Anyone playing this?
I'm getting mixed feelings, feels literally like octopath with a BD skin on it, and the animations and environments look extremely low quality, needs a lot of work.
Anyways, for someone who never played BD im a bit lost, whats the correct form to avoid the brave and default system? what are the best party comps?
Bravely default 2 demo
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I've played default and second but don't have a switch for this one. What exactly did they include from octopath? Was it the dogshit enemy break system, mediocre buff skills or something else?
I can't read the UI
Characters now get their turns when they come up, like in Octopath, instead of putting in all the commands at the start of a turn. As a result it's confusing to determine when buffs run out, and slower characters can't default before the enemy.
Mainly, it's the Octopath style battle system. You don't select all actions at the start of a turn and watch it play out after confirming any more.
i was talking about the aesthetics in general, the OST the UI and the artstyle on towns is exactly the same, even the lightining and screen filters.
have no idea about gameplay wise because i never played bravely or octopath.
>Environments + Music are great
>English Voices are shit
>Menu is dark for no reason
>No hidden items in town
>Useless "Press A to Sword" mechanic
>No more turn list, defaulting is fucking useless
>fights are fucking botched to shit
I really hope they ask for feedback, because they really need it
Same feeling here. Plus it's grindy as fuck. Just like Octobad.
>the OST the UI and the artstyle on towns is exactly the same
As octopath, or bravely default? Because the hand drawn backgrounds for towns and bringing back bravely default's composer definitely aren't octopath things.
how do you effectively abuse the default mechanic anyways
just blow up all the braves in first turn and burst to oblivion and prey?
They really need to include a turn order on the battle UI. They probably also don't need to have a separate screen you pull up for battle information, or at least put the basic information like enemy BP on the main screen and only put detailed information on the other screen, like exactly what everybody's buffs and debuffs do in case you've forgotten. Visuals in general need to be improved, they look very cheap.
Only max brave at 0 BP if you know you're going to kill the enemy. During harder encounters you'll default when you know a big attack is coming or when a character has nothing to do, and you'll brave to reduce how much time you spend attacking instead of defaulting.
>feels literally like octopath with a BD skin on it
Which could potentially make it a much better game. Octopath started well with the appealing design but lack of any real story or character interactions and the gamplay loop of town>NPC needs help>dungeon, over and over again quickly kills any enjoyment.
There's all kinds of ways to use it. In general you'd default when the enemy is clearly telegraphing a big hit or a major BP burn, because defaulting works like a guard and increases your defense. There are also abilities that let you earn BP through other means. You can have party members spend it as soon as they get it for bonus damage, have some save it up for bigger burst damage or combos, or to capitalize on a self buff or enemy debuff that will only last a short time, or you can have someone (probably a healer) sit on a certain amount of accrued BP and keep it in their back pocket, only to spend in case of an emergency, like needing to cast several heals, protects, or raise and heal. Defaulting reduces damage taken and also makes your next turn come up sooner, so it isn't a binary matter of losing one turn now to gain one later. You lose your current turn, take less damage if you happen to be hit, and your next turn comes sooner and can be twice as effective (or three times, or four times).
Spending all your BP on turn one is something you'll only do for random encounters, or if you have some broken fucking strategy ready to go for a boss I guess, and only if you're certain you'll end the encounter that turn. You shouldn't be praying, you should probably have an idea of how much damage you can do against that enemy based on previous encounters where you fought more conservatively before you gamble your life on a quick clear.
Octopath had a very clear and deliberate turn order display though, and defending made your next action pop up earlier. And you could preview this before doing it.
>whats the correct form to avoid the brave and default system?
um user...
I loved Bravely Default, Bravely Second less so.
I'll play this game, but holy fuck does anything to do with character models make it look ugly.
Maybe the 3ds games had the same models, but the low resolution made them look comfy. These new super detailed models literally look like dolls people fuck.
I assume that the Asterisk theme in BD2 is still WIP.
Cause I need a new version of
Yeah, Octopath was fine, so if they implement a turn order display I'll be ok with it.
The backgrounds in Bravely Default II are as lovely as ever. Maybe even better than ever.
But it's a real shame that the characters aren't textured and lighted in a similar fashion like those in their new Final Fantasy gacha. Would have meshed much better with the backgrounds of the game as well as looked better in general.
That or they should have let the characters stay super deformed like before instead of just slightly deformed like now.
I am still really excited for the game. And I am still optimistic it'll turn out good somehow.
But I really do hope they'll be able to improve it a lot or it might just end up being the worst game of the franchise. Or the most rough at least. There are a lot of changes I am uneasy about and a lot of things I don't understand why they changed.
It feels like OT because is the same artist.
I've downloaded it and had to stop playing after 30 minutes because I was getting too angry how instead of new Final Fantasy Tactics, we get a fucking gacha game.
The models look great though.
Anyone checked out the datamibed music tracks? They're incomplete midi versions but some are pretty good.
>No hidden items in town
Treasure chest behind the staircase in the gaming hall
Why does it look so blurry when docked Jesus Christ
Yeah I fucking loathe the game with a passion.
But it looks and sounds good though. But that fact if anything just pisses me off even more.
You can bet the game has a way, way better budget than Bravely II too.
I mean the first Bravely game was literally made on a scrap budget pulled together from leftover funds from other projects and when it saw success in spite of that it shocked Square Enix which they've gone on record admitting. It wasn't anything they expected at all.
And yet Bravely Second didn't have a much stronger budget and it seems like they just wanted to see if they could replicate the same kind of success with the same meagre investment. And here we are today with Bravely II and it doesn't seem like they want to truly invest it in now either. It's like they're truly scurrying the line to see just how cheap they can go while still making a profit. I kind of doubt they'd even care too much if the brand died as a result.
Now don't get me wrong. I love AA games and games even smaller than that. And the ever increasing weight put onto Final Fantasy is like a notable part of why that franchise has fucking died. As far as what the franchise used to be anyway. But that doesn't mean they should leave franchises like Bravely starving and struggling to make do anyway.
All while they're pumping insane amounts of money into fucking mobage gacha trash. It pisses me the fuck off! I am mad! I am genuinely mad! AAAAHHHH!!!!
That kinda ruins it a little bit. Hopefully the new jobs and skills will be good enough to compensate.
No Arithmetician, No Buy
Trailer: "We're not friends, you just hired me."
What did she mean by this?
There's a bunch of little things that are not as good as the previous games but its not enough for me to not still be excited for the game. I'm playing it slow and I'm still trying to farm for the sidequests, the drop rates are not great.
Adelle a cute
she's tsun baka desu senpai
So, is this demo basically a free game since the story is separate? Or can you transfer your save after the full release?
>So, is this demo basically a free game since the story is separate?
Basically. But I mean, don't expect a resolution. You'll get cliffhanged like mad and while you get several boss fights and a climax from a gameplay perspective, you don't really get a narrative climax.
Don't think those are mutually exclusive. it is its own story or so they claim, same as the demos for the last two, In those you could transfer rewards from the demo to the main game, but they've not mentioned that for this so probably not. Although I think they also said there would be another demo closer to release.
Is there any porn of gloria and adele yet? Theyre fucking hot.
Models are so ugly
I wonder if it'd be within Thief Adelle's ability to steal my virginity.
I liked the demo a lot. The major complaint is that the models and the environment don't mix well together. Towns and overworld look different as well. They pretty much mixed three different artstyles and the result isn't very pleasing.
Otherwise, combat is great, difficulty was pretty much spot on. Brave/Default system works pretty well even if you don't use all characters at once.
No they need to scrap the battle system and go back to the original style. Final Fantasy, especially 8 and 10, show how broken the speed stat is when you start getting extra turns so often, BD's choice to go back to ff1-3 style ordering and revolutionize it with its titular mechanics was a big part of what made that game so good. BD2 is currently a big step back
Huge fan of BD and BS.
Downloaded the demo and uninstalled it in less than 10 minutes.
Played a single battle, took a look at the UI and job system, and said "yup, it's more BD, day 1 buy for sure".
There's some tweaks like battles being turn based instead of faction based, but whatever. Eveything else is still in place. The BD system, the jobs and customization, the artstyle, all of it looks great.
Same here, assuming they add a turn order display and polish up some of the menus and such, I'll still like it a lot.
Why steal something of no worth?
gloria > adelle
Unacceptable. Midriff is always superior.
You lit. remove the midriff 1 minute in.
But Gloria's legs though.
How do I get a cute black mage gf?
I got the demo yesterday and it would be my first exposure to this series. I haven't finished it, but it took a little bit of time for me to understand some of the mechanics. It's alright, but I'm concerned there'll be a lot of grinding.
From what I've seen, no unfortunately.
>tfw no scottish wizard bro to drink a pint with
1. The demo is intentionally made harder than the actual game to provide players with the full range of challenge/options.
2. BD games have among the best QoL in any JRPG, making grinding extremely and trivially quick. Things like:
>4x battle speed
>4x brave to -3 (which allows you to spam your strongest attacks to win an encounter)
>Heck, late game you get an instant-win-battle ability
>Ability to adjust (increase) the encounter rate
>Chaining system to boost exp/jp gain
>Multiple "Party setup" configuration slots, so you can easily switch to a "grind" build compared to your regular "questing" party setup, and back
>tfw he pulls a galuf
Lads explain to me how this game looks worse than the original.
Bravely Second sucked IMO, are the Revo tunes any good?
Revo is always good. Revo is a godly composer.
Is Bernard the last fight in the game? He's kicking my ass... tried 4 times and whittle him down to ~5000 HP by poison and constant blinding, but then he fucking uses insta-kill with multiple braves on me and wipes me or else heals 1000+ HP with that steal wind move. I'm lv 16 so should if there's no other boss fights I might as well traipse out of this dungeon and level up and buy more than my 2 starting phoenix downs.
If they made a direct sequel to bravely default 2 would it be called Bravely Third or Bravely Second 2
Theres 2 other bosses that are way harder than Bernard user. I suggest you get good and fast.
Fuck... time to level up and buy stuff then. What's the max level?
If BD2 is balanced the same way as the previous games, it won't be particularly grindy unless you're trying to level a bunch of jobs from scratch in the first half of the game or so. And even then, bravely games have excellent auto battle (notably absent from this demo though) and speed up features so it's easy to grind in the background.
Also everything said.
He's not too bad if you abuse stacking Scale Strip and spamming Thundara. Also try having a vanguard use provoke every turn to keep the damage off your squishy mages.
Bravely Default Too
I wanted more on Agnes and Ringabel.
The first of the two bosses is a quest, just go back to town and you'll get it. The other one is a secret boss in the overworld. Location is pic related.
I beat him at the same party level as you. Use Provoke and Protect to lower his damage output and to force him to avoid attacking squishy party members.
You're blind.