post your sprays now you fucking nignogs
Post your sprays now you fucking nignogs
Other urls found in this thread:
>sprays will never be re-enabled in casual
give spray
heehoo thats pretty epic user
fucking libtard mediafire censored the name AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
wheres your passport
How bout we post that folder that saves all the sprays by other players
do NOT bully rato
remember to delete that folder every once in a while anons, if you've been playing long enough there is a 99% chance there is pizza in there
I post this when playing golden eye source
this one too
My spray is animated too
and this one
>tfw the only version of the third movie is an awful skewed perspective camrip
It's not fair.
>not John Freeman, Gordon Freemans brother
It's possible to make an animated fade spray, the hard thing is manage the size.
Get two images that you wanna fade or whatever and use this
it's really easy
>theatrical release in the west going to be delayed because of coronachan
it really isn't fair
it's not her fault that she makes people sick...
>could make the entire server leave by just spraying that
you could also get a partyvan mere hours later
i used po-ju butts for years until a friend came over and sprayed it and that was really embarassing so i changed it to shaq head to spray over anime girl sprays
This was years ago so I forgot but didn't Tf2 or maybe it was Counter Strike that disabled custom sprays or some shit?
you can't use sprays in valve servers on tf2 anymore
Counter strike did it, to make way for purchasable sprays that were associated with esports teams
>i used po-ju butts for years
Based and redpilled
>until a friend came over and sprayed it and that was really embarassing so i changed it to shaq head
Soi and bitchpilled
I've had this for years.
prosecution needs to prove a willingness to possess illegal materials, and it would never come to this anyway because there is no division of feds interested in TF2 spray folders.
My waifu of course.
Generic Anime Woman no. 9827319? I love Generic Anime Woman no. 9827319!
They'd look at all your saved loli manga and your post history and determine a willingess
i had one like this back in the day, from far away it look like some big titty asian, but I blurred the tits a bit and when they got close it turned into a troll face.dont know how to do it anymore.
>found old folder of sprays
>animated porn sprays
i've always been a coomer
vandalism is never the answer Gordon!
you cannot be judged by things that are not illegal. don't know where you live tho.
is posting porn sprays in TF2 banable? not by the server but my steam account ban?
>tfw spray some animated tit wobble
>people stop to look at it
>back stab them
>to make way for purchasable sprays that were associated with esports teams
You cannot be serious
this is the first time I've heard this
i hate gook moot so much
No, if it's legal it can go, and you don't get punished for it, except if the server owner doesn't like it.
Sprays are disabled on Valve servers, and even before they did that they never cared about sprays.
If you spray CP or something illegal then you're probably going to get v& when someone reports it.
This is really upsetting.
I've been stickin anime only for that sick soundtrack. Fuck man its been what, 2 years since the series ended? I dont understand why this series is taking so long, given how fucking popular it was at release.
not allowing sprays in casual is peak no-fun-allowed
They're consumable as well.
You have a more plain looking waifu, so I know your love is pure.
Mine is 2B and everyone doubts me
When did they disable that?
Why would they disable that? It was fun as fuck using sprays.
I'm gonna use this.