Mount & Blade Bannerlord

It's almost time bros, years of waiting and it's mere hours away...

Who will you side with or will you side with anyone?

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I will become the one true emperor of not!GroBbyzantiums.

Just gonna herd some cattle so I can buy butter.

Vlandia time

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The empire shall return to its former glory

can we remember how many people have died waiting for this game to come out?

also guys im coofing pretty bad now so im going to play as much of this as i can

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I'm going to be RPing a khuzait horse archer. However, I haven't decided on any particular faction I want to join: maybe I'll just wander around as a mercenary without loyalties, or perhaps I find some faction worthy of my service for some reason (maybe I find myself enjoying commanding their troop roster, there's a bro NPC, or whatever).

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Can you kill lords even if you aren't part of any factions?

14 more hours....

16 and a half actually.

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Battania looks cool and seems to favor mixed unit tactics so them at first

It's hard to believe we are less than a day away...

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Are wifes going to be in it?

>releases ~10PM local time
>work nights
>essential service so can't quarantine
>people at work showing symptoms of chinesium flu
Life has a funny way of kicking you in the teeth


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Is it going to drop on steam?

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And children.

I never learned how to play Warband properly, so I'll just cheat my way into the endgame for some cool sieges.

Right here. Imagine not defending the empress and then personally ensuring the imperial line continues.

Is it a actually realistic to take and hold any castles as the mongolians or are you doomed to endlessly fighting armies and never gaining any ground?

>not raising your character from some shitty fooder with a stick for a weapon to a guy in full armor covered in blood red with arrows sticking out on shield and back, slaughtering 143+ enemies with a 3hp left
You're missing out

>be a mercenary
>profit off the wars
>become rich and feared
>whichever faggot faction starts losing the most territory, keep watch
>when they're about to fall, take over
if you can still appoint companions to vassals
>appoint my trustworthy companions to lords, fuck all you born into royalty niggers
this is the most chad playthrough you can do.


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To be fair, I almost always cheat myself at least a little in the beginning these days in Warband. Grinding out raiders for hours before you can start big dicking actual lords is a pain every time I want to start over.

What about impregnating every woman in the game?

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Nepotism and meritocracy in one, best way to do things.

Epic exclusive

i'm gonna wait to see how unfinished it is before buying honestly. it seems like its still very early in early access, which is completely asinine considering its been years.

Can I get a tl:dr of the new (big) features?

Or you could just hire companions, steal their better equipment

I hope I can play as giant in Bannerlord

It does sound nice, but the process is slow as fuck and the temptation to just skip it and level up to 50 instantly was always too much for me. I've made multiple attempts, but it never worked out.
How does one even earn money here? Sure, I could just raid villages from a faction I don't give a fuck about, but it costs honor.

whats stopping you from doing both
now that you can have actual children, im going to rape and pillage and have my bloodline headcanoned into history.

then when they make a warband mod, ill play as my headcanon descendants

could there be a more chad way to play?


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The best is as follows.
>Steal cattle from kingdom you don't want to stay in.
>Steal more cattle.
>Steal so much cattle.
>Buy shops.
>Buy more shops.
>Buy all shops and corner every market.
>Use economic might to buy mercenaries and take over corner castle by the sea.
>Defend tiny kingdom against factions mad that a cattle thief now has a throne.
>Expand if desired.
Fighting is for plebs.
Real kings conquer using economic and logistic might.

Is the performance known? I would like to know if my i5 7500 and 1060 3gb will be able to run it without stutters

B-bros... Does anyone know if it'll be possible to cheat via the character import and get unlimited gold and skills?
Not that I'd do that haha, just curious if it's still in.

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What are some added new features Bannerlord will have over the previous games?

The Empire is canonically dead by the time of Warband.

>wanting to be a giant target
Yikes.Now that I think about it, if this game gets a Thief like stealth mod it'll be the definitive medieval game.God I hope smart people get on top of that.

while not fully implemented yet because early access
>clan management, you have a bloodline and get renown and shit for a clan instead of yourself
>new kingdom management
>crafting(in full release)
>way better siege mechanics
>economy is more significant
battles can now regularly go up to 1k
some other shit that escapes me atm

My dick in your ass.

Never played mountain blade, should I start with the of or jump into bannerlord ?

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I'm sure cheat engine will work at least.

will factions have their own objectives?
like one wants to conquer all and rebuild the empire.
other just wants to keep status quo and protect their borders and etc


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Same desu. I'm worried my i5 6600k won't handle it too good.

You should definitely play Warband as it is a finished game. Most M&B players have upwards of 600 hours played at the least for a reason. Bannerlord is coming into EA and will get progressively better, but it'll not be a good measure of what makes the series so beloved.

Just wait a day and see how Bannerlord's early access fares. Jump in if it interests you, start with Warband and its mods if Bannerlord is shit.

Or avoid entirely if the genre doesn't interest you.

Depends on how well Bannerlord will be at launch, but Warband is a complete game so you can keep yourself occupied with it for a long time if release Bannerlord turns out bad.

even in EarlyAccess?

Not sure about that.

Good news for those with shit specs

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Rest in peace all those full conversion mods for Warband still being developed that are basically Vaporware at this point

gonna pirate it first to see how well it runs on a 3570k

Hey, they had MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME to finish.
Most big mod groups started preparing for Bannerlord 4-6 years ago.

Eh, Floris was really the only one that I stuck with.
All the other ones just felt sort of distended.


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I know right? Who the fuck plays Floris unironically.

>Porn mods with the lineage system

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Who the fuck even plays it ironically?

Where my /southernempire/ boys at?

The Last Days of the 3rd Age mod is fantastic. The Mordor campaign was the most fun warband experience I ever had

Steam page updated with the new release date.
15 hours to go.
I am considering just going to sleep and sleeping for 14 hours straight.

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What is wrong with Floris?


Im talking about the mods that are still not even 50% finished like the Game of thrones guy is still posting concept models and armors

fuck, i'm not off until tuesday bros.

better porn mods

The choices of what mods to put in were extremely questionable.

>What is wrong with Floris?
>what is wrong

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There is one called Connor among them...

Kurgan mod when

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Day 1 pirate

>start as Battanian
>gather a bunch of merry lads
>be a bandit lord and ravage every single foreign caravan that dares trespass our lands
Original inhabitants arise

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Which one? There's two GoT mods.
I think A World of Ice & Fire is the better of the two, and that's fully playable.

it's almost harvesting season

>15 hours to go
Can't wait for the obligatory tortanic posters. Good thing I'll be too busy playing to notice them.

>Vague bullshit criticisms.
Fuck off, the mod is the best upgrade to Warband that doesn't just make it into some gay high fantasy bullshit.

Where will you begin anons?

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Anyone else have a gut feeling that this is going to be a disaster launch? I can’t shake it.

I am looking forward to the angry slav comments about SHIT GAME HOW IT CAN BE STILL UNFINISHED??

sturgia has top tier infantry so itll be great for carving my way into my own kingdom by force

Steam still won't let you buy it? I am confused.

Well, going by that picture, Khuzait has the best waifus, and because I'm a coomer I will just follow my benis.

>Why yes, I do intend to build a bandit empire and not pledge allegiance to any king. What gave it away?

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I'm going for the red rhodoks, whatever their name is here. I'm pretty sure every nation in the middle will get absolutely raped Swadia style.

Don't care.
At all.
I've been waiting for 8 years.
Besides, its EA, its the whole point.