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I wonder how big his penis is.

>One of the best themes is only played in this boss fight and not on an entire level

It's not fair bros.

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What did Karen take?

Karen took the kids

They Slayer just killed the last of the classic Hell Knights.

probably the size of a human thigh haha

first the chaingunners and now this, who can stop this dimension hopping hitler

I wish more demons had the goat-like appearance. Everything has some kind of shell. Even the Barons of Hell.

The new Barons should have been a separate enemy type. 2016's were perfect. Make Fire Barons their own thing and give me back my pink goatman in khakis.

I like that they brought the zombies from OG Doom back but the concept art was better

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Eternal has such sick art design. The official art they released for the game is also top tier. Every area in Nekravol would have made a great metal album cover.

This game is so great. I'm sad that I'm finished playing it.

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I miss the crude look of the electronics in Doom 1 and 2. Maybe it was the super low res, but for like the cyberdemon, arachnotron, and revenant, it looks like the prosthetics are crudely grafted on and probably extremely painful for you. In Doom Eternal though, it looks like they all had delicate surgery and very precise integration.

Do they sell the artbook by itself or was it exclusive to the collector's edition? It's something I'd love to own but I didn't need the other chintzy stuff.

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This was the Worst fight in the game
>cool buildup
>very hype flashbacks
>the fight is too easy
>the pattern is simple
>the Arena is small and flat
>could easily heal via glorykills

Doesn't look very big, going by the picture
Guess that's what steroids does to you

Also, the arena is fucking empty, no spectators to watch the fight.

There were 2 regular hell barons in one of the early slayer encounter rooms.

I bought pre ordered it on amazon and it was worth it, Lagan Maykr

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Still disappointed we never got to pilot the mech

They are doing story DLC so that might become a thing.
Maybe we could also get a few missions playing as The Betrayer trying to redeem himself or Crash trying to meet up with her protege.
Hell, what would be great is a mission explaining the gap between 2016 and Eternal, where we do pilot the mech and lose the old Praetor suit.

>mission explaining the gap between 2016 and Eternal
i'm pretty sure they already confirmed somewhere that is what the dlc is going to be

I still would like to see Crash in some way, it could be cool.

>Doom Eternal though, it looks like they all had delicate surgery and very precise integration.
that's because they did. They very clearly had Makyr tech for some of the bigger demons (i.e. Revenant)

I took like 5-10 minutes when you first get to heaven and just admired the environment. It's incredible how well done it was

his house, his kids, his dignity

Yeah, man. Urdak was such a cool setting and I loved how different it felt, even the music.

stands not packed with imps occasionally throwing fireballs at you

not being able to shoot up in the stands and murder some demons if you felt like it

I agree user, real missed opportunity

So they turned DOOM into some generic FPS with a 10 hour story and people love it?

Old = Good
New = Bad

>Doom Eternal
This game is a lot of things, but generic is not one of them

What is it with Doom and female antagonists? Olivia Pierce and now Khan Maykr.

I wanna fight Hayden in the next game.

Is it worth £50?

I'd say so, especially if you were a fan of Doom 2016. Hell, even if you weren't I think it's worth the asking price. I think this game is gonna set the bar for the next generation of FPS games, it really makes Doom 2016 look tame by comparison, which is saying something.

Go look at the last boss of Dante’s Inferno, you’ll have your answer

>assuming the Khan Makyr's gender
they're technically a hivemind, so I'm not sure that applies

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How is the multiplayer? I torrented it but i'm thinking about buying it to play again in other difficulties and for the multiplayer

She literally has tits so I'll just assume she's a she.

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The Codex mentions that the current Khan Makyr is a she.

the battlemode? Reactions are mixed, I don't like it very much to be honest. Matches go one of two ways: Either the slayer is half-decent and absolutely mauls the demons, or the slayer is a shitter and gets ass-raped by the demons. There's no such thing as a "back-and-forth" match.

If that sounds fun for you, go ahead and give it a try. I wouldn't recommend it though

beings in a hivemind can have genders

rewind 10 years ago
>brown and bloom was the biggest meme
>slow paced regenerating health
>hand holdy no difficulty campaigns with zero effort put in
current day
>we get eternal
>it's fast paced
>hard as fuck
>doesn't care about its story other than to set up moments where you can tear shit up
>tons of passion put into the project
Love or hate the game but if we saw this shit back then I'm pretty sure people would lose their minds. Video games have been on a set course for more arcade-like experiences and no nonsense gameplay for awhile now. It was a bit shaky with all the story driven walking simulators for a bit but they're actually called out for what they are these days - and not just by Yas Forumsirgins. Things are looking bright

HSe took the balls to.

I honestly love it. I remember how hopeless I felt about first person shooters back in 2009, COD4 had pretty much changed the entire game and now every game was going to be like it.
I kept wishing for the classic style to make a comeback but it felt like the odds of that happening were extremely minimal, especially with the console dominated market, just didn't seem likely. I'm so happy we have games like Eternal, Ion Fury, Dusk and many others.

Never in a million years would I have guessed I'd be playing something that looked like this back in 2009, it just seemed so unlikely back then given the direction gaming was going towards.

why is she so cute bros?

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>The official art they released for the game is also top tier.

Where can I find it?

I want to stick my crucible in Khan Maykr's cranium!

What the hell was that thing under the water in the Urdak level? A maykr incubator? I thought we would be fighting that thing

Exactly this. Nobody understood why I found FPS games so boring at the time. People called me an elitist because I wanted difficulty in games back instead of easy garbage all the time. Granted every game has its place in the world but majority of titles were piss poor on the difficulty front.
It's not just FPS games now either. The likes of Sekiro and Bloodborne made me really happy to see just because the main focus is gameplay. Fast paced platformers made a come back. The amount of strategy games that throw the casual audience under the bus in favor of many, many options is so refreshing.
I genuinely believe we got the timeline we wished for back then with games. It's steadily going back to easy to pick up but hard to master games that are fast, satisfying and don't all look the same.

pls no bulli

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slayers club has a handful of them.

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I want to stick my SSG in her face and blood punch her orb!

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I think it's supposed to be the next Kahn.

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It's the next Khan host they're making.
Honestly I find eternals idea of divinity being transferable fascinating. Especially the fact it's molded with 'technology'

>the father is now back in urdak
Hold the fucking phone. That means they'll make another khan with the body in the water. Wonder where they'll go with that

This. I guess the higher ups realized the potential to milk the 'muh rip and tear' faggots and forced id to go to that direction. Watch the NoClip video about 2016's game design and look at what they made now.

>the father is now back in urdak
Is it? There are a few loose ends that the game left which I guess i meant for the sequel.
This includes leaving VEGA on Urdak and Hayden's plans which for a while I thought were to take control of the Makyr.

this fanart looks like ass. Like some low wage chink tried to immitate Barlowe.

So... anyone knows what was that voice when we killed the Khan Maykr?

I think it was The Father/VEGA, but I'm not sure.

Did they ever address how VEGA came back? His core was destroyed in the last game, right?

If VEGA really is the father then I find the concept of doomguy running around shooting demons while - what is essentially - God takes the wheel absolutely hilarious.
>hey god play the quake ost for me

I'm assuming the absolute entity of hell - Dark Lord or something. Could also be The Singularity - combined makyr consciousness

Doom Slayer made a backup of VEGA and then something happens and he gets his spaceship/castle and puts VEGA there.

In Doom 4, Doomguy backed up VEGA to a storage device of some kind and kept it.

You saved VEGA in a flash drive before you destroyed his core.

Ah, I must have missed that then.

>Doomguy shoves god on a flash drive and makes it hack things for him

I bet he has the tightest asshole across all dimensions

thanks user, I was looking for this

Doomguy has great taste

Doomguy is canonically a gay virgin.