Really exciting to know the Arms rep is gonna break a "rule"

Really exciting to know the Arms rep is gonna break a "rule"

If it's Springman, the assist trophy deconfirm is dead
If it's Min Min or Ribbon Girl, the spirit deconfirm is dead
If it's anyone else, the fact the character has to be the main character is dead

People say this after every character reveal, but it really does feel like every new fighter opens more doors

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Other urls found in this thread:

Arms 2 main character

Maybe, but that has also never happened where they've used the character from the sequel instead of the character from the first game.

>spring man/minmin/whoever is a spirit gets in
>rayman gets a chance, but insufferable shantards and shadowfags crawl back from the woodworks
oh god, brass better do us all a favor

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Don't forget Geno. If any of the spirits get in, I will never shut up about Geno.

This is all worth it if it means my man Bomberman has a chance.

Wish granted but he looks like this so as not to be confused with the Assist Trophy.

Attached: 1558790160990.jpg (1500x1280, 627.16K)

Ugh, I just typed the word based. I need to wash that out of my system.


At least they're back.

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