I love this skinny little heretic like you wouldn't believe!

I love this skinny little heretic like you wouldn't believe!

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picture the odour

I love the Doctor

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>Sells more pyromancies and miracles than sorceries

double heresy

For me, it's Lucatiel

Budget Yuria.

God, magic in DaS3 in particular is so fucking bad and anti-fun

no that's zullie

>gets cucked by an alien god
Oh no no no

t. cucked by big eldritch cock

I like that she comments on this exact thing, too.

It's a shame.
Only a handful of all the spells in the game are actually worth using. And most all are different flavors of fire magic missile.

I hear she is quite popular.. ehehehe

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She would have a very hairy bush


DS2 is the only one that did sorceries right.

>The "epic" Yuria reference is more well known than that real deal.
What a shame.

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Bro did you even finish her questline
Oedon fucks her and leaves her with an alien baby. She dies during pregnancy while hallucinating

>Bro did you even finish her questline
Yes I did.
>Oedon fucks her and leaves her with an alien baby.
Odeon has no form thought.

They all would the sharpest blades around are all swords there's no razors

I fucking hated magic in DS1/DS2 and thought it was finally worth a pinch in DS3, so it all pans out.

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Why do Fromsoft character models continually look worse than their predecessors?

What do witches even smell like?

That was the prostitute not the doctor, dumbass did YOU play the game?

explains how his baby got in her womb

I love her too, but DS characters are always ugly.

>kill whores babby
>get umbilical cord
>kill "iosefka"
>get umbilical cord
makes me think! i guess she just shoved the cord directly in there! her and chad oedon are just friends, bro!

Her parents deserved better

For me? It's Friede, followed by Yuria.
It's up and down out there.

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Is suppose to be a reference to the Virgin Mary.

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I want to make Friede a mother so she can learn to live again!

No it’s a lovecraftian thing

emerald herald
merciless roena
queen giraffe before she reveals her true form
firekeeper from 3

Technically I Cucked Odeon by letting her kill me before the Red Moon. Probably corrupted my baby out of seething jealousy. FeelsGood to cuck a Eldritch God.

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i want to watch her get jubilant catarina'd so bad bros

joseph wasn't a cuck? chr*stoidism isn't a religion of cuckoldry? spread the other cheek and all that.

Lordran's law.

fuck you i spit out my sugar free 12 fluid ounce size red bull

so basically every character that doesnt use the god awful character editor

No? It's not like God had sex with Mary. Christianity also preaches being faithful to God and to your spouse.

I bet she's got a great bush.

>literally a religion of getting cucked by big god cock

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Magic in Dark Souls is really boring
>Run away and use soul arrow that does more damage
>The majority of your upgrades are going to be soul arrow that does more damage
The farron stuff was the only nice looking spells

>run toward them and do a long sword attack that does zero damage
uuugggghh it's so interesting

What? By 30/30 int/faith with a +4 izalith staff dark edge does like 700 damage and affinity does a little more. And you can get all that before Yhorm or Aldrich.

With a +7 heretics staff and 40 int while wearing magic clutch, bellowing dragon, and young dragons ring with dusk crown you can hit a great soul arrow for like 300+ and a great heavy soul arrow for 500+. All that is before Yhorm or Aldrich.

It's just not broken any more

That is more interesting than just rolling away and waving your staff for magic missile. The one thing I'm exited for the most in Elden Ring is a more interesting magic system.

you don't play PvP much, do you?

no it isn't
if there's anything magic SHOULDN'T be is just a worse version of melee combat
at least if i liked backpedaling like a retard magic offers an option to do that. can't do that with my dark darksword +10.

>hitting with magic
*presses circle*

All the time. Dark build, and it actually holds up really well. Same for the pure magic build, though not as well. And it doesn't feel broken like in ds1. Chaos rapier main hand, dark painting guardian sword off hand, +5 izalith staff. Dark clutch, Bellowing dragon, young dragon, hornet ring, dark mask. It does well hyper aggressive and I only really struggle against hyper aggressive lighting straight sword builds

The only time magic sucked for me was the ring city dlc, everything there resists it

No, they couldn't find a balance between magic instagibbing you, or being slow as hell and hitting like wet paper.

>DS3 and BB have the same sliders but they don't align if you use the same settings

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Oh yeah and dark combustion

Between slow affinity, fast dark edge for roll catches, rapier/guardian sword for stun and damage stack and parry/crit chance, dark combustion for big damage stack and stun. It covers a lot of bases and most people's play styles

The problem in Dark Souls 3 is that dodging costs zero stamina and is basically consequence free, which invalidates much of magic builds, which in the past made you either tire out of stamina from rolls, badly timing a roll, or panic rolling. I have an int build in Dark Souls 3 among many others, and fighting against a mage or playing as one in one-on-one PvP is *boring*. That doesn't make the build bad, by the way. Just tedious.

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Affinity and dark edge both hit for 900+ plus in my 120 dark caster. Great soul dregs one shots A LOT. Crit with chaos rapier hits for 1000+. Dark combustion hits for ~400 which is crazy for how fast it is. Slow magic, fast weapons/pyros. Balances extremely well imo

>dark painting guardian sword off hand
these are the people who give souls advice LMAO

so she was in a cell and because she's so shy she just pissed and shit in her pants?

haha how whacky

Different base models, I would assume


It definitely is tedious. But I feel that actually befits a magic build that doesn't rely on just buffing. I will agree I think a lot of spells cost way too much stamina, but it's not impossible to manage. And yeah, I think rolling should cost a bit more stamina at like 125 you can roll I swear like ten times.

You've just got to figure out how to be efficient in your build while keeping the battles fun or at least engaging. I honestly like magic, I just think certain other things are too powerful now

I've got a 70% win rate in the arena. It gives a parry and hits one handed for like 375 dam.

What do you run, lightning straight sword/ casteus? Wow must be so much fun

you parry with a curved sword in the offhand? must be ChaseTheBro lmao

I also have a dark magic build, but I don't kid myself. The Sorceries are shit and barely will ever hit anyone. They're mostly there for distraction and the real damage comes from a Dark Longsword. Still, it's a gimmick build