Should there be a law that makes it mandatory that all AAA games need a submissive cute/sexy brown girl in them?

should there be a law that makes it mandatory that all AAA games need a submissive cute/sexy brown girl in them?

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somebody explain to me the appeal of women without scales or slimy amphibian skin

Sub human bleached cuck


>Anonymous 03/29/20(Sun)14:42:12 No.5011516
holy fucking based

Blacked > Bleached, change my mind

Bleached isn't even a real thing


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>shit>piss change my mind


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reddit. Left wing. For soibois.
universally enjoyed. Appeals to superior nazi fantasies. For patricians who appreciate realistic porn.

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Bleached was an incel response to blacked which makes it garbage for that alone. It hilarious that they edit blacked shit to be reversed instead of it being just two white guys. They put in more effort to get any the person that wasn’t involved.
It’s whole appeal is to focus on praise them for muh race since that’s probably the only redeeming trait they have as a person
Truly and the fetish that defines an incel of a man

Shit is definitely better than piss

imagine being this much of a blacked cuck

also bleached is chad af

What kind of autist opinion is this? Piss is basically water. I'd drink my girl's piss. I wouldn't touch her shit though. All that bacteria

you're right, white men never slept with any blacks before black men did it with whites, you nailed it

The standard retard response of calling blacked when you shit on bleach /trash/
Rent free every time
Kys incel

Both fetishes imply that women are nothing but property to be owned by men. So both are absolutely based.

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Why the fuck would I eat or drink it, retard. Just saying that it's better.

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I only fap to blacked furry femboy porn, sorry

But it should be heavily encouraged, perhaps with a tax break or something.

i'm pretty sure 99% of race-edit in 2D porn are to make the guy brown. White guy doing the fucking is always the default because it's the most enjoyable and desired. Same reason the girl in porn pics/vids are usually a white girl. Same thing, most desired.
Blacked porn is literally about degradation. It's on the same level as "Pretty girl gets fucked by gross orcs" porn.

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When did he say that?

>Racial shit
Worse than furries

I find bleached/blacked really annoying and assume bleached/blacked posters are mentally ill and/or chronically depressed weirdos who don't actually belong to the race they're pretending to be a part of. Thanks for reading my new blog post. Remember to follow for more updates.

This, it's purely reactionary drivel. Literally monkey see monkey do mentality. All they do is give more legitimacy to blacked by reacting so hard to it. If blacked was "nothing" then they wouldn't have even acknowledged yet, let alone their actual reaction to it.

God damn you fags are so gay. You cannot tell me this isn't cock worship.
lmao'ing at your sad existence

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/trash/ disagrees

Whites are the one who cap the most and just shit on anything that doesn’t appeal to them

Both are bad while bleach is a copy that tries to trigger all non whites with “racial superiority” as they post on an anime forum board

You people have a whole 2 boards for this shit keep your blacked/bleached mentally I'll shit in them


You're fucking retarded. Kys

>trying to outrash the /trash/ and outnormie the /gif/
Yeah good luck with that

All girls

This thread proves to me that porn causes mental illness

>If blacked was "nothing" then they wouldn't have even acknowledged yet, let alone their actual reaction to it.
it's funny you say that considering redditors will specifically come here to post blacked porn on EVERY board for the sole reason of "trolling the racists". It's like any other trolling but it's porn related.
>no you weren't supposed to react to my cuck porn THAT way!!!
Dilate yourself, trantoid.

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What about cucking white women instead and take her black bull for us?

this statement isn't really all that false

Not him but why is shit better than piss? The whole point of the original post was that both are terrible, but now you have me wandering why you would prefer shit

Why are people on here always thinking about black dick? Why even post that

Now you're thinking one step ahead. That's right, roasties. Black men are for white men only

>“We wuz” argument

Blacked posters are literal asian and white fetish weirdos that actually get off to it, and some are just trolling
Bleached posters are reactionary Yas Forumstards that are SO FUCKING STUPID that they actually think BLACKED posters are fucking black and are for some reason so threatened by blacked that they feel they need to mount as assult... by copying it with some stupid knockoff. Like this guy and whoever made that dumb image

Pic related is literally what the BLACKED userbase looks like.

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Remember than mostly wm/bf couples ends well, unlike bm/wf.

Pooping feels better
Easier to clean

>It hilarious that they edit blacked shit to be reversed instead of it being just two white guys.
Do you know how to read?

>both are bad
>but also bleached is worse because it cuts too deep
negross are so thin skinned

You can reason with shit lovers, user. He's sick in the head. Piss is normal and healthy. Shit is disgusting

4D chess player over here

Use images a Reddit Yas Forumstard understands

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Stop using blacked and then bleached or colonized wont be used you special little snowflake.

>inb4 Yas Forumstester salt

Is this nigga serious?

Yas Forumsfags, conservatives, right wingers are completely cringe and ruined this website and should be exterminated

Dont you realize than promoving blacked shit will end up removing all whitr women from Earth?

>white women are having interracial sex
>"what do we do?"
>encourage even more interracial sex
must suck being an amerimutt
meanwhile chad euro countries that aren't shitholes have never seen a black person

liberals, snowflakes, democrats, and SJWs are a plague on this site and should be skin alive before being executed :3

In what way piss is healthier than shit. Why are you ingesting those, retard? Neither are fucking healthy, let alone normal to eat.

Bleach is an insecure reaction so they try to use it to boost moral support because of their race literally
Let me rephrase it do it easier
>bleach is worse because it’s a “no u” of cuckold porn

my post didn't even have the word dick in it
deflection denied, initiating final lynch procedures


Considering it happened during white Imperialism and people in Latin America have a saying called "Improve the race" by breeding with whites, I'd say you're incorrect.

fun-fact:on the japanese internet theres this fucking weird-ass fetish which name i forgot that is basically the same as this blacked/bleached stuff but instead of a black/white dude is a korean dude

Will it really? If so, based!

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Meanwhile virgin yuroshit countries are dying from the chinese flu because of herd immunity tactics.

The image you posted