my stupid friend tells me this game has one of the best low key stories/lore in recent memory of gaming and praises the attention detail and cutscenes, is he full of shit?
I love games with a good a good story so I feel like he's just trying to dupe me into buying it, no spoilers please.
My stupid friend tells me this game has one of the best low key stories/lore in recent memory of gaming and praises the...
It's good in that regard, but if you're already familiar with the likes of Soulsborne and oddly enough, Hollow Knight, it's trash. Clearly tried to reach their level but failed.
Your friend is a brain dead normie. They jumped through hoops trying to make doom slayer into doom guy when all they had to say was “they’re the same”. I don’t care about the lore in this game
>we have to let sentinels kill us because were warriors
It’s an okay story but it’s nothing special. If anything, the cutscenes bring longer and more frequent than Doom 2016 is a detriment to the game overall. They should’ve kept the story more simplistic; Doom 2016 was great for that and had a much nicer pace.
Your friends not wrong, only difference is you get Codex pages not item descriptions that tell the story.
if suckas can get duped into liking Souls lore than Eternal won't be much different.
I think if you played the OG Dooms, the story is handled relatively tastefully and has some decent amounts of fanservice. That's why your friend is probably appearing to overhype it.
>playing doom for the story
There was a story? I wasn't really paying attention.
Your friend is smarter than you are.
lol wut?
>playing doom for the gameplay AND the story
he's not wrong! Cinematics are cool and all but the gameplay has to keep you engaged, plus he better the gameplay the more people care about the story. Thing if the word "games".
The story and the lore are both absolutely pants-on-head level of retarded shit, arguably the worst ever featured in a Doom game (and yes, that includes the bunny episode).
It's fucking stupid, and really terribly written to the boot, which is especially jarring if you had played the previous game, which despite how generic and uninventive it was, at least did have the writing solid.
None of that really matters once you get into the swing of the gameplay, which is fucking fantastic, and in a Doom game, that is what matters the most.
So yeah, no, your friend is either consciously overhyping it, or a retard. The game is still a ton of fun and you should give it a chance. It's easy as fuck to pirate, if you are short on cash.
Doomguy is an immortal god now
The lore of Doom is arguably really stupid in the same way that a lot of the material that helped inspire it was really fucking stupid. But a lot of that stupid shit can still be genuinely enjoyable.
> 80's/90's action/horror/comedy movies
> comic books and cringe worthy fantasy writing in general
The religion/history aspects that are tied in aren't so stupid in the exact same ways. It's also kind of hard not to spoil it because of how simple in concept it is.
What's wrong with it?
He's not immortal. He was just technically never defeated.
>He's not immortal
Khan Maykr outright says Doomguy was formerly a mortal.
That divinity machine thing bumped Doomguy up a few notches.
He is since Seraphim granted him Godlike powers through the Maykr machine.
Plus it has been said in 2016 that Doomguy spent eons in Hell, even before coming in contact with the Sentinels
>They jumped through hoops trying to make doom slayer into doom guy when all they had to say was “they’re the same”
What? At no point was it ever stated they weren't the same character. They literally fucking show him in his classic armor in a flashback saying "rip and tear."
>low key
boner no what the fuck
I know of the machine but it enhanced him in ways that were not well described.
I'll concede on immortality as in, being exempt from aging. But invincible he isn't, thus capable of dying by violent means.
>reading comprehension
I liked the link as to why all religions basically have a concept of "heaven" and "hell" and the hubris of the Maykr after spending however many eons spreading her religion around to the point where even she herself began believing in it.
Ignore this faggot pls
Your friend is a retarded that probably love marvel movies
Gameplay should be first and foremost yeah but the original quote itself is pretty stupid. Depending on the kind of game the devs are going for, a well written story and characters can be extremely important. Take a story driven RPG with a lot of major choices to make throughout the game. Unless the story is well written people aren't going to give a shit about those choices and if the decisions involve who lives and who dies nobody will give a shit about the characters dying if they're boring and poorly developed. Just take a look at M&M Dark Messiah which has generally mediocre writing.
You've got a decision towards the end of the game that determines whether you kill Leanna or Xana but it ultimately ends up being a fucking "whatever" decision because of how boring they are, especially when it comes to Leanna since she's basically as generic and boring as they get and you have very little interaction with her.
Some of the wording in the codex verges on purple prose in that it's not done very well. And the human survivors calling the demons the 'challenged' the same way the cultists do is odd. Very minor shit all in all though. The plot is an excuse to justify the Doom Guy being the same continual personality and it validates all the WADs more or less by making DG's backstory that he was travelling across the universe fighting hell until he ended up in Argenta. So, the premise is great, some of the execution is a bit strange. It's not as bad as some would say. I think the biggest missing opportunity was from the art direction of the architecture. Hell on earth levels are great but I wanted more of Doom 2's aesthetic translated into this graphical style and the closest was the very beginning of the first level inside the Titan barge. I wanted more of that marble and bloody wooden architecture you saw in Thy Flesh Consumed, for instance. But that's a personal desire, the game looks great as it is.
>it validates all the WADs more or less by making DG's backstory that he was travelling across the universe fighting hell until he ended up in Argenta.
Does that mean H-Doom was canon and somewhere in the universe Doomguy had a harem of cute demon girls that he fucked the shit out of?
Weren't only those that are part of UAC calling the demons such?
One thing the original Doom had was a certain personality in the very limited writing that is absent now. Like in the original manual, it says Doom Guy is stationed on Mars 50 million miles away from any action. Or in the end of the episode story paragraphs, it says shit like "where's my meal ticket home?" and "you kicked the spider mastermind's ass for all time". That particular style of expression just isn't there but it's whatever.
>What's wrong with it?
Well, for starters, about 80% of the entire narrative is actually a massive several-centuries-spanning tangent that ultimately tells us that Doom guy is a badass. It's really, REALLY fucking needless.
The writing is fucking terrible, I mean I can't remember when was the last time I've seen someone spell Magic with a fucking K unironically, there is a complete lack of actual characters or character-driven elements, and pretty much everything that has been actually added to the story is a really, REALLY generic WH40K bullshit that impresses nobody.
It's pointless, bloated yet somehow still anemic, downright cringeworthy at a few times.
And none of it is an issue because holy shit the game is fucking amazing to play.
Nah, the Arc actually uses the term "challenged" as well. Which I found kinda fucking hilarious.
>doomguy cant kill the priests because it's against the rules
>priests can kill doomguy with no consequence
Those survivor broadcasts on the bridge of the fortress refer to them as such. Those weren't from the cultists, were they? Maybe I just didn't pay attention enough.
I liked the game but even I cringed myself in half listening to Gmanlives say the story was amazing and epic and totally badass, and anyone who though otherwise should go fuck themselves.
Literally anyone who actually cared about the story in DOOM 2016 would've been completely perplexed for the first half the game what was even going on.
Sorry, not meal ticket home. Smells like rotten meat and ticket home. My memory of those things is shit but I'll be damned if I don't remember how they made me feel.
As someone who doesn't really care about the writing in Doom games, Doom 2016 had both a better narrative and lore.
Eternal focused way too much on trying to explain almost every little detail involving the Sentinels and their society to the point where the mysterious appeal they had in 2016 is absolutely gone. I also think the subtle "reveal" that Hayden is actually the Seraphim or whatever is dumb, as it would have been better to gradually see Hayden take advantage of his newfound access to Maykr technology to try raise himself into his own brand of godhood, playing into his whole "I am the best candidate to lead everything" mentality that was alluded to in 2016's codex entries, and potentially seeing him get in way over his head.
Also what the fuck is with there not even being a throwaway line regarding Hayden teleporting Doomguy away at the end of 2016, WHERE he got teleported away to, and how he got access to a giant space station? How do you spend so much time trying to establish a Doom "universe" that you forget to establish basic plot elements that end up making people think they missed a dlc expansion or something that was released between games?
And on a subjective note, I think narratives that include the MC having to journey around on foot/find alternative means of travel are much better than those where they simply create portals and teleport in and out of wherever they need to go. Eternal's narrative was very unsatisfying in that aspect.
Deep lore is fucking retarded. Lore only exists to serve the graphics and make the gameplay cohesive (telling friends from enemies etc. making sense of how the levels all relate to each other). Outside of that it’s a waste of time.
Pretty much any game that can tie lore together without sitting through cringe ass cutscenes is 10/10 lore in my book.
You're getting your actual characters as DLC silly consoomer
Any idea whose voice is the narration at the beginning and end?
Samuel sound similar, but it doesn't make sense since no one really "sends" Doomguy anywhere, he seems to go wherever he pleases.
>but the original quote itself is pretty stupid
nah most coomers and gamers are simps
>Any idea whose voice is the narration at the beginning and end?
Pretty sure the subtitles say rather explicitly it's King Novic.
I paid attention to 2016's plot and completely understood. It was obvious that earth got invaded between Hayden leaving DG there and that you were going to see more involvement with the Night Sentinel plotline. The hell priest stuff was not explained but it wasn't that confusing frankly. The overall premise was easy to grasp.
I still don't get whether this is the earth after it recovered and civilization reestablished itself or not though.
Then why's he pissed at you when you take the navigation thing?
Yeah I hated that, atleast in my memory DOOM2016 was a constant journey from the UAC all the way to hell, with nothing inbetween, here you're flying ship can just so happen to teleport you anywhere, but not to exactly the right spot, only at the end of the mission can it do that.
You knew why you had a flying fortress, lost your weapons & armour then had to randomly teleport around earth? I get it's explained eventually but all motivation was completely took from me, as I'd recently replayed 2016.
The teleports and the rest of the plot is there literally as a shoe-lace thin excuse to move you from setpiece to setpiece. Yeah, it's fucking retarded, all of it.
But then again it allows the game to consistently switch up locations and themes of for the levels, which is a good thing, especially after how fucking DULL the whole fucking UAC base was in 2016.
Their stupid culture put tradition and form over morality and substance of action. DG is an outsider who only ever had an uneasy alliance with them at best.
All true but they set all this up in 2016 so it would've been lame not to reveal the background of the night sentinels either. I look at it like one of those old WADs that had a lot of lore behind it. Just ignore it and focus on the general premise if it feels weird.
Its basically metal concept album told through silly cut scenes and codex entries. Except one or 2 missions, you can just toss the main plot in the garbage.
Whether that's good or not is up to you.
Not that stuff but I figured there was a timeskip and that it would be explained. I didn't even know for certain if I was playing the same DG as the original series until this game and that never bothered me. I just waited to find out.
I take the middle ground approach. I don't need highly in depth lore for a game like Doom but I like enough exposition that I have a basis upon which to form a sense of motive for what I'm doing. It brings it a step above just shooting pixels. It doesn't take a lot of dialogue or any to achieve this either. The complete absence of that would bother me more than a little too much story honestly.
If you play DOOM for the story, you're playing DOOM for the wrong reasons. The lore is cool and all, but it's all about that demon shredding. Some people complain that DOOM reboot is not taking itself seriously enough because the game keeps endorsing the old "RIP AND TEAR" meme, but DOOM never took itself seriously and it has always been about that RIPPING and TEARING. Except maybe Doom 3, but even that has a plot so thin that you barely even see it
I get the tradition. But if the narration at the beginning is by the same character, it doesn't fit at all.
>evil cultists are spreading propaganda telling humans they must "accept the demons" and "make them feel welcome in their new home" to make Earth "the melting pot of the universe"
Yeah, I'm thinking id is based.
Honestly the story is confusing as hell. I don't understand much of it. But the shift in tone with a darksiders vibe was a good idea. Cutscenes are short and visually pretty cool, especially the doomguy model
It would be weird if the king's spirit was directly addressing DG. As it is I think it's just a memory in DG's head.
>All true but they set all this up in 2016 so it would've been lame not to reveal the background of the night sentinels either.
I don't really have an issue with concept of digging into their background and Doomguy's relation to them, but rather that they spent so much time explaining almost every aspect of it, instead of leaving some parts ambiguous, which has its own appeal.
Funnily enough, I felt like Urdak's background established in Eternal is closer to what the devs did with the Sentinel's in 2016, where we do know some aspects of their history, but there's still an air of mystery around several areas like that involving the Father or that giant alien thing that was submerged in water or whatever. I guess I'm just the kind of person were I feel like you really don't need to explain everything.
>If you play DOOM for the story, you're playing DOOM for the wrong reasons.
You're right regarding the originals, but I can't really blame people for doing that with the modern Doom games, considering how current id seems to be putting more and more focus on both the story and lore that's being presented to the player. At this point I'd say it's pretty fair to criticize/discuss the writing featured in both 2016 and Eternal, especially the latter since it's the only other Doom game aside from 3 that has a noticeable amount of "effort" put into its plot.
That wouldn't also work since they never sent DG alone, he was pals with Night Sentinels.
I agree with the value of mystery to an extent. It was what made Star Wars so amazing and why the prequels damaged it so much (forget the later Disney shit). They probably could have left some of that to the imagination and focused more on explaining wtf was happening with DG. Who knows, maybe they'll cover some loose ends in the DLC.
He is. The story/lore is not low-key nor does it have outstanding attention to detail or cutscenes. It's just a fun time.
of course he is full of shit
Maybe that was the last thing he ever said to DG after everyone else died. Fuck if I know.
>Calls them Soulsborne
>Praises them as the peak of story/lore