It's pretty much confirmed at this point

It's pretty much confirmed at this point.

What class/spec are you going?

Attached: bc.jpg (630x1200, 156.38K)

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Might play spriest this time, they were really good in TBC. Always played horde tho, are the Draenei racial spells usable in shadowform? The mana one could be pretty good.

so is it resetting everyones progress or what?
I would play my hunter since hes already about level 50 and I wont be left in the dirt
If it resets everyones progress then I will probably try to play a lock or shaman

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>no changes

no thank you

I played a prot warr back than, had Hand of A'dal and quit just as sunwell hit since I was a raid leader and I burned out.

I'll probably go with a lock now, spamming SB whole TBC.

I really can't tell you how excited I'm for TBC, PvE was superb. Can't wait to spam heroics... Kara again! Kael & Vashj fights again!
Classic was fun and still kinda is but TBC is where it's at.
I only worry there'll be 90% of horde populating servers

Attached: 10066-karazhan.jpg (606x599, 68.23K)

it's still up in the air how they will do the release
hope I can bring a character from classic though I don't mind leveling from 1 but fuck professions

arms warrior stacking stam and resil with stunherald

we don't know. I bet I'll be a character copy

the healing spell isn't usable in shadowform
it's super lame

SAM or DRK probably

Probably rogue because I'm cunt

There's going to be SO MANY fucking warlocks.
I played my class because I could be a contrarian fuck and now i'll have to switch.

i wanna make a blood elf slut!

>I only worry there'll be 90% of horde populating servers
>better racials
Is going to be awful. You can thank the "no changes" crew. Isn't like nu-blizz could change it into something better tho.

the healing spell was always lame, it's only good for lvling

maybe play ally this time since I fear there'll be like 100 in every region

SL/SL Warlock for ultimate butthurt

do you think? people said the same about classic and warlock is one of the lowest played
once people are on a warlock and have to deal with pets they quikly get turned off

Mutilate rogue for PVP, Combat swords for PVE.

just dinged 300 blacksmithing, im getting those sweet drake maces this time

Prot pala for heroic kingshit or spriest for maximum raid efficiency

Not sure, but either way I'm really excited.


the only class that matters

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>Not sure, but either way I'm really excited.

same, classic is fun but BC and potentially Wrath is what I am the most stoked for. Anything beyond that is meh...

I don't think people play horde because of better racials or belves appearence? they are ''cooler'', whatever people think cool is, dunno.

But on the racials, maybe make paladin seals pretty much the same?
They need to ''fix'' stuff, I was in ''no changes'' crew but they have knowledge with classic, they need to fix server balance so making some small changes wouldn't be an issue imo

Why would there be a lot of warlocks? idr them ever being that popular when I originally played during BC.

I wanna roll up a female BELF retpaladin for pvp fun and also ERP

>people said the same about classic
How? Anyone with a brain told you that Classic will be full of warriors and mages and turns out that Classic is full of warriors and mages. Warlock is the OP class in TBC, so it will by full of them (and hunters). Expect also everybody and their grandmans rolling druids (either main or alt).

ret is still shit in tbc pvp

Is the last patch, SL/SL is the king of PvP and destro the king of SWP.

this stunmace warrior needs is it available quikly?

do you guys think we might get patch by patch progression - I mean there's less to fix than in vanilla so class changes every patch like it was, no insta roll to the last patch

Base form and second form are dungeons and BS

Third is SoC and TK
Fourth and final was BT

If I remember correctly, it was something like this.

Missed the classic train, but i might get on the tbc one.
Is the rogue still good in it?

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tbc pvp is nonexistent

>the "fuck melee" crusade
Once you get BiS you are decent. Good in dungeons tho, specially for early heroics.

Did they make leveling from 1-60 easier with the release of TBC?
I don't remember because I started playing on a private server where nothing worked and changed to retail right after TBC launched.

bgs are nonexistent?

ofc it is

>Did they make leveling from 1-60 easier with the release of TBC?
Yes, increased quest XP and other changes that I don't even remember. Also OP talents and skills.

elemental shaman

leveled through the shitheap that was classic in the event they'd do character transfers for TBC Classic (the REAL WoW).

This is fucking retarded why do you faggots want to travel down the road of blizz destroying your favorite game again?

not easier, less exp needed to lvl to 60
I don't know percentages but 1-60 is faster than in vanilla

Nothing, I hate TBC.

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pretty much yeah kind of hard to do bgs with a 90/10 faction ratio

easier in terms of class power yeah

when thinking about experience itself 1-70 will be around the same time as 1-60 in vanilla

>fairly bad faction balance in classic
>about to become 5x worse in tbc
This legit robbed me of the enthusiasm for TBC. All pvp servers will be Skeram-lite with little to no Ally outside of a few Ally-only enclaves. It's going to be so fucking bad that I'm genuinely contemplating rolling on PvE if we get some F R E S H servers, which is just sad given that TBC isn't that much more challenging than the utterly braindead classic.
I just want to dump people off boats and sometimes drown them with MC, is it really so much to ask for?

Affliction warlock

In a perfect world people would think about this when TBC rolls but they won't - we all gonna roll horde again than complain

orc elemental shaman. or resto druid.

Dont tempt me
Prot Dorf Pally

Actually I'm completely wrong

First form is raw mats
Second form is Primal Nether and mats (heroics)
Third is SSC and TK Nether vortexes

No idea where I got the fourth form idea from.

Classic proved that world pvp was always a sham. With TBC I see no point in pvp servers when flying and arena progression exists.

>I just want to dump people off boats and sometimes drown them with MC, is it really so much to ask for?
Why would you play tbc then, when there wont be 70s on boats very often

Max blacksmithing and train master hammersmith. The materials are all farmable.

so how do you fix faction imbalance? just giving both the same things is no fun

I'm a hardcore WoW player (top 200 DK in Legion) and have only had a shitty experience with the legacy WoW community. I've raided with 3 private server guilds and on classic, and the guilds and people are not fun to play with. The community is dogshit. TBC is better than Classic, and a genuinely good game, but the playerbase for legacy WoW is intolerable.

It's a bunch of greedy boomers who prioritize themselves over the raid, or hyper elitist trashbags gatekeeping a piss easy 16 year old game.

uninstall wizard

fuck this chink worshipping garbage game for try hard min maxing autists

but there'll be loads of them on back entrance bridge in karazhan.
I know, huge % of my gameplay was throwing people off the bridge there

>open fresh servers where you start from level 1
>~4 weeks in you can make new chars at 58 or transfer a snapshot of your existing lv60 with limited items and gold (say 300 gold and only bound items so economy isn't destroyed immediately)
I swear the poll must've been sent because they want to pretend to listen to player feedback, I refuse to believe they're so dumb as to miss such an obvious solution that leaves just about everybody satisfied.

Holy Paladin in PvE -> Shockadin for BG and WPvP

SL/SL Warlock for PvP.

Thats about it.

I don't think it's possible. people just want to play horde. even if they are split on the decision they choose horde at the end because they know they will have numbers advantage

I seriously don't know how can they even attempt at fixing that?
I'll try alliance in TBC and I'm a horde player, hope others follow

hmm yeh it IS funny as fuck making a guy keep the raid waiting. i just levelled a 60 priest on classic and it was kinda not worth it since boats were empty so often

Classic has a slight edge racials-wise.
TBC introduced belfs which are the most popular race AND gave a bunch of OP shit to Horde because back then Ally was more numerous than Horde and they wanted to help equalize the two (ie push people to play Horde). Ally also loses pally exclusivity which was one of the very few reasons to choose them.
Now with #nochanges retardos you'll literally have 80/20 split because there's zero reason to go Ally. Might as well play on PvE lmao

make horde racials useless and give alliance absurdly op racials

>draenei shadow priest
>orc shaman ele or enh
>orc warlock
leveling the lock and shaman right now.

>leveling the lock and shaman right now.
Son.., I have a bad news for you

"You cannot create/transfer a Horde character on this server right now"

55/45 max ratio

This is how it should have been from the beginning.

>people would think about this
there's zero reason to roll ally on a pvp server unless you enjoy afking in Ironforge all day
especially in TBC when Horde is absolutely dominant meta-wise and also got access to paladins
it's like expecting people not to play warlock or druid because 'muh looties competition'

>complete fear and stun immunity compared to shadowmeld and perception
>slight edge

I was in a guild who had a strange/shitty rule - everyone who wanted to raid needed to come to the raid entrance and wait until the raid leader picks 25 ppl. People who didn't get picked also could get in at later bosses so basically my whole guild ganked people in front of raid entrances - we were pretty hated by the whole different faction (horde).
That's how I started MCing people off the kara bridge, it was fun for the whole exp (even later people would run kz, even geared people because of badges if you remember)

>Classic proved that world pvp was always a sham
wpvp was kino all the way until honor update (played on 58/42 ally/horde as horde)
no idea wtf you're talking about

>stop playing classic because it got boring fast
>wanna endlessly grind reputation?
yeah totally

so if you like to be a rogue ganking people you should go the overpopulated faction? that doesnt make sense

TBC setting is pretty based when you think about it, a post apoc fantasy land with shitload of semi sci-fi themes. It's really out there compared to rest of WoW.

Hi Blizzard marketing department. I'm not playing your shitty cartoon game. Fuck off with your free advertising.

I personally would love that, even as a horde player. as I stated I will probably roll a ally toon


people would whine, ''I can't play tbc the way i want to'', ''My friends are on the other side'' etc. - I don't think that's possible mate

Demonology Warlock!

you dont get it, he wants to play the bigger faction so he doesnt get ganked but also not so big that theres not enough people to gank

>make horde racials useless and give alliance absurdly op racials
this but unironically
I think classic has proven beyond doubt that most people chase meta. Tweaking it so that ally is somewhat stronger by the numbers and advertising that fact would absolutely push a LOT of players to roll ally.
Frankly I can't think of a reason for Blizz not to do this (aside from unwilling to spend resources on non-Shlomolands wow). #nochanges already proved to be a meme so why not try a bandaid when you *know* there's gonna be a shitshow once TBC releases?

TBC is the lower point of WoW aesthetics by a fat margin.

A lot of it was inspired by DnD's Spelljammer setting, which has medieval space ships and a lot of cosmic, planar shit.
Honestly thinking about it Blizzard took a huge risk going from regular fantasy to that for their first expac.

yeh i think, was a noob kid in tbc and i only did it in like 2.3 with pugs. what would be other mc spots... tempest keep dungeons, the high rise towns like in zangarsmarsh

You don't. The imbalance is part of the charm. It wasn't until I played alliance in classic that I saw how ridiculous Orc hardiness is. Played the game for at least 5 years and didn't give a fuck but I didn't take the game seriously.

then make lv58 the starting point and let them reroll
better a bunch of bitching from those people rather than turning every single server into pve

You go back in time and stop Blizzard from favouring Horde in every asset of the game for 16 years.

At this point it's a self fulfilled prophecy, people like the Horde because of nostalgiafaggotry because Blizz pushed the Horde on them when they first started playing.

Now even if you boost the Alliance playerpower, those same players who first started playing Horde will be too headstrong to understand that the game is more fun if both sides can compete on somewhat equal grounds.

tldr; that one picture of the guy picking up the flag from the ground and being told to hate the other guy that picked up another team's flag from the ground.

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Forgot to post these

destro lock

classic isn't even a year old yet and people already want this?

>55/45 max ratio
thats still imabalanced as fuck, the max ratio should be 51/49

you literally can't without causing a shitstorm with players

Warrior with pic related. Will quit my raiding guild as soon as I get all the vortexes.

>Play arena fulltime
>cheese 2v2 with rdruid
>spam hamstring for procs
>get easy glad

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Well blizzard's answer back in '09 was to give the alliance an equally bullshit racial and watch them go to town.

>The imbalance is part of the charm.
80/20 faction splits is not "charm", peabrain

I'm fine being the underdog when the balance is 60/40. Having 1,5x the amount of enemies can be tough but doable.
I'm not fine being the underdog if the balance is 75/25 or above, where there's 3 fuckboys for every one of you - which will absolutely be the case in tbc.
Being at a disadvantage because your faction is slightly less numerous vs playing as ally on Skeram, essentially.

this, so much this

It is when you're a lame ganker in the populated faction.

nani the fuck
55/45 is great, it's almost as balanced as can be
even 60/40 is totally playable, even though it was tough for the first few days after honor update dropped

My server is easily 1:2 horde favored and it has zero impact on my day-to-day. I get my free instant queues for BGs and can still do everything without issue.

Classic is braindead garbage with maybe 3 viable classes. TBC is much better in almost all regards.

TBC is still braindead for a lot of classes. Balance was also just as whack as Classic.