>bows scale with DEX instead of STR
Bows scale with DEX instead of STR
Here's your longbowman, bro.
Bows in Disgaea scale from ATK and HIT, so it's relatively accurate.
>Game feature a french teenage girl
>blunt weapons are all STR
>blade weapons are all DEX
Only shows that designing video games based on low IQ shit that is D&D was a mistake.
>popularity scales with stupidity
>female characters have higher DEX and INT, male characters have higher STR and END
women have higher CHA INT and WIS
Here's your (you)
>complaining about how videogames don't adhere to real-life logic.
That's why all guns in FPS games should heal enemies instead of killing them, because not adhering to real life logic is a good thing and the viewer is too lacking in common sense to question it or find it stupid.
it's because DEX affects how fast you can stretch the bowstring. why would STR matter?
Have you ever pulled a real bow in real life?
You're a retard. D&D does this correctly.
holy fucking crigne
it requires a lot of power to pull back the bowstring on classic bows. Longbows are even more nuts, longbowmen looked like they jacked off 24/7 with one monster arm and one normal one.
Because you look like a prissy faggot if you use a bow
DEX should affect how rapidly you can shoot arrows, STR should determine range and damage.
Dex obviously increases accuracy and reload speed
Why do I find Lindybeige the most annoying out of all the “Umm akshully that weapon ith NOT historically accurate” youtubers?
Because he's right and you're fucking stupid?
Because the power and distance and speed of an arrow fired from a bow depends on the elastic potential energy stored in the bow body by bending it through the string's draw distance, and a stronger person can therefore either pull the string farther than a weaker person or they can pull a stronger and heavier bow, and they can also pull the bow more times since shooting bows depletes stamina fast and requires very strong people to be effective and efficient with bows and worth a shit on a battlefield that could last days in pre-firearm eras.
Because he's the most overrated out of those who are ignorant but with strong opinions.
>guns in FPS games should heal enemies instead of killing them
Don't see the issue with this so long as its consistant.
Demanding that games follow irl logic 100% of the time is retarded. So what a bow's damage is determined by DEX, or that arrows can be lit on fire. Its only a game, relax.
like clockwork
STR should determine accuracy, the longer you can hold the string back, the more accurate you can aim. It should also determine the kind of bows you can wield, which in turn would determine range & damage.
DEX should affect precision, hit chance and crit chance. Possibly allow movement speed %..
STR should increase damage and the use of longer bows.
>So what a bow's damage is determined by DEX
So what if a bow's damage is determined by INT?
>all bows are longbows
bows should scale with DEX but have a STR requirement
>Demanding that games follow irl logic 100% of the time is retarded.
Demanding that games become more intelligent by mirroring increased literacy and education in the real world is not retarded, it's called increasing the quality standard. If you want to make low quality games, then do continue, just don't whine when your game is called low quality. Real world has no magic so we can't whine about magic in games. Real world has bows though and we know how bows work now, so your game is a low quality product if it doesn't reflect common knowledge now.
Don't see your point. Games that strive to be historically accurate should be as accurate as possible, otherwise internal consistancy matters more than what is told in history books.
My point is that bows scaling with DEX is no different from scaling with INT by your logic.
In the real world its STR they scale with, but since you don't believe in basic 7th to 8th grade physics then it doesn't make a difference in a game between a bow scaling with either DEX or INT since both are equally inaccurate.
Why am I so flat?
That’s fine.
Str is for warrior retard
int should unlock compound bows
Again, so long as its consistant with the rest of the game a bow scaling with INT is perfectly acceptable. VIdeo games don't need to nor should they mirror real life all the time. Its alright for some things to be nonsensical in works of fiction.
Enchanted bow that pulls itself scales with INT
>faith build reduces int
DEX for hitting a target. STR as a requirement to draw the bow.
games with this feel
>faith and int literally breaks the game
Based and redpilled
Eternally bluepilled.
>dude duuuuuuude
>what if
>what if everything had to be moved by something
>but what if we made a random exception for god
>god proven, logic users BTFO!
Thank you for confirming your eternal brainlet status.
>nooo you can't make fun of my logical flaws
>you must be stoopid not to accept my poor logic!
Stop seething, fedora-kun.
Just laughing at you.
Women have higher CHA until they hit level 30 and then their CHA begins to decrease every level until bottoming out in their mid 40s. Their INT, STR, DEX, WIS, and CON are unfortunately all lower.
I pity you.
America being overtaken by cryptofascists and communists who don't know what communism is could arguably be the best argument against Aquinas. Give people so much as a chance at natural law and people will find ways to fuck it up for everyone.
what would your mother think if she knew your opinions
INT lets me make a recurve bow that does more damage with less STR.
I laugh at you like at a child doing dumb child stuff.
She would probably agree with me. My mother is weird and seems to hate other women. Maybe it is because she had 4 boys, is married to a man, and grew up with a single father and 2 brothers.
>unopened ZingZang because they're all waiting for someone else to buy vodka
Instead of having four stats that each increase damage on one of four categories of weapons, why not have each stat affect every weapon, but in more ways than just damage?
You sound like you're not in touch with reality
Being strong doesn't make the arrows go faster.
Most women hate other women, they just keep it under wraps. They rarely see other women as anything besides a potential competitor
True it should be strength requirements not scaling, stronger bows require higher draw weight
Makes sense.
this baseless "fact" brought to you buy a basement dwelling neckbeard whose only interaction with women is asking mom what's for dinner
You've already revealed to everyone here what you are through your previous replies nobody is going to take you seriously.
The difference is that the same bow can be drawn back different amounts. You can have the strength to pull back a bow enough to fire an arrow, but you can also pull it back even more for an even more devastating arrow.
It should have a requirement and scale up to a certain amount based on the bow. Smaller bows have smaller requirements and lower scaling, larger bows have larger requirements and larger scaling.
INT lets you make a firearm instead of gay bows CEO of Simps.
I am not a pussy ass mage why would I need a "fire arm"?
The holding arm requires as much strength as the pulling one you room temperature iq retard.