It's been almost 7 years since the last Rayman game, fellas

It's been almost 7 years since the last Rayman game, fellas...

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Why the FUCK do his games not sell well? They're fucking great.

for me?
the blue mountains

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i was not allowed to buy games by my strict cunt father when i was a kid, but i managed to circumvent this by buying a pack of cereal with a Rayman 3 demo, he let it pass since i outsmarted him, that was my first game and it was fucking amazing. I will never forget the atmosphere, the music and just the feeling of that magical world

rayman died with rayman 3
4 had fucking sick concept art

it died with 2, 3 was soulless, then resurrected with origins and deid again with Legends

The literal definition of soul

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extremely based
my favorite is the level where you dodge the giant spike enemies with northern lights in the background

Great taste.

Feels bad

game kinda sucks though

Remember when they retconned Rayman's species into teensies? Soulless as fuck

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The 2D Rayman games are better than the 3D Rayman games in almost every single way. People are just nostalgic about the 3D titles.

Nigger what?
2 (Specifically Revolution) is the best game in the series.
It's one of the greatest games of all time.

yes I just phrased it wrong, R2 is pure soul

how exactly? the atmosphere, the music, the gameplay, the story and characters are all on point. I played it a few years back and there was absolutely nothing to complain about

Hell if I know. It's maddening.

Legends was great though.

>It's maddening.

Actually, that was a rare instance of something old being soulless and the change adding soul. Rayman, as a character, is much more unique and mysterious now that he's the only member of his species around. Not sure if the costumes count against this or they are just personas.

This R3 game trailer has more energy than most game trailers nowdays.

Normies and zoomers don't care about platformers, unless they have le edgy artstyle and tone like Hollow Knight. The only colorful cartoony platformer that's allowed to be mainstream is Mario, simply because of the Nintendo trademark and fanbase.

It wasn't a retcon, Rayman 2 was a retcon by having Rayman the standout in the Glade of Dreams. Origins and Legends tried to blend in the lore and artstyle of Rayman 1 and the 3D games.

Game's fun but i always found Rayman's design atrocious to look at.

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What's so bad about Rayman, when popular platforming characters such as Crash or Mario are seen as iconic ?
Really those guys had way more rough arts/renders/designs than Rayman during the 90's.

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Rayman has sold like 26 million copies world wide

Well see, i don't know what to tell you.

They're rough for sure but they don't trip me as much as Rayman does.

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rayman’s design was shit until 3 made it the best character design in the video game industry


it hurts

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It would have been so damn comfy too...

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That's the one for autists.

>Those giant containers leaking a river of ink like a polluting factory
>That cave area
Fucking kino

Don't remind me

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Wonder if Ubisoft would pull a Sega (sonic mania) or Valve (black mesa, fan half life remake) if presented with a decent fangame demo and let fans build a game with/for them to publish.

here, oops, didn't mean to reply to (you)

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That's not a proper explanation. Sonic is a platformer, right? He sells a lot, right?

you burgers killed us french with your nigger rap culture, gun culture, macdonald culture and mutt culture, that kind of ost will never happen again

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Yes, but only within its fanbase, which happens to be bigger than Rayman's. That's the issue. Platformers have no chance to increase their playerbase in this day and age.

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I wish, but this is Ubisoft we're talking about
It's all good.

F to Rémi Gazel everyone pls, may he rest in peace



He died before the covid-19 happening and the complete failure of yurope, the worst is yet to come. In a way he's not unlucky.

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Which whole game you like aside, which is your favorite Rayman (the character) design?

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shut up, don't bring politics when we still mourn this magnificient man

I love the first design, not a fan of the hoodie.

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R3, before he went full derp retard mode and still had a strong character.

UbiArt Framework is fucking amazing

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If Rayman is so great, why didn't he get a crossover with Mario?

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Probably 3/Origins/Legends, leaning mostly to Legends

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Starts with a J and ends in ews

>make rayman on a nintendo
>he's suddenly fat as fuck

nintendo : fatties

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You know damn good n well phone games don't count

I'm still sad that his Kickstarter didn't get enough funds, because now it'll never come to fruition - I'd love to hear his arrangements of Rayman 1 OST.
Also he was really nice to talk to - if you pm'd him on Rayman PC forum, he'd always answer you. With him also being Ancel's friend, he could tell you a thing or two that happened during R1 development.

damn i missed that, i wish i could have spoken to him

The Rayman Learning game gave me a 150 IQ

>In a Rayman game
There are so many inconsistencies between each game it's not even worth bringing this up. They really didn't care about continuity in the first place.

R1 and R3

I loved the slightly bigger hair look

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