JRPG thread, anyone? What are you guys playing right now? I’m playing Phantasy Star IV for the first time and shit is great.
JRPG thread, anyone? What are you guys playing right now...
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I’m on my third playthrough of TWEWY. Still a great game. After that, gonna check out FFVI and get back onto Etrian Odyssey V.
I'm going to start playing Lufia 2 soon, I was thinking about if I should play Phantasy Star 4 first but just settled with Lufia 2. Definitely going to play it after, though.
That game is amazing. Hope you enjoy it, user.
Is the GBA port worth trying out?
Never played it so I'm about to give it a try.
It's very good and all subsequent releases (Steam, Android, etc) are based on it. If you can't stand ugly blob shit art in the nu-versions, definitely stick with the GBA release.
Also, it is said that the English translation for 5 is actually good, so no having to rely on shit PS1-era garbage or questionable fan translations.
What’s with all of the JRPG threads lately?
Games are immersive and last long. Most people are "forced" to stay at home.
Dragon Quest XI
What about all the previous Phantasy Stars? Is this the same case as with Final Famtasy?
Corona has given us an excuse to cut down on our backlogs.
I dunno but those are pretty comfy strangely enough. Since all the other threads on this board are just dumpster fire, I only come to those jrpg threads lately.
Also, Yas Forums what's some underrated jrpg that you think it's a must play but flew under the radar?
Better than the SNES version, it’s easier but only because of how improved the AI is
paper mario 64
I loved Suikoden Tierkreis for the DS and never see people mentioning it.
Lost Odyssey. I wish more people got to play it.
I dunno maybe it's a popular genre or something.
Been seriously considering getting out SaGa Frontier again.
People actually like them despite what ADHD zoomers here would have you believe.
I am playing xenoblade chronicles 2. I bought the game with the nintendo online two for one ticket while I was drunk but its the best fucking game I played in half a decade.
Translation is shit
The problem with that game is that it's stuck on Xbox.
Most of them are underrated for this board's standards.
And the actually underrated ones are usually JP onlies, which most people in here can't play.
I used a leather bound notebook in real life to write my own discovered descriptions of each spell and abiltity in phantasy star 4 for reference, it was my own spell book, I could have used the internet but it was more fun that way
Is the gba version with the sound restoration patch the best way to play it?
Played it when the ds was the only console I owned at the time, good game but I don't remember much of it. Maybe I should play the mainline suikoden, dunno.
I'm thinking of starting Octopath Traverler. Is it good Yas Forums?
Played some of the Bravely Default 2 demo. Not really feeling it, for some reason.
I keep holding out hope that they will port this and all the other Mistwalker games to the Switch.
Almost like we’re in the middle of a global pandemic and have all been told to stay home. JRPGs are perfect games to play when you have a fuckload of free time because they’re so long and intricate
Fantastic combat. Fantastic optional quest system. Beautiful visuals. Badly told story.
I thought Xenoblade came out today, but it didn't. Comes out in two more months.
So instead I'm waiting for P5R to come out in a few days, then after that FF7 will come out next month, and then late in may Xenoblade will come out. So I'll have my hands full at least.
Well, you can't play a heavily story-based game if you can't understand the language it was written in, can you?
It's all around mediocre.
I remember there was a palette swap version of those worms in another late game area on the same planet, spoilers but They have a special move, in any encounter as long there's 2 of them (i think) they go underground in a turn and come back as a single dune sandworm boss monster, it has a move called earthquake that does masive damage and spams it pretty often
That game has a lot of cool consepts that i don't see often, just the anime panel story telling its great and cheap as fuck but also very effective and neat, its a shame nobody does it
Nice... that'll do.
About to finish FF2, just beat Emperor Mateus and going to go bitchslap Leon.
Then FF3 and DQIV
There's Trials of Mana and Sakura Wars in April as well. They put too many games in that month.
I wasn't even aware there was such a patch. If that's the case, definitely apply it and enjoy. There's no reason to play the SNES or PS1 versions if you can get that music on the GBA game.
I don't know about anyone else but being stuck indoors all day has me wanting games that are easy to pick up and put down between working from home
There's several story light JRPGs so I don't know about that, but yeah, the language barrier is a thing.
Won't happen. Microsoft owns Lost Odyssey.
Might as well study Japanese while you're locked in the house then. By the time this quarantine's over you could be able to comfortably navigate most JRPG menus without relying on translation shit.
Long story short, because the game tries to do too many things at once and tries to please too many different audiences but achieves none of its objectives in terms of mechanics or design, it also looks offensively ugly.
This. Honestly, if I had to pick a genre to play for a full year, I’d honestly pick JRPGs. There’s so many of them that stand out from one another, from story to music to gameplay, that you can find yourself pretty content when it comes to gameplay.
>Is the gba version with the sound restoration patch the best way to play it?
Yup, definitely for V. Not sure if that applies to the other FF games, I know people are quite autistic about playing VI a certain way
Game would have been better if it was just Kill Bill: Primrose edition.
You don't have to tell me, there's no need to use the quarantine as an excuse either.
Dunno if it counts as a JRPG but I'm playing Pokemon FireRed for the first time- also my first Pokemon game since Gold in the early 2000s.
I just arrived in Lavender Town after beating Lt. Surge. I have a Warturtle, Nidoqueen, Pikachu, Dugtrio and Gravler as my squad right now. Having a hell of a time fighting grass/bug types at the moment. It seems really awkward trying to fight them with no fire types.
Should we make a tier list /v? Or at least a list of must/worth playing games that a newcomer to the genre should play.
A game that never got the attention it deserves is treasures of the Rudra (Rudra no hihou?) on SNES. Beautiful sprite work, with every character feeling lively, with multiple animations based on what kind of weapon theyre using or if theyre casting spells. And the system to write your own spells by writing out keywords was neat. Shit like Fa = fire to make a fire spell, Lus makes a spell hit every enemy, so Falus was a fire spell that hit all enemies. It was cool.
You can apply the GBA translation to the SNES version, too
Take a quick trip to celdaon and buy a fire punch. Or just go through what TMs you have in general, at that point.
Thanks user, I will surely look into it. I was looking for a comfy snes game to play alongside FFX.
Will it kill them to bring this to the PC? The Last Story can be easily emulated but i'm sure you can't with this one.
I’ve been playing SMT1, and my goodness, you can spam zio to stunlock the demons infinitely, and wreck their shit. I’m still waiting for a countermeasure to come into effect, like every demon later being null or reflective to zio later, but for now, it’s “ZIO TO WIN”.
Tier lists are always cancer, just play what you like and leave it at that, nobody should be forced to play shit they don't like for e-cred or showing off, unless you're one of those cunts who just love to make sweeping generalizations about entire genres but those are a lost cause.
The problem with RnH is that the writing is abysmal and the entire gameplay system is busted, once you get over the novelty of the Kotodama you realize the game is really simple and boring, although admittedly very pretty.
Pokemon has all of the requirements to be considered a JRPG so it more than fits. Been thinking of playing BW2 again lately.
Be sure to look up combination attacks. Some of them are hilariously powerful for when you get access to them.
Been playing Bravely Second, Star Ocean, and my yearly playthrough of the Lunar games. I hope Star Ocean 2 gets brought to the Switch
No, but sort of. First four games take place in the same setting, but with big timeskips between games. There's some continuity, like a couple of characters from 1 return in 4. But don't expect too much.
After the first four you get a bunch of standalones with very loose connections at best. Mostly just certain items showing up in different games, which might just be simple fanservice stuff.
I mean, sometimes every now and then there's an user asking for reccs to get into the jrpg genre and I tought a list would be a good idea to get them started. Not a kind of "absolute" tier list.
Just left the Golden Saucer in FF7, but that New Threat mod for the PC version has piqued my interest. I've already beaten the game several times so I'm not feeling challenged at all, is it worth starting another save with that mod?
Could anyone explain how learning skills work in Last Remnant? Ive read the wiki but can i keep using C rank combat artes to rank it up, learn B rank but disable it to keep using C and learn A rank later?
Based and JRPGpilled