

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you shoot chinks, i think it's worth

I think the PS3 has even more players than the PS4 version. Makes since because PS3 is super easy to pirate and has free online.
I have no idea about the xbox versions but I'd assume they're alive too.

Why couldnt they carry on making comfy battlefield games like bad company instead of that popo one i cant even remember the name of and trannyfield 1?

You shoot chingchongs, get to see dima die a free man, and see some nice eye candy with the graphics

Only if you're into graphics porn. Gameplay-wise, no.

Black Ops apparently has a bunch of players, but I can never find a damn game online.

They've said multiple times they don't know why people liked Bad Company.

The swimming sections are bugged to fuck

Cold War aesthetic.

That's why I stopped playing it. I thought it was just me.
My character just would not swim forward.

Aside from the ending and beginning I remember nothing about the single player -- not even the character's names. I only played it to unlock the guns for multiplayer like said. Makes me sad that we'll never again see a singleplayer with as much soul as Bad Company.

wish they would ditch the campaigns altogether, waste of resources

Because it's campy, fun, and struck a good balance between absurdity and seriousness.

Good stories, genuine humour, likable characters, great mp. They just had to follow the formula, how hard could it be?

I thought the campaign was great actually.

the intro is pure kino

fistfight segments were kinda fun

Wasn't BF4 was supposed to be 2143?

>battlefield campaigns

The biggest problem with the frostbite games.

Hardline had the best campaign.

Unfinished pile of shit. The only AAA game I've ever played where it was hard to finish the game due to bugs

What are your matchmaking settings? Apparently you have to set it to no filters if your NAT's a certain way.
Sometimes I assume the players are just bots until one of them calls me a nigger or gets in a fight with his wife while playing

>that fucking bug where you would lose all of your campaign progress if you dared to play multiplayer

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It wasn't worth playing when it released

No, it's terrible

>is this buggy and nonsensical tutorial worth playing

>forced to replace the campaign twice because of progress would delete itself or fall through map at certain checkpoints
It was infuriating but that M249 was so sweet it was worth it

Yeah absolutely it is, I usually setup a spotify playlist full of some DNB or IDM to get me going. Shit's a lot of fun when you get some music going tbqh.

I got no filters on that I know of. It says my NAT is moderate for some reason though.

this is the only reason

>some LMG
Literally the M249 SAW you fucking NIG-

Attached: 1619397-m249_fn_minimi_dm_sd_05_05342.jpg (1720x1160, 547.4K)

theres a dlc in 2143, but no bf4 takes place in 2014

Its still in the game and it makes me mad as fuck. Ive replayed the campaign like 7 different times because of it. You would know your data got erased because loading in between multiplayer matches would take a bit longer than usual.

i remember i enjoying it a lot, the first chapter is great

not really

its pretty much dead on PS4

and near death on xbox

sometimes you get lucky and catch an op metro server

there really isn't a point to it on consoles with CoD have 64 player conquest with vehicles.

>tfw will never unlock the M60 because you have to get a bunch of vehicle kills on a dlc map there are literally no servers for


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CoD's ground war is shit compared to conquest. Literally 10x the spawn camping, snipers, and tank whores killing 50 people every match.

I know exactly what you're talking about its that segment where you get into the ship and you go underwater. If it breaks and you have the bug where for no reason at all swimming foward barely functions you just have to fight it. It might suck you backwards but you gotta rub against the wall and you can still inch yourself foward little by little. Keep moving forward and eventually youll make to the end.

Modern Warfare is broken and horribly designed in basically every way except the guns. Even the campaign is meh tier, theres only like 3 genuinely good missions and everything in between is boring monotony. It's overrated as fuck

>Modern Warfare is broken and horribly designed in basically every way except the guns
sounds to me like you're just shit lol
let me guess your K/D, 0.89?

16.0 against ur mum's gash kid

just uninstall boomer, you dont have what it takes to play MW

oh yeah the high octane gameplay of Call of Duty: Definitely Different This Time™

No shit, i'm talking about the original development plan was bf4 being set in 2143.

It's dogshit anyway. With the insane latency inherent in battlefield games the only thing in the game that matters is fire rate, and it's fire rate is atrocious.

>bf4 takes place in 2014
2020 actually.

oh yea, i thought only the last dlc with the flying tanks were in 2020 for some reason

try not to have a stroke mid post next time and i might be able to understand you

perhaps you should git gud

(forgot to reply directly to you...)

Fuck you it's not about the stats it's about having a fucking M60

>map ripped straight from the campaign
Didn't this shit end like, a decade ago?

fuck off

are consolefags brainded? that position in the bus is one of the most vulnerables of this map, why doesnt anyone rush him?

>it's not about the stats
It is when you're standing 5 feet away from somebody and it still takes 5 seconds to kill them

>posting your own shitty console gameplay

why even bother

Modern Warfare made laugh on how much it made Russians fucking seethe. Which is funny since they weren't the main focus of the story despite being the occupying power and they weren't THE bad guys considering it was the terrorist the US was working with.

Russian trolls went on full blast here too.