What do you think of the Wolfenstein series?

What do you think of the Wolfenstein series?

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Boring western shit

fucked apart dead thing

It was good, now it's cringe

Very good with a few missteps.

My ancestor :)

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RtCW is a sharp peak.

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FAS guy

Now post the one with corrected FOV.


Mein lieben!


It was good but faggots and niggers ruinned It.

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who are those guys?

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It was ok
Now it's yikes


Block head ass

>not including Billy from Wolfenstein 09
Op is a fag

Still, I like the series. Never have finished Return to Castle Wolfenstein (did finally buy it and may play it soon)
New Colossus I couldn't finish. Stopped when BJ said come get some you white fascist Nazi pigs
I could no longer take it seriously after that. Shame cause New order was good.
I even like Wolf 3D as old as it is.

Wolf 09 with cheats on like all attachments for guns is great. Honestly don't get why no one talks about it

Attached: wolf09.jpg (400x222, 15.53K)

Triggers Yas Forums so its worth it for that.

2009 still has the best guns in the series.

It was on track to being as good as nu Doom, but they fucked it up.

Disregarding politics (it really shouldn't have been an issue , it's a fucking fantasy video game who cares) the second one wasn't as good as New Order. The setting wasn't as interesting, the tone was all over the place and the gameplay only new addition was a bunch of Inspector gadget shit that you don't get until approximately halfway through the game. It was a mess.

New Colossus could never decide if it was a nudoom style one man Army arena shooter or a COD cover and hallways shooter and as a result just felt like a weak marriage of the two, complete with really awkward stealth.

Youngblood was a bafflingly bad choice trying to force it to be borderlands.

It's a shame you can't talk about this series without people shitflinging though but that's my own fault for posting on Yas Forums

Based nazi killing simulator

its not just the drop in quality of gameplay. Some of the dialogue is just goofy af
>Caroline, give me your wings
I couldn't do it man.
And the hub world just irritated me

Why did they portray a nazi killer as someone who looks aryan? Is there some mixed signaling going on?

Supposed to be ironic that Hitler is brought down by an Aryan with Jewish blood I think.

>Caroline, give me your wings
There is literally nothing wrong with this dialogue considering he used Caroline's power suit to keep on living and she was the reason he even kept on fighting.

RtCW, Enemy Territory
09', Old Blood
New Order
Wolf 3D, Spear of Destiny
>Killed the series
New Colossus, Youngblood

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I get why its there but I thought it was just goofy
>give me your wings
Not give me your strength, or luck, or look out for me, give me your wings

Based Commander Keen is Doomguy's dad, according to Tom Hall

Attached: Commander_Keen_cover_art.jpeg.jpg (250x294, 26.56K)

brittany venti's brother

Which image is which ? Are those both the nu-wolfenstien games ?

That's the whole point. a jewish man who is built like the ultimate aryan is the one who gets to fuck up the third reich. He even uses his looks to go through checkpoints. He looks so convincing they don't even bother to realize that his german is pretty much non-existent.

Why in Wolf 09 does Bj look like discount Frank West from Dead Rising?

I thought it was boring as a kid and the new ones look about as generic as you can get. Just play Doom

>Just play Doom
The New Order was good though

Rise of the Triad is the true Wolfenstein sequel

Doomguy's true face makes him at least look plausibly like three generations removed from BJ.

Attached: Doom-Eternal-Scan-2-scaled.jpg (1920x2560, 355.38K)

I enjoyed all of them except for the last 2

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Probably my favorite gaming series as a kid. Grew up on Wolf3D and RTCW. Sucks to see the state it's in today.

>just finished The Old Blood
Feels were had.

Why would a jew want to look like the people who hate him? Sounds kind of strange.

concept art looks perfect, why couldn't they fucking replicate a drawing?

>Stopped when BJ said come get some you white fascist Nazi pigs
Ah yeah. This was added later, the trailers for the game had omitted "white" in the cutscene. Ain't BJ supposed to be jewish?
>Wolf 09
I'd love to play this but it isn't available anywhere. They pulled it for some reason.

Y-you don't choose what you want to look like, user

Shouldn't have taken the pseudo-rpg route in the last one. Wish they can give a more occult-centric game for whatever comes next.

>Ain't BJ supposed to be jewish?
yes. If not for the cutscene I might have kept playing. Theres politics and then theres just cringey crap like that
>I'd love to play this but it isn't available anywhere.
Really? Guess its a good thing I played it when it came out. First Wolfenstein game I ever played (Return was at the video store for years but I never rented it)

Because Doomguy's face model is designed to be seen through the visor of a helmet, not constantly seen like BJ's head.
That's why the eyes are so wide apart, sunken and big. Like he's got Graves disease. Makes it easier to emote for the few times you see his eyes.

Attached: Doom_Slayer.png (1004x1183, 938.58K)


They did the art has those bug eyes too

Good-ass sequence, right there.

The way the devs talk about nazis makes it look like they secretly want to get fucked by one


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RCTW > TOB = ET > TNO = 2009 > Spear of Destiny > TNC > YB
Return, ET and Old Blood are the best by far, I equally enjoyed 09 and TNO (last one has a far better soundtrack and variety). TNC was a complete piece of shit, and Youngblood killed it for me completely.

Where do you put 3D?

Well that's really the case for most of them, just like the people who bash white men all the time on twitter

I slipped it, above Spear. It is a classic but lets be real it gets really repetitive really fast if you have no idea how the levels are arranged.

how can you post while being blind?


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they did retard, the bug-eyed one is what happens when you have too much fov
here's his actual face

Post your favorite track from any of the games


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>think it's just gonna be a cheap cash-in
>get one of the shortest and yet most enjoyable gameplay experiences in the last ten years
How did they do it?

You posted mine so have another


What's this, a doom fan mod?

I know everyone hats the new colossas, but I'm at the part where you go to Venus, and I love the game so far honestly. It's just good mindless fun.
I barely use the regular guns, I walk around with the heavy weapons the whole time.

Its good but yeah it shows its age
Ive beaten the first five episodes. I cant bring myself to do 6, the guys hiding behind every corner and murdering me made me leave it unfinished. I count the game as beat though

dumb way to die

Carl on Duty and Pupperstein 2

Episode 6 is honestly trash, and I say this as someone who's played through 3D dozens of times as a kid.

Im guessing its the wolf mod for doom that adds in a whole new campaign (cant think of the name and I might be wrong)

Blade of Agony.

Blade of Agony

Seems like in masters of doom its noted that it was made to be that way on purpose, challenging for the people who had gotten really good at the game

It was focused and knew exactly what it wanted to do, and almost completely ditched the story element to instead do a moment to moment, which in turn gave BJ a more center role than before, and actually allowed the fun gameplay to shine.
The Partisian cover is the best, most emotionally resonant song Mick Gordon ever did for vidya and I will defend this to my grave. youtu.be/TG_ZEovDDKk

yeah that's it

Rank em, fags

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10/10 design

3 > 2 > 1 > everything else

jewish faggot shit

Shit before they turned him into a feminist sympathizer commie jew, then it became double shit.

I honestly cant remember em too well. I wanna say 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 6


Fun enough, didn't age as gracefully as Doom but worth playing a few levels to see how the FPS genre got its start.
>Spear of Destiny
I mean, it exists but fuck it man I can't go through more of this.
Sensational, one of the last greats of the 90s school of FPS design, not every level's perfect, could do without some, not all the big climactic fights are well-designed either, but I still play through it every once in a while. Spent quite a few thousand hours in Enemy Territory.
Same year as Modern Warfare 2, basically one of the first big "COD audience" syndrome designed-by-committee game. Only remembered cause it had the name Wolfenstein in it. Game tried to juggle "you guys like Wolfenstein, right" with shit like an open world hub and upgrade store for whatever insane reason. Multiplayer wasn't even worth the energy. Don't blame TNO for barely referencing this one.
>New Order
Absolutely fucking amazing. BJ goes from generic boilerplate to this manly but not macho soldier speaking in a harsh, pained whisper. Shooting feels great, stealth is rudimentary but functional, maps are interesting without being a mess. Writing is good, soundtrack is good. Legit one of the best FPS and games of the 7th gen(and 8th). No multiplayer but when this came out single player shooters were in the dark ages so I'll take it.
Also vaporizing everything with the fully upgraded Laserkraftwerk gives me a boner.
>Old Blood
More of New Order, fun homage to RTCW(and 3D) hits all the right notes, doesn't overstay its welcome, knows you're coming from New Order so it gets right to the point with the difficulty. Play through TNO/TOB annually.

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I agree, he should've chosen different genetics before being born

absolutely unforgettable game

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