>get BTFO in an argument
>turn off computer
>go to sleep
Get BTFO in an argument
This happened last time I told some guy dark souls was good. He btfo me so hard
>start to get BTFO
>close tab and do other stuff and hope thread dies
>curiosity gets the better of me and I open it back up
>reply to post that btfo me hours later
>guy i was arguing with is gone and doesn't reply
>I won
good feels
What a fucking Chad
>BTFO someone in an argument
>Thread dies, so you don't get to see a response
>go to sleep
more like lay in bed for hours thinking about dumb shit
>btfo out someone in an argument
>later wonder why they're not responding
>realize it was my own post
who losing it here?
>reply to thread
>hide thread and never read the replies
The only way.
>clearly BTFOing someone in an argument
>their only replies are empty "you're wrong stfu faggot"s and they refuse to concede anything or see reason
>start losing argument
>just start posting wojacks
>he gives up
>I win
God I'm such a fucking winner
>get BTFO in an argument
>"no u"
>other user loses it
>I win
name 7games
That's impossible.
I know you won't read this but I do this too often. It's the best way to vent without the baggage of having to reflect on the shit you wrote.
>ever admitting defeat
>ever conceding even a single point unless it's to make the other party look bad
>get btfo by janny
>switch IP
this can't be real
>think of perfect, utterly indisputable argument against someone you were arguing with
>weeks, even months after the thread you were arguing in died
>Never gets BTFO'd because i never get into arguments.
I just can't stop winning.
>win every argument because I know I'm right and anything said back is just cope
>So good at it friends refuse to even talk to me anymore
>BTFO own parents to the point they don't answer my calls
Feels fucking incredible
>getting on arguments on Yas Forums
You retards need to better learn how to use your time.
Same happened to me when I said Monster Hunter was good
>tfw never got BTFO in an argument before
feels good not having low IQ
>in argument
>random user starts replying against the guy I'm arguing with good points
>this happens
>the guy you're arguing against starts seething and calling you 2 samefag
>have arguments so right that they basically kill the entire fanbase in a thread
>derail the thread beyond repair and it dies afterwards
Haven't laughed that hard in a while. Based.
>someone slightly disagrees with something in my post
>ruins my whole night
>re open thread
>ur still getting BTFO
I always take the extreme opposite position of what I feel is correct, so that I make my opponent make my argument for me.
>make retarded posts
>get (You)s and call people retarded for replying to my posts
>it's just one retard actively replying to me now
>only reply with retard no matter what his posts say
fucking btfo lmao
>Start arguing in favor of something
>Some random user starts BTFO'ing me
>Halfway trough the reply i realize i'm full of shit
>start going full schizo on his ass
>pretend that was my intention from the start
>mfw he's a retard for taking my argument seriously
>mfw my argument WAS serious when i wrote it
>mfw he doesn't know
i just can't stop winning...
How everyone saw it
typically i pull this when the person/thread im replying to involves the same tired easily-dismantled argument or statement that still pisses me off to see but no longer enough to actively engage like a sperg. im already genuinely convinced, through experience with the argument no less, that the other is wrong and theres no point in continuing. at some point all i care about is the fact that the other user knows i think they're a faggot.
>get BTFO
>start using arguments peppered with lies among the truth
>hope know one notices
>no one ever calls me out
>in a normal conversation
>start using lies normally because they agree with me anyway
>think how stupid people are for believing shit they read without looking it up
>but then what about all the countless arguments I thought I was BTFO and people were actually just lying like I was?
>is there any truth in any of these discussions
>see random user make a claim
>i have a really good counter argument
>start writing it, eventually it gets really long
>want to post
>realize the thread is really old
>realize that everyone's probably gone
>press X and close thread
>see two people in a heated argument
>pretend to be both of them and make terrible points on both sides
>exit the thread
>start arguing with some retard
>btfo them with facts and logic
>they say something super ignorant stupid shit
>thread gets 404'd
>they get the last word
fuck you mods
This doesn’t work, obsessively replying to everything makes you look like a butthurt retard unless you’re already at a position of dominance
shut up moot.
>start using lies normally because they agree with me anyway
>they knew you were lying
>they just don't care
>make a post on Yas Forums
>retard who can't read thinks I said something completely different than what I did and tries to start an argument
>reply to him with a clarification
>it doesn't get through his massively thick skull and now he thinks he is in some sort of epic internet fight where the bigger faggot wins
>don't reply to him
>he posts tons of replies anyway and shits up the thread
every time
If you’re relying on the last word you were probably losing get fucked bitch
>see two people in a heated argument
>pick the one making most sense and refute the opposition's points
>the other guy starts slinging shit and buzzwords and stops arguing completely
>see people discussing something
>have a really good argument
>write an essay
>feel proud because of my insight
>can't wait for the replies
>no1 replies
>thread has been archived
>Get BTFO in an argument
>Close thread
>Reset cookies and IP so that (You) doesn't show up anymore
>Open my original post and call myself a retard and a faggot
Anyone else do this?
No, but it matters to them. Someone who's room temperature IQ only gets a morale boost once they see their post as the last one when the thread ends.
The last person to reply is always the loser
>say literally anything in response to someone, giving an opinion
>faggot responds with not an argument
Not everything is some epic showdown you faggots
>arguing with people online
>not just calling them a stupid nigger or a faggot, telling them they are wrong, and then ignoring their subsequent replies
lol what a stupid nigger faggot
That’s neuroticism and that mental energy that they expend to pretend that they didn’t get BTFO damages their psyche, I suggest you realize this and take pleasure from it
>Start a pointless argument with a shitpost
>Forget about it
>Come back hours later
>400 replies
Can we agree the first person to reply with an ad hominem and doesn't have a counterargument is the loser?
the classic, for me it always goes like
>have some idea/theory I've been working over in my head about vidya/life/whatever for some time
>thread about topic comes up randomly
>discussion of the thread finally lets me connect all the dots
>decide to actually put effort into a non-shitpost
>post my retarded thesis hoping for feedback
>thread dies shortly after
>see someone's retarded argument get shot down without explanation
>can't refute it, can't understand why it's retarded either
>try to use the same argument a week later
>argument gets completely dismantled that I'm not able to reply
>finally understand why and outright copy word for word in future arguments
>forget about it two weeks from now because I didn't take a screencap of the argument then the same argument pops up in another thread and have no way to refute it
I'm sorry bros, I just don't know how to function until I see someone else do it
I'm a professional copycat
>Create thread about niche product I enjoyed
>No replies
>Try a week later with slightly different intro
>Still no replies
>post about a game you are really passionate about and want to discuss
>check thread constantly
>no replies
>archived in 5 minutes
every. fucking. time.
I have over 7 years posting in Yas Forums yet I never made a thread.