One save file per console

>One save file per console
>Tendies will defend this

Attached: Brewster.png (423x504, 149.31K)

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What kind of no-life turbo sperg could manage playing more than one save? That sounds like hell

No man, OP is underage and doesn't like that he has to share a save file with his brother

That doesn't really bother me
All the shops that were cut, the missing art section in the museum, and the fact that you can only upgrade Nook's 1 time is disheartening though

The primary audience of this game is children who likely have siblings who also play the game. It's definitely a scheme to get them to ask their parents for another switch

>one set of continues for 5 playthroughs
just why

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I am literally in the process of playing two towns on GC memory cards. Get on my level, plebs.

>Roomates who share a console don't exist
>couples who share a console don't exist
>Parents who share consoles with their children don't exist
But no, you're going to act like a retard because it'll make your precious company look better

It's one island per switch user, not one save. You can have alt saves for any game on the Switch by making other profiles on the system.
Then again that would have required you playing the game and we both know you're a shitposter who doesn't actually play vidaya

Piggyugaymon has been doing this forever

So you can have another save file, but they don't get to experience the game in the intended way
I don't see how this is any better

>only one island per system
Imagine defending this on gamecube you could just put a new memory card in and make new town on that

Just change the profile you fucking dumbass. It's like you don't even own a Switch.

>being poor

But even the droniest of nintendo fans have realized that gamefreak is absolute scum years ago

I'm a big fan of Nintendo but I really wish people didn't pretend to be retarded just to defend them. Like these idiots
As said OP's is a fair complaint.

Like is this user
Really so retarded he didn't understand teh point of the OP or is he really Motte and Baileying here?

>effectively have to pay $260 for the game
>haha you're just poor if you're upset about this

It's not a fair complaint because all OP has to do is change his profile. The island isn't linked to the fucking Switch, it's linked to the profile. For example, If I have two profiles on my switch, one named "OP is a faggot" and "OP is a massive faggot" then I would have access to two islands. It isn't one island per Switch, it's one island per profile. OP has the ability to have multiple islands, he's just too stupid to make another profile, or he's lying about owning a Switch. OP's argument is based on his own retardation.

Buy your own switch poorfag

Add a second profile, you mong.

isabelle feet

Is it actually like this? Because I heard it wasn't so I never bothered attempting to start the game from another profile

*sells better than Pokemon Sword and Shield in your path*

>You are against anti-consumer practices, therefore you are poor

Do people really have trouble 360 for the switch and animal crossing? It's literally just one days of work if you're working hourly an this is in America so it's not some shithole country even those living in chronic penury could afford another set.

I could buy a dozen switches right now if I wanted to, does that mean I shouldn't be angry that I have to buy a second one?

>holidays paywalled
>removed gyroids
>second player gets to do fuck all and has no input on town decisions
>game literally tells second player to ask the first player what materials the town needs
>no cloud saves

Why do people buy these games every year when the quality of life just isn't there? Is the market for casual babbyshit this high?

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What is it about normalfags and feet? Seriously.

Why would you buy a second switch?

No. it just seems you want something to be angry about. Don't like it, then just don't buy it and stop whining

>Why do people buy these games every year when the quality of life just isn't there?
Because only Nintendo is allowed to make animal crossing so no matter how much they fuck it up it's still the only chance you'll get to play it so you have to buy anyway

Attached: Nintoddler 23.jpg (320x252, 56.05K)

I love NH and think its great, but I'm not defending it.
>holidays paywalled
Misinfo agent.

You don't have to buy a second switch to play a different island. Just add a profile. Literally that simple.

No, fucking seriously. What is it about normalfags and feet.

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>One save file per console

That's a blatant lie.

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no save backups for certain games too

>Misinfo agent.
Ooh sorry nintendo bootlicker. ~~EvEnTs~~ are paywalled.

Oh and don't you dare think about time travelling to get those paywalled items because they stuffed that feature too.

Not OP, but I'm 22 and still live with my parents. In fact, all of my irl friends around my age still live with their parents. Though I don't mind the idea of sharing one island with my younger siblings unless they like to time travel.

You can't have multiple islands, you retard. He's not talking about number of players on the same island.

That update is already out and its free to download but keep spreading misinfo.

Wait, so you can have different profiles, but you still have to inhabit the same island? That's not the same thing

You have to pay for nintendo's online to participate.

Why are there hundreds of articles complaining about this, people buying new switches, the game being metacritic review bombed, etc. then?

it's only $20 per year

>dude trust me

Why are you lying right now? My wife and I have two different islands on the same Switch. Literally just add another profile and you'll have a different island. Did you forget to make another profile or switch over to that profile? It's like two buttons so maybe it's confusing to you.

It's not like this at ALL. If you have more than one profile, then starting the game will make you another villager of that same island.
A simply google search reveals this holy moly.

I don't see any of these hundreds of articles that you're referencing. And you can fact check me right now if you actually owned a switch. Just add another profile. Literally that simple.

Read my link :^)
>New Horizons’ first event, Easter, will run from April 1 until April 12 and requires an online connection to check the real date when the event first starts.

So you have to pay for the event? I think you're lying about that.

This is Nintendo's website

Attached: nintendo support.png (920x252, 19.04K)

It's on nintendo's own website, you lying fuck
You probably don't even have a wife you fat disgusting piece of shit

You have to pay for nintendo's online to participate.

It's a garbage move from Nintendo, but I live alone so it does not effect me in any way.

>online connection = paid connection



Barely anyone but the most deranged literal fanatics are defending this. It takes quite a lot mental gymnastics to defend blatant anti-consumer practices that only exist in order to sell more consoles.

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Holidays are not paywalled you moron. Just free DLC'd so time travelers can suck eggs.

Animal Crossing sucks nuts. Woah dude I picked some weeds and caught a bug. I moved some chairs around my house. Certainly couldn't have done this in real life. Nope, needed to pay $300 for a Switch and $50 for a game in order to do it.