Should Wii games be played in 4:3 or 16:9?

Should Wii games be played in 4:3 or 16:9?

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Doesn't matter. it's the same game

I don't think the aspect ratio should ever change, desu. There might be some exceptions, so saying "ever" is intense but aspect ratio for remasters or up-res'd games is usually flagrantly modified.

You never see this with film these days. Film makers and even audiences understand aspect ratio is about presentation, it's strictly not a technological quality

>Doesn't matter. it's the same game

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Depends on if they look better to the player in 4:3 or 16:9.

Oh yeah, with film it's basically a non-issue since aside from things made for TV, the tech we have now is inarguably the best way to experience pretty much every film ever made, short of seeing it in theaters.
But with video games its different, especially for the post-retro but pre-HDMI era where both CRTs and Flatscreens coexisted.

Like, how am I supposed to play Twilight Princess? Should the Gamecube version be played in 4:3 because the Gamecube came out in 2001 where basically every screen was 4:3, or in 16:9 since Flatscreens were big in 2006? What about the Wii version? What about the Wii U version?

I see your point, it gets muddled in that 2000-2008 era of games. The safe thing is just to play the native aspect ratio, which is really only something, as a player, you'd have to think about if you were emulating (which I do, and I always stay native aspect ratio).

But this is something I would like the people porting and re-releasing games to consider more. The recent Killer7 PC port defaulted to 16:9 aspect ratio, but the game was 4:3 originally. And with Killer7, that aspect ratio was essential to the presentation. I like that the option was offered in the PC port, but I think it's weird to make the non-native aspect ratio the default.

yeah, I really hate when they come out with a "remaster" versions of older VNs and eroge cropping the original 4:3 art to make it 16:9.
p much butchers the art and makes everything look zoomed in.
even with older TV shows they do the same thing like Seinfeld but at least there's always the DVD rips for those.


On a small tv with composite cables in 16:9

right : soul
left :soulless

>Wide shot shows more environmental detail on the left and right rather than cropping the image
>still adds black bars that crop out part of the image anyway

What the fuck

Black bars are part of the asthetic for movies. I remember reading that once, no matter the aspect ratio they will always add them in

It's the same as shaders.

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You're arbitrarily removing content and as a result removing part of the creator's original intent. You're no longer watching LOTR or playing Mario, you're getting the butchered version

It's like removing a part of a song, or more aptly for Yas Forums, changing "problematic" dialogue in a remaster

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You are assuming that it was released exactly how the creators wanted it to be released. That is not always the case.

I used to care about this but switching back and forth between CRT shader and nothing but the raw pixels made me prefer the raw pixels. All CRT shaders and scanlines filters darken the image too much. They mask the jagged edges in the image and make it more like how it was meant to be displayed but I like the raw pixels now


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Why does the widescreen version lose the top and bottom parts? That isn't the bluray/modern/theatrical version right?

Cameras do not always shoot to the aspect ratio that has become an aesthetic standard in theatre experiences, so the letterboxing is added, sometimes, just as an aesthetic choice.

Much like and say, those black bars on the top and bottom in the widescreen version are actually a stylistic choice, you won't see them in every widescreen film, they're literally only used to make things seem grand and epic. They would look like shit in the widescreen release though, so they just didn't add them. 80's-00's home video was fucking weird man.

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why is it no shaders actually feel like you're using a crt, they're too distracting

This is one of those threads that absolutely belongs on /vr/ but can't because of arbitrary bullshit.

As long it's not bilinear filtering

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No? It's a discussion that relates to video games even today. Reconsider your assumptions, fool.

It's time, isn't it

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Why would you deliberately steal information from the screen. This is the same garbage as 16:10 vs. 16:9.

you're fucking stupid. the bars are there because the aspect ratio of the movie doesn't match the tv

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Some wii games support 16:9 and some don't
If the game doesn't support 16:9 then it shouldnt be played in that resolution

Because the picture isn't 16:9.
Because the director added the black bars

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No, you are ignorant. Films also present themselves with letterboxing, even when they are shot and displayed on widescreen screens. When scaling a widescreen image to a 4:3 screen, the letterboxing is there out of necessity, but letterboxing is also used for aesthetic purposes as everyone here is attesting to.

Where would it say this

some website probably

Depends on the game, some games like Trauma Center: Second Opinion are only in 4:3, while others like Brawl allow you to switch.
This thread isn't going to kill all those FFVIIR and RE3 shill threads you butt munch.

This nigga saw TDKR in IMAX and complained there was something wrong with the projector

So does the theatrical/bluray version have the extra length from the fullscreen version plus the width from the widescreen version or is it just the same DVD widescreen version with the top and bottom trimmed?

No. The only odd one out here is the fullscreen version. Every other version of LotR looks like the theatrical version, where you couldn't see Gandalf's hat like in OP's pic. Technically, the fullscreen version doesn't "add" the extra vertical footage, it's just the only one that doesn't cover it up, if that helps.

16:10 is perfect for reading manga in portrait view. just wish I could find a reasonably priced x1600 monitor to replace my x1200.

Aspect ratio should never be changed.

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Wow. So there's seriously no version with the original resolution?

Retards. Movies are shot at 2.39:1 aspect ratio. Your home Tv is likely 1.7:1.
Thus the movie wider than your home display.
Thus, in order to fit the entire theatrical picture onto your home display, there will be extra space. Which they fill in with black bars.

I'll be honest im not sure
Best way is to just try out 16:9 on everything and if the game looks bad then switch back to 4:3
Most Wii games support 16:9, thiugh i know for a fact that certain games like FE Radiant Dawn didn't support 16:9 in the jp release, but do support it in the NTSC version

bro, the original resolution is the theatrical/widescreen/bluray version. The fullscreen one is NOT the original, even if you think the vertical image makes it more authentic, it is just as inauthentic because it removed the horizontal image you can see in the widescreen version.

the original is available, and so is the fullscreen one if you want.

people are talking about letterboxing, not what you are talking about.

No, the original would be the vertical part from the fullscreen and the horizontal part from the widescreen since that's what it was originally filmed as.

What it was originally filmed as is an unedited collection of takes, too. the original "film" is as it was originally released. and anyway, the original thing anyone ever saw was the theatrical presentation, which is preserved in the Blu-ray and widescreen DVDs so shut the fuck up!

>Letterboxing is the practice of transferring film shot in a widescreen aspect ratio to standard-width video formats while preserving the film's original aspect ratio.
No... no, that's exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.

why the fuck are BOTH versions cropped

obviously it isn't

Have a (You), you really don't deserve it but fuck it I'm feeling generous.

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No, if the fullscreen version exists that means there has to be a version of it with the full width before they cropped it to fit on 4:3 TVs.

thanks :)

And it's probably sitting somewhere in the WB vault for all eternity since that's just the raw film that they then cropped, instead of the intended version that adds letterboxing.
That's like saying that you'll never see the full version of the Mona Lisa because you'll never see the parts of the canvas behind where the border is. You're not meant to, you never will, and you should waste time getting upset over it.

The Mona Lisa was literally cropped to fit into the frame that the person who found it had lying around.

He arrived late tho

Depends which aspect ratio gives you the biggest field of view.

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Wii should be 16:9, Gamecube should be 4:3

There is nothing objective about aspect ratios, retard. And biologically speaking, human FoV is not as wide as 16:9 anyways.

Does every human have the exact FoV with at best miniscule differences or can the difference in FoV actually be something big?
How wide is the average view?

why not make wide-fullscreen?

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It is dynamic.

does'n matter, is shit console