Why can't boomerbrains understand the concept of platforming...

Why can't boomerbrains understand the concept of platforming? It's like they hit a hard wall with this game just because of platforming. Is this the fundamental difference between the old generation and the new? One of them played Mario 64 as children, the other never did and just hung onto memories of Doom on PC and Super Nintendo games? Can zoomers understand platforming?

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I'm 18 but I prefer the original doom.

Boomerbrain does not mean you are necessarily born in the 80s or earlier at all. All it means is that your brain is similarly smooth and lacks plasticity, much like the brain of a boomer. There are those born in the "boomer" demographic who don't have boomerbrains, and those born more recently who do have boomerbrains.

lol no you don't zoom zoom

My only problem with the platforming is that it really added nothing to the game, it's a kind of pointless padding that largely amounts to just running up stairs.

wish they made the platforming harder.

the people who complain about the platforming the most are zoomers who started in 2016 and they only complain about it because it's different
with that said, the platforming is largely just padding

does doom eternal have some sort of mode with endless waves of monsters?

Boomers can understand platforming don't worry.The most important question is why they put this mechanic in game where you just have to kill monsters? Puting New things into the game doesn't always means that it will be a good idea

No. But the game is basically that, only with some fillers between the waves with "exploration" and platform for players not to notice the repetition of the formula.

I enjoyed the platforming. My complaints with the game are elsewhere. I still like it a lot, though.

I disagree. I think it added a LOT to the level design, allowing both human and demon maps to feel like Doom Guy is making his own path through the level and integrating a healthy amount of verticality.

Defend this

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It's not the platforming that's the issue. It's the MOBA tier ability spam that have infected modern shooters, and have now infected Doom. Zoomers are fine with it, since they've been growing up with MOBA shit.


>I like thing
>no you no like thing
not him, but explain

>allowing both human and demon maps to feel like Doom Guy is making his own path through the level and integrating a healthy amount of verticality
funny enough, Argent Tower did that best

It's the worst platforming I have ever experienced in any game. Nothing in the game made me ragequit except the platforming. Utterly inexcusable.

what do you mean by MOBA shit? you can always play without them anyway, perfectly doable

Just save your double jump, aim for it and do some basic platforming.

>Why can't boomerbrains understand the concept of platforming?
My issue is that the platforming is too easy to the point of not really adding anything meaningful to the experience. I wish some of the platforming tricks you had to do for some secrets were the standard affair, with secrets being made even harder to access.

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Surf maps fucking WHEN?

Platforming sucks and has no place in FPS
t. millenial

They were in 2016 but that game is shit apparently.

>platforming mainly consists of just swinging on poles and climbing up walls
I'm kinda surprised they didn't bother with any wall-running mechanics or using your grappling hook to traverse around. Seems like no-brainer inclusions to me. Yes, I want the game to control more like Titanfall.

The poles are really fucking annoying
>hookshot an imp so I can get some armor
>pulls me near a poll
>everything cancels so Doomguy can just grab the pole instead and do his faggot flip off it

I think what the devs were going for is trying to subtly teach players just how advanced their movement options really are, which is key to doing well in Ultra-Violence/Nightmare

Titanfall did it better

Go back for it after you have Fast Travel, there’s a point like 15 seconds away from the top of that drop

Boomers played Quake with it superior platforming and map design in general.

>want to get extra life achiemement
>don't want to play without upgraded guns
>want to get ultra-nightmare achievement
>don't want to do the grind and memorize every spawn point on top of playing without upgraded guns

oh well, i love doom but im not going to FORCE myself to play

It really helps with the pacing, mostly. Say what you will about secret hunting in eternal but the act itself is much better than in 2016.

lmao what are you doing, I never hit a pole by accident a single time.

Reload your checkpoint as soon as you whiff it, it's literally right there at the top of the jump.

rather play halo 5

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he's only pretending to like it

I would have made the platforming harder and more intense similar to the combat. I would have used more purple slime in arenas to make it more difficult so the player has to absolutely perfect their combat movements also adding strategically placed tentacles in all arenas in dickish places.

Would've been cool if you had to fight while doing the platforming. Perhaps they'll expand upon it in the DLCs or in the inevitable future games.

Is there any way to move BFG off of mousewheel rotation? I've accidentally fired it off way too many times when trying to switch from combat shotgun to chaingun in the heat of battle.

Just bind your keys.

Master levels nigga.

i want it on nintendo switch ASAP

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2016 > Eternal. It's like they back pedaled on the direction which made 2016 great in the first place.
>non-combat platforming
>muh lore cutscenes
>tamed down the aesthetics

Man I have a friend just like this. Every time the people in my group move on to another PvP game he takes months and months to switch over with us. The only drug he’s ever tried is beer and he listens to nothing but the rock music his mom and dad listen to.

Holy fuck, that's astounding. I've bisected imps but I never knew they had complex animations for each part of the body.

Boomer here. Playing eternal, and my years of Quake III Online are paying off

Eternal has rendered 2016 obsolete as far as I'm concerned. Can't imagine any reason to go back to it unless I just want to do go on a mindless shooting romp. Even then, the Ripatorium is probably preferable in that regard.

>Why can't boomerbrains understand the concept of platforming?
Its taken from Quake and I like it. Its probably older than most of the people playing it.

>not mindless shooting

hehe yes

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You have not played DOOM 1 or 2.

The platforming segments are there so the player doesn't get fatigued from constant fighting. It mixes up the gameplay and gives you time to breathe between fights. After some of those arenas I was pretty grateful for them. Though they are pretty mediocre gameplay wise.

I never use the blade mode, but it is great that it has a unique kill animation for enemies like that. Felt great slicing through Mancubuses and Arachnotrons.

Eternal is much better than 2016. The enemies in Eternal are much more diverse and better designed, the guns are better balanced and players get less hitscan weapons, the new movement options feel great around how much more aggressive enemies are. Shit's a great game despite the flaws.

Shut up you fucking hylic meme-infested NPC piece of shit. "Boomers" grew up playing platformers, this game just sucks ass, you fucking moron.

>Shit's a great game despite the flaws.
They could have added the things you said without compromising the ones I mentioned.

Boomers grew up playing Chex Quest and other faggot shit that doesn't require advanced thought besides "look left or right and then press M1".

Oh yeah, the power weapons in Eternal are much better balanced compared to 2016. In 2016 you never really need to use the BFG, and when you did it would slaughter every enemy short of a boss with one shot, and you could carry like 5 or 6 around. In Eternal you get 2 BFG shots and the super heavy enemies can survive them fairly easily.

>players get less hitscan weapons

wait what?

Yeah, I noticed that...it was a good trade-off. Either fire the BFG into the air to kill all the fodder and falter the big guys or just fire it directly at the big guys to kill them immediately, but leaving the fodder alive.

You know Chex Quest and Super Mario 64 came out the same year, right?

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Not sure. Was the heavy machine gun hitscan in 2016?

Hello pro gamers, what is the highest dps weapon combo in this game? Is it this one I made up? Should I swap weapon order?

Freeze nade (+dmg)---> shotgun sticky + 2 frags+ flame belch dot ---> entire clip of micro missiles---> ballista primary--->ssg--->rocket

Attached: ISEV.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Mario games are designed for actual babies to play them, you know.

I mean, they're definitely aimed towards a younger crowd, but I wouldn't say they're anywhere near that simple.

The platform is not even challenging, just a desperate attempt to make the going from arena to arena more interesting. It doesnt fit the game, it doesnt add anything of value, on the contrary.

I like when there's a checkpoint right before a platforming section so you get to redo it every time you die

like this

Attached: clean.webm (640x268, 2.16M)

I think it's fun. Perhaps they'll make it more in-depth in the next game or even the DLCs, such as being able to shoot while you're scaling walls.

>ssg+ballista over and over
I already do that with marauders user

Only zoomers will complain about the platforming

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that fat guy wasn't joking when he said it was a like a saturday morning cartoon

I like the classic armor. The glazed ceramic texture is interesting.

Just beat Doom Eternal, and here are my thoughts:

Played on Ultra Violence and HOLY SHIT, the final areas are fucking brutal and the final boss was hard mainly because of you crowd-controlling and shooting at the boss. It would've been sadistic if there's an archvile and a marauder in the crowd. Overall? It's great, but some of the personality and charm didn't carry over from Doom 2016, like a fancy credits scene an amusing way to beat the final boss (Doomguy shoved a BFG on Spider Mastermind's mouth). The game doesn't feel rushed, but they skimped on the credits roll and the ending moments could've been better. When you die, you just die. In Doom 2016, you get a fatality sequence of the demon ripping you apart. Environmental fatalities lacked charm or non-existent. In Doom 2016, when you die in a lava pit, Doomguy sinks to the lava and gives a thumbs up (Terminator 2 reference). I'd still give it a 9/10, but it didn't surpass Doom 2016.

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>I want a game to barely run on the switch
Buy a pc, poorfag