Everyone harps on bethesda for not being able to make a city that isnt tiny with more than a few people

>everyone harps on bethesda for not being able to make a city that isnt tiny with more than a few people
>meanwhile nintendo cant either

The eternal "Its ok when nintendo does it" continues.

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>still mad about breath of the wild

the game is three years old

its time to let go

hyrule ruins was tiny too. apparently not a lot of people lived in hyrule and they should have just let ganon have it and moved on

probably because bethesda makes games on modern hardware, not glorified phone shit

Hyrule in BotW is damn near post apocalyptic thanks to Calamity Ganon. Meanwhile Skyrim isn't.

I'm not fan of BoTW but it's basically post apoc with people only just starting to turn a corner. The imperial city of Solitude does not exist under the same circumstances.

> hyrule is a hundred years out of the apocalypse and doesn't have every city populated by reused characters
> skyrim isn't post apocalyptic and every city has a minimum of half its NPCs reused in some capacity

There are plenty of village ruins in Hyrule though. Tabantha, Deya, Gatepost and the archipelago one near Zora's Domain

Imagine being a Todd simp in 2020

People were complaining about the size of fallout 4 diamond city as well.

good to see the NDF out in force today.

why would you want a huge city?
you want to spend 20 hours visiting every single house and talking to everyone in it?
The cities in botw were fine, ideal even

The cities in Skyrim are meant to be major commercial hubs at the height of their power, the towns in BotW are glorified villages only a few generations down from a total cataclysm.

making large scale cities in games is a meme, you know its true. developers should use that time and those resources on other aspects of the game, like level design.

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id rather go into a city that is populated and interesting but small than a big empty shithole

m8 the ruins of the capital are literally a village

>Nintendo makes a Ubisoft game with even less content and variety somehow and with way worse graphics
>People love it because of the Nintendo bonus
Yikes. It's not even a good Zelda game. Those """""""dungeons""""" are an insult. Do those gathering quests and put the ball in the hole x99 you children.

Who? What people?

Skyrim is post apocalypse. Red Mountain erupted and sent refugees en masse to Skyrim. Their apocalypse was just Dunmer shits.
Virtually all societal problems in Skyrim itself can be sourced to various foreign filth messing up their economy and values.
They were also 200 years into an Imperium Interregnum , that shit has a toll on a society.

Why are you comparing two completely different games? They aren't even the same genre.

People think Nintendo invented game design. The legitimacy of a design element employed by Nintendo is a circular construct wherein its legitimacy is conferred from its utilization in a Nintendo game. In layman's terms, it is okay when Nintendo does it.

Skyrim was in dire straits my man. Their height of power was right after the Dawn era when their people understood and utilized the Thu'um on a society wide scale.

Pretty much every game can't seem to push populations to near-realistic levels and we've remained stagnant for the past 15 years. It's just laziness on the part of the developer these days. 15 years ago, developers were pushing their games to the limit and adding as much as possible even if it meant risking their budget. But since people buy whatever the fuck comes out these, days, anything goes, and we see virtually no innovation anymore among the top companies because they know their pile of shit game with a certain title is guaranteed to sell.

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Nintendo isn't trying to pass of their games as some ultra realistic muh immersion Toddfest

Gerudo Town at least made some sense with how it revolves around the main water source in the desert, if you want an example of a dogshit town/village look at the Rito one

Who made this thread? Why?

Is this the "It's ok when Nintendo does it" thread?

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I don't know why you are expecting highly of console games that need to work on shit tier cpus.

I remember when Dead Rising was being hyped up for how many 3D actors the developers could put in single loading zones with next-gen technology. Now kids only care about what PC guts are in consoles, as if the proprietary architecture of each console isn't a major factor in itself, and they have fuck all idea what that'll mean for games other than the memes about resolution and framerate. They just know they'll need a new box to play the new game and they're totally OK with that.

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Hey remember when the Game Gear had color and nobody bought it?

Facebook is waiting for you.

this. the emphasis is on the actual gameplay. way better than shit like Skyrim where you have miles and miles of fucking nothing ass missions that exist in pretty much every MMO with garbage tier combat

City design is level design and most players will tend use cities as their primary hubs.

>n64 rumblepack exclusive

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Not a single argument in this thread. Wow.

From what I remember, gamegear cost an arm and a leg and had a horrible issue with being a battery glutton
That being said, I still wanted one

Didn't they add gyro and shit in the Switch version? Different gameplay and/or content is justification for changing the score if you're trying to be factual. Do you whine about DQXIS too?

Also have to keep in mind they're less powerful compared to it. It looks more impressive than it otherwise would be on lesser hardware.

One of the games I kickstarted, Micro Mages, for example. Is it amazing by modern PC standards? Not at all. But it is for an NES game.

By PC standards it probably should be rated lower but by NES platformer standards it's easily somewhere in the top.

Jesus christ the cope is real.

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That's the RAM expansion, dumbass.

Stating facts isn't coping.

Projecting that someone else is coping in an attempt to cope however...

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I remember when it took 6 AA batteries and still lasted one hour tops.

youre thinking too small of a spectrum, think something outside of open world design - because its shit.

The only "pro" listed for why it is good is it is on the system at all. It is being graded on a HEAVY curve just for existing on the console.

BoTW revolves around exploration of the wild
Skyrim revolves are bethesda being lazy

This is why gaming is dead, the actual first good game on the switch didn't get a sequel or even dlc, but that trash did

replying with an image with any sort of smugness in your image is peak cope.

Skyrim towns are supposed to seem big at first, but then you explore every corner and most of what you saw when you came in was basically a backdrop.
I gotta give props to Todd for being sneaky, he creates these mirages out of building roofs and winding streets, but then you play Witcher 3 and go to Hierarch Square in Novigrad and Skyrim towns become goldfish bowls.

except for the part where we have fallout 2/NV that prove the settlements are not small anymore, bethesda just fucking sucks

gyro aiming isn't enough to justify a 1.4 difference in score between regular version of doom and switch version

So what is the argument here supposed to be? They shouldn't release something that is an improvement on their flaws and fuck ups? With how long a console generation lasts making something to upgrade your shit when it's falling behind makes sense. Nintendo has a chronic issue of releasing things and then later figuring out how they should have done it from the start. So is the argument supposed to be leave your fuck ups as they are?

It's not okay when *anyone* does it.

The difference is, Nintendo never actually made any claims, in-universe or otherwise, about the size of the towns

It's like... Different people play those 2 games.


...wait botw was supposed to be after a total cataclysm? I never got that vibe at all.

because Zelda was keeping Ganon in check until Link could recover and defeat him.

>defending bethesda so you can shit on nintendo

holy fuck what a new low

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BotW paints Gerudo as a traveling race, which is why there aren't many people in their main town. The complain you should have is they don't have many children, since the town purpose is for Gerudo girls to grow up in

then you somehow ignored all the marketing for the game as well as its story

Whats its like being that fucking stupid?
all the towns in botw are the same size.

I don't like Nintendo fans either, but it's time to move on user. Why do you waste so much energy on hating an inanimate object?

>PS4 pro doesnt exist

ok kid

It's not how "big" a town is, but how it presents itself. Gerudo Town feels more like a town than any town in Bethesda's games. And it's still sufficiently big and populated.


That shows the PS4 Pro you moron.

How did they do this on 2001 hardware? Why can't modern games have more than 20 different unique character models on one screen? Bethesda couldn't even muster up more than 10 people at once on modern hardware.

The first "big" trailer said it all.
>The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also a history if calamity Ganon...

so a graphical upgrade isnt a functionality change?

No, as the PS4 Pro does not have any exclusives that the PS4 cannot do. A higher resolution is not a functionality change.

a calamity and a catastrophe aren't the same thing.
a calamity is just a really rowdy thing, a catastrophe is devastation incarnate.

Diamond City is the first good new settlement Bethesda has made since Oblivion.

It's a lot more logical and thought out than shit like Megaton, Rivet City, or Solitude.

if you say so

Nintendies have lower standards because they never played a good game

you're so asshurt, and even if the towns where bigger you would just bitch the added NPCS didn't do anything and thus was a failure, personally I find the towns ugly to look at and overly simplistic, for a game with such verticality you think they would have done more to make them less flat as fuck, I don't even love BoTW but only a retard would defend bethesda, their games don't even run on non pc hardware

its objectively a great game though and the switch version released way later. enough time for reviewers to realize

Games like Deus Ex and Thief show that cities should be immersive and grand in their own scale rather than trying to cram them into a navigable open overworld.

>yfw Todd predicted the future of europe

No, that's Yas Forumsjection onto a video game

Yeah its almost like designing a gigantic city is a huge gamble of resources for your game development.
It is ALMOST, like video game companies have challenges that most consumers don't even understand on a conceptual level.


the cities in open worlds are usually there just to house the traders and crafting shit, in deus ex they're the main content

west-only cuck coper

why are you attempting to besmirch an entire board of anons?

No one is defending bethesda. I pointed out the hypocrisy. You must be pretending to be retarded.

Even more reason as to not overcomplicate them and rather keep them simple.

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Oни дeлaют игpы нa мoщнoм жeлeзe, лoл, в 720p, нo хoтя бы пopтиpyют нopмaльнo, никaк нa тeлeфoнaх

The PS4 pro can stream remoteplay to other devices in 1080P which is nice if you have/had a Vita. Also generally better framerates and it's far quieter and cooler than the PS4.

Why are you getting offended for Yas Forums3.0?

It's a desert city, they have no farms, how do you expect them to be popolous? There is a giant monster killing everything 200 meters outside their town.

>oxford dictionary
>define a word using a similar word
Similar does not mean the same.
Great appeal to without though, its always better than thinking for yourself.