What are your ideas for an April Fool's game?

What are your ideas for an April Fool's game?

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Same thing as 2018 but the girls have dicks this time.

Same thing as 2018 but the girls are morbidly obese this time

Boards switch colors. Yas Forums becomes /b2/ like it was always meant to be


merge the boards again. That shit was funny as fuck.

A good blizzard game

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>Same thing as 2018 but the girls are traps this time

a game where peepchads can dab on cremecucks

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One board gets Coronavirus and everyone who posts on the board also gets it. If enough people who have it post on another board, that board also gets it. If it gets severe enough, the board 'dies' (i.e. becomes read-only)
Dead boards say dead forever

Gimme coronavirus version this time

What board should die first?

Yas Forums

I was thinking /lgbt/

Team Flu
Team Coronavirus
Team Common Cold
Team Ebola
Team Aids

Team Common Cold is the submissive sissy team, obviously.

Upon clicking the Captcha checkbox, you have to clear a loop of SkiFree without getting eaten by the Yeti.

April Fools Day has been postponed due to Coronavirus

I just want merged boards again /cock/ w and /fitlit/ where fun as hell

Man, 2019 was such a shit april fools

Fuck it, just merge every board into one and see what happens

the apocalypse, threads being archived in seconds

>3 days until april fools

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>A single unified board with all the Generals and a thread limit in the thousands
>Ends up killing the slowest boards like /po/ entirely because they're all at the bottom of the catalogue while spammers flood it with new threads because "HOLY FUCK GIGA NIGGA BOARD!"

I can agree with that only if it has the biggest cocks, though

Every board gets /Anime added to its title, except Yas Forums which gets changed to /fur/

All boards become unusable in April fool's anyway don't be retarded

A bit too harsh. Better design would be to have a user get randomly infected here and there. They are tagged similar to how Yas Forums pass shows. Anyone who posts in said thread with an infected has a low chance of getting infected. Anyone who directly replies to it has a higher chance. Infected are "asymptomatic" for the first 5-10 minutes after infection and after that the tag shows itself. Another 5-10 minutes and the site decides if the "dies" (gets banned for 1 hour) or survives.

/po/ barely bats an eye every April Fools.

yeah right

that probably will kill a lot of boards, leaving Yas Forums's porn threads out, some /vg/, /x/, Yas Forums, /trash/ and /tg/ generals are way too fast , then add to the mix shitposter threads and the whole thing will die

This is good

every board has a flag
but not your real flag

The like premise from last year but improved

>A shop is added for how many likes you get
>all previous rewards from last year, but the listed ones actually force you to spend points and lose them
>20 points, Yas Forums pass logo added to your name
>50 points, ban someone for 30 minutes
>100 points, jannie logo added next to your name
>110 points, ban someone for 1 hour
>150 points, ban someone for 3 hours
>200 points, lock a thread
>250 points, ban someone for 6 hours
>300 points, delete a thread
>400, ban for 12 hours
>500, mod logo added to your name
>666, sticky a thread
>750, ban for the entirety of the April Fools Event
>999, Hiro's logo is added to your name
>1000, public ban (can edit the (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) text) someone for the remainder of the event
>1500, ban everyone in an entire thread for 6 hours
>2500, Moot's unused logo is added to your name
>5000, ban someone for 3 days
>10000, ban an entire board for 6 hours

This year will force you to post with a tripcode, along with the upboat system returning.

Nah. /po/ has threads that are more than three years old. At "worst", /po/ gets a few threads relating to both /po/ content and the April Fool's joke. Retard.

Some posters get a virus, if they post in a thread and you're next to them (above or below) then you get it too.
Every time the board population with the virus goes up by 5%, then stuff like flags and emojis get added.
>but that's a bad thing
It's a virus, it's supposed to make you feel sick after all.
The ERPing gayboi sissies can have poz parties, everyone wins (loses)

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I could see people talking like normal, then one of them catches it and everyone panics. I can see some might even go crossboarding posting as much bait as possible to infect as many as possible. Then there would be alarmists who warn people not to reply to bait and then there would be the "it's just a flu, bro" guys.

Corona event
Some posters are randomly infected
Every time someone replies to said posters they get infected too
If an entire board gets infected it closes down for a day

/po/ is [s4s]'s bitch

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Same thing as 2018 but the more points your team gets the more porn of your girl unlocks


Oh god is that already coming up?

Nothing will compare to the jump from 2018 to 2019. 2017 and 2018’s shitposting was actually so fun that 2019 actually wrecked me. I barely even care now.

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The idea is the game has to constantly dupe you with both little, medium, and possibly huge tricks and fools requiring equally elaborate setups to the payoffs. Nobody is going to play a game for 1 single trick, and depending on how long the game is that payoff for 1 trick may not be worth it.
Undertail or Earthbound come to mind. Through each of those games you're given moments that work like a traditional RPG functions, only to turn around and see the mechanic pan out in a more realistic, inconvenient or silly way. Giant metal pencil blocking your way? No problem, just go get a giant pencil eraser. Deciding between ordering a small or large pizza? Based on the delivery time being the same and the negligible price jump from small to large, the only difference is the actual health regained, making the small pizzas a waste comparatively.
This is an example of what I mean. This is a ROMhack of Mario 64 entered for a popular Mario 64 speedrunner's ROMhack competition of who could make the best troll level(s). The game constantly challenges not just your first impression of new mechanics but also takes advantage of your knowledge of the base game to fuck with you. Every platform, enemy, powerup and even level design trope used in this piece was planned to fool you at every waking turn, but it's also done in such an entertaining and work-aroundable way that the player does not feel insulted or confused trying to work past it. The important thing is that these tricks have to be unique to keep the player from guessing the next trick (since whether or not they realize the game's shtick the moment they boot it up or halfway through, they will still be ware of the game at some point), and they have to keep the player from getting bored or pissed off at the tricks.

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PB bros WW@?

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>/po/ still have some 2016 threads active
jesus and I tought /n/ was our slowest board

Anyone have the imgur album with the screencaps?


The fucking surrender threads were the worst thing to ever happen to this board

I want to fuck Pb princess so hard and give her babies

Why. Because it exposed that a decent chunk of Yas Forums are closet queers?

Yas Forums pride event.
All of your posts show all boards you've posted on in the past week.

Based and futaxfutapilled

make it like ace of spades, but 2D, you see it from a different perspective, and there are no teams (doents mean you cant work with others)

No, because it gave validation to the trannies and normalized their behavior so they now do it way more often than before.

Friendly reminder Team PB is the best team, always was and always will

Mintchads had the least surrenderers

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what about this
>A card game
>every user gets to design one card on a paint-esque program
>the atributes are asignated randomly
>then you get a pack of 5 cards and you can play with other anons and also trade

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Anything but GR 15 gets removed for a day


The real question is will it devolve into erp this time

no files

Keep away from me you peanut butter slut


>tfw started on team peep but my IP address changed so i got put on team creme and used it to encourage as much degeneracy in team creme as possible
good times

I love seeing myself in this every time it's posted

Which one?
Assuming it's just one

Another game where peepfags get dabbed on by peanut butter and chocolate

>board merge was 3 years ago

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>mad that he will never be as crazy as peepfags