What are ya?

Be kind and reply to fellow anons!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hearthstone, TF2 and Animal Crossing New Horizons on emulator
Really want to give that Ash vs Evil Dead series a try
Blood Meridian
Water, like a true chad
Drawin' traps with my right, fappin' with my left
I have all the time in the world atm, yet I'm less productive at shit I actually enjoy doing than I am during my normal work cycle

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Finished Disco Elysium. Second half saved by a really good ending. 9/10, best game of 2019
Steely Dan again
Faust. Why oh why did I decide to read something in fucking rhyme

Just waiting for Bannerlord
Book of Daniel
Black Bullet
Making chili
It's fucking weird going outside and you can't see anyone. Most people are staying inside

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You should definitely try the Ash vs Evil Dead series. It's worth at least watching a few episodes to see if it's your thing
And if you're feeling less productive, I'd recommend a daily task list. I know it feels like a chore, but having it helps me keep practicing my shit every day. Good luck with the traps, user.

Resident Evil 3 Remake demo, Red Dead Online and Stardew Valley.
The film about Mister Rodgers. What a piece of shit. It is a money about the interviewer, not Mr. Rodgers. Will watch some Disney+ with my niece.
JRE while playing RDO.
Might continue reading a slice of life manga I have been reading. Name too long and I don't remember it.
Made scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and toasts for me and my niece. I will make pulled pork with mashed potatoes and maize.
Orange juice. Got a bottle of Bacardi, might make Pina Colada at night.
JAV with really hairy girls.
I am stuck with my niece for another two weeks. Also have clean my garage today.

Going to raid in 10min
Probably just random youtube shit
Hiphop playlist
Whatever manga updates today
GF is making some noodles
Overwatch or just plain BJ
Pretty good, isolation doesn't matter when you're a neet who lives with his GF

Suppose to be nioh 2 and RE3 demo hpbut haven't played anything in days
Babylon 5 seasons
Have a M&S lasagna for later
Lara Latex vids
Restless and weird. I was a NEET a few years back so being at home shouldn't bother me. Could be the sinus infection I have or lack of vitamin d. This morning was really weird going out. Only seen a cop car patrolling to make sure people were inside

Animal Crossing, maybe some Call of Chernobyl and Risen later
Finished Death's Acre by Bill Bass yesterday, I'm thinking about starting LotR later
Had some groat with meat, it was okay
A lot of tea, and maybe coffee later
To some ugly as sin, apparently Belgian girl, but with huge, amazing tits
Down and irritated for couple of days now, I guess getting out of the house for a classes kept me sane, now university is closed, and because of that I can't even work in a job I got from there (because of student status). It should be dreams come true, but somehow vidya, music, movies and even food just can't fill the void.

>Animal Crossing New Horizons on emulator
How's the performance?

>JAV with really hairy girls
Pretty based

>isolation doesn't matter when you're a neet who lives with his GF
I envy you, user

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>I envy you, user
It's pretty good I'll admit, but it has it's ups and downs for sure.
I was lucky I hooked a good one in the end

RDR2, Doom Eternal.
Mr. Bungle, Todd Rundgren.
Where Wizards Stay Up Late
Not sure. Maybe some dino nuggets
been craving chocolate milk for some reason.
I dunno. SPH stuff maybe.
Nervous. I have a 9 hour shift at a grocery store today and I'm worried about getting rona'd.

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Yas Forums
Chicken wraps
Not tonight

botting on lineage 2 while playing ao no kiseki
does Yas Forums and /sp/ count?
spaghetti with chunks of beef and tomato sauce
pepsi max
might fap to chinese mickey mouse cartoons later on

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Animal Crossing, Grim Fandango
also nuthin'
Wind, Sand and Stars
Torn between drawing/animating or just keep playing vidya.

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I've been thinking of getting DQXI for the switch but the only DQ game I've ever played is DQ:Builders, is it a good time sink?

Animal Crossing
My playlists
The Dragons of Eden
Ramen now, steak later
Water, coke then bourbon later on
Bored but I'm relaxed

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If you like JRPGs and don't need to see any new mechanics to have a good time, and if you can appreciate charm and humor in games as opposed to constant challenge then I really recommend it. It's a wholesome, classic, hearty JPRG adventure.

HL:A content on YT
HL soundtrack
HL lore
French Fries
Next HL game couldn't come fast enough

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Sounds like a good time, guess I'll get that next month together with bannerlord

30 fps inside buildings, but 12-15 outside
goes up to 20 with chrome off, which is rather playable for me

Heard there is looting in italy right now, is this true pasta-bros?

Try the demo on Switch for good measure

Animal Crossing
Youtube shit
Still reading lord of the rings
Had some roast beef
Nothing yet
Pretty good because my cold is getting better

there's a demo? that's really nice, I'll do that.
Thanks user

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Dunno yet
Some google talk about futanari
Overlord LN
Not hungry
Tired, but alright.

Fuck off, frogshit.

Good thread op, I was about to make one.

Bought FF7 on the Switch, haven't played it in 12 years. Siege later with some friends.
normie comedy specials on Netflix
Prism-Prism (1977) recommended to me by a friend
NHK or Girls Last Tour
wish I could find a free archive all the amateur allure videos
comfy rainy day while the world finally ends

>Still reading lord of the rings
nice, also did you wake up in time for turnips?

I wish it would come to psvr someday

just keep playing vidya :)

what is /sp/ even talking about with no sports?

any tips?

>grocery store user
youre a genuine hero of the times, praying you dont get sick friend

>somehow vidya, music, movies and even food just can't fill the void.
this is my biggest fear in life desu

>sinus infection
look into homemade saline solutions, it really helped me with mine

>Just waiting for Bannerlord
hope my new prebuilt pc runs it smoothly


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No, I forgot about turnips

Tales of Vesperia and Pinstripe
Deep Soace 9
Hank William's JR
My Bible
Spaghetti O's and grilled cheese
I'm not a coomer

What up fellow Anons?! Hope you are all ok, comfy and staying safe!

Pokemon Yellow, SteamWorld Heist and currently finishing a Draft in MTG Arena
Finished all the Episodes of Better Call Saul which are currently aired on Netflix and watching the second Season of Pokemon.
Maybe I will finally start to watch Record of Lodoss War tonight
Viking/Folk,Pagan Metal Mix with ambient Rains Sounds in the background
MTG Books,Art of War, Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy
Water and Coffee
alrighty, not great, not bad.
>Call of Chernobyl and Risen
>Finished Death's Acre by Bill Bass yesterday, I'm thinking about starting LotR later
and get your chin up! I too cant visit University and am stuck at home, but things will be back too normal soon enough. Just try to relax and stay healthy!
>The Dragons of Eden
that sounds pretty interesting

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Does anyone still play left 4 dead (2)?

DOOM (2016). It's fun, going to pick up Eternal after I beat it on Nightmare.
Getting into Better Call Saul. It's alright.
My Bloody Valentine
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Gf made burrito bowls for lunch. I'm making a hench pasta dish tonight.
Got a delivery of beer coming.
not today, friend.
Coronavirus worry has seeped into my very essence, so I'm sorta numb.
>Bought FF7 on the Switch
How's the port? I've never played it. What's your go-to cereal?
FUCK I wanna play it so bad.
Not heard of this, art style looks interesting.

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im WORKAN on a sunday night.
getting those extra bux for working on days off

>How's the port? I've never played it. What's your go-to cereal?

Port is fine so far, the aspect ratio makes it a little small on the switch screen but not a big deal. Also has the wasd movement like all the FF ports retain from the pc version. I'm a slut for cinnamon honey bunches of oats, but I have to make due with honey nut cheerios for now.

I'm worried about Corona too man, it's better to be concerned now than panic later though. Just drown it out with MBV. Also enjoy Doom Eternal it's pretty damn good.

Pinstripe is a puzzle platformer made by one guy over the course of 5 years. It's actually pretty good. Has a decent story and very good art. I got on Switch sale yesterday for 2 bucks (US)

Some New Horizons which has just started getting pretty comf, I can see the grind for bells being a bit tedious though so I've sunk a bunch of money into turnips. Also playing some Kenshi, mostly waiting for Bannerlord and P5 Royal.
Better Call Saul. Want more of it ASAP.
Persona 3 OST
Nothing right now
Tuna sandwich
We'll see
Fine, I've ascended above feeling anything at all too strongly so I feel quite chill.

Doom Eternal, Borderlands 3 on steam, Tf2 and Broforce with my dudes
Brooklyn 99 and Seton Academy
Some Lazerhawk and Kavinsky
The board, my dude
Crab nuggets and cock soop
Pepsi and Tea, Sir!
The usual
Good my dude, got a new chair and new headphones

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Doom Eternal, AC:NH, thinking about replaying all Half Life games. Also KH3 ReMind DLC, doing the Data fights
Made in Abyss. Rewatching Gundam X.
Yas Forums threads. Looking for a few books to dive into for the next little bit until this mess is over
Had some toast earlier
Water and tea.
Femdom JAVs
Good and comfy. Used to be NEET for about a year so this isolation and social distancing is nothing to me. Working as a dev also means I still have some work to do. Some of my friends are not taking this shit too well though.

Enjoy Vesperia user, it's some good shit.
Got any recommendations there? Sounds like some neat shit.
At least you're not spending most of your time looking at news. That shit's driving some people nuts with the constant bombardment of information.

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Escape from Tarkov
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
Garlic olives n' babybel cheese

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By the Gods! It's nice to see another Crusader for the cause!

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Nothing, waiting for Bannerlord
The Undersea World of Jaques Cousteau
Not sure
I've had a migraine that won't go away since this morning because I slept like shit. I also have fuck all will to work tomorrow, even if it's remote

I'm very slowly chipping away at getting %100 completion in GTA V. I dread getting to the collectibles.
Can't watch shit on limited data
The album A Skeletal Domain by Cannibal Corpse
This shithole.
Hot Dogs
Water ; _ ;
My sex drive ain't what it used to be. Probably something 2D
Every night since the 20th I've had a dream involving Doom Eternal. One night was about every copy on Earth disappearing so I couldn't get it. Last night I had one where I went to a Walmart skyscraper and there was entire floor dedicated to Doom as a franchise with all kinds of amazing merchandise like OSTs and figures n shit. After I bought Doom Eternal a portal to hell opened at the top of the skyscraper and demons began flooding every floor. I fled to the entrance and as I got to the parking lot I suddenly had all the abilities and arsenal of Doomguy. I laid waste to every demon I saw on the way home. Before I got to play Doom Eternal, I woke up.

I'm a grown man clamoring over a game I can't afford as though I were a child and it's weirding me out.

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doom 2016, just came back from hell, really enjoying it so far. i'm also planning on playing the bravely default II demo later
made in abyss, on the second episode now
planning to re read berserk for what is probably the 20th week in a row
quiche lorraine
some jav probably
good, staying at home suits me. although i'm disappointed my copy of rune factory 4 won't come anytime soon

i'm surprised people still play that
>JAV with really hairy girls.
got any good codes brother?

Vermintide 1 / Vermintide 2
Resident Evil 0 / Resident Evil 1 / Resident Evil 2
Better Call Saul
Trollslayer (?) whatever the first Gotrek book is called.
Lawless by Dan Abnett
I made gf beans/scrambled eggs & toast earlier, but I'm getting kinda hungry again.
Anal / Latina / Tom boy / Big ass
Pretty good, you? I'm unsure on whether I should get RE3 or just wait to pirate it. The multiplayer SEEMS like a fun idea.

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>Got any recommendations there? Sounds like some neat shit.
this is a pretty good list. Some of my faves are Equilibirum (first two Albums), Tyr, Korpiklaani, Eluveitie and Moonsorrow
>thinking about replaying all Half Life games
I did just at the beginning of the Quarantine. Really good Games. I kinda wish there was of more of Blue Shift.
>Looking for a few books to dive into for the next little bit until this mess is over
anything in particular you like?
>Better Call Saul. Want more of it ASAP.
Damn good stuff. I binged all the Episodes in less than a week. Waiting for new ones to come out on Netflix.
you are one based negro

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Been co-oping Halo CE
Wrestling, Digital Foundry
A Perfect Circle
Yas Forums
Just had a roast dinner
A couple of beers
Loving trap doujins
Alright. Work is fucking slow at the moment as all my suppliers are working from home so might fit some vidya between downtime in the week

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Pirate Warriors 4, it's really fun
EmpLemon, maybe some moe later
the killstream
Yas Forums
narmaya from grandblue
alright, sobered up after crashing on liquor 2 days ago and the guilt is disappearing

BDII demo was kinda eh, combat didn't really click with me but maybe it will with you
thanks frogposter

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Dokkan Battle and Animal Crossing, playing with anons is so much fun. I have the new Doom pirated but I cant find the time to play
Strike Witches, the series is pretty good so far. Better than what I remember.
Steins Gate and random manga
Microwave Pizza
Trying to watch things other than JAV
Pretty good

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Get out of my PC, Miku.

First run of Doom Eternal. Playing on Ultraviolence, just beat the doom hunters bosses and unlocked the classic suit. So hyped to keep going.
My wife folding laundry
Fucking doom soundtrack
A book about javascript for dummies. Learning for work
Had a late breakfast of pancakes and fruit. Bout to grab some leftover Turkey pot pie.
Been nursing a big mug of black coffee. Bout to reheat it.
Probably not tonight
Cozy. Did a bunch of home reno work yesterday with my brother in law, so I'm sore and feel justified in being a lazy fucker today

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Escape from Tarkov and STALKER COP Gunslinger mod


Random anime OPs

Yas Forums, Yas Forums,

Chicken and Apple Pie

Brisk Tea

Big tiddies preying on shotas

This quarantine is comfy as hell

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>Been co-oping Halo CE

Anything co-op is god tier in my book.
I asked my brother to play The Warriors or Chaos Theory but he refused.

You are a true Gentleman, my good sir!

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Ark: Comfy Dino Taming and Bugs Evolved
Japanese women playing ark in the backround, also some anime. Interspecies reviewers, arima-kun and isekai quartet's all good. Gonna see if there's new episodes out.
Suzumu Hirasawa's songs.
Corona virus drama and memery like a good book.
Taco wrap.
||I got pulled back into Yas Forumsore...||

Octopath Traveler finally
Really hope this story ties the cast together, because the first chapter didn't do shit to make them seem like a party
Youtube, maybe BNA
Got a salted steak and seasoned brussel sprouts in the fridge, waiting to cook em later
big dick shotas raping bitchy women
Pretty mild, isolation is making me stir crazy
I really want to go fuck my gf

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Been thinking of getting back into ark, played it until around when ragnarok became an official map.
I stopped because losing everything I owned because I went to sleep was so fucking tiring, how is the game now-a-days?

Got done with free Tomb Raider, playing lol and bf2, was thinking of restarting Prey or Mad Max
vidya soundtrack and Gorillaz
Pretty relaxed thanks to corona break

Wanna read some good shit but cant get any good books and i dont like reading on pc

have no Netflix anymore but I was watching Ghibli stuff and it was great

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>Air 540 can fit not only a pc, but a full internet diva in it
Caselets BTFO

I am desperately trying to get a VR headset somehow. It would be perfect to have one right now but not if it takes ages.

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System Shock 2
Mount and Blade prolly
Puppy Dog Pals with my sphergo son
Not today
Gf made biscuits and cinnamon rolls
Pretty alright. It's dark but I find a stark comfort in this carona scare. Like the world is just kind of standing still for awhile. Might roll a j tonight. Worlds ending, if only for just a few months.

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>Discord spoilers
Way to out yourself, fucko

Rift S is like $450 if you get is with extension cables

Buggy but it's still a good game and has far more going for it than rust etc imo. If the devs took care of it, fixed official servers and bugs etc it'd be a sick game. Still fun in spite of everything. unoffcial servers mod/casualize shit too much and officials run like ass... yet I still play because it's the best taming game I know and it's stupid comfy. Unofficial without decay or something would be a lot less stressful i think. You don't lose stuff for sleepin or taking breaks then.

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yes but it fucking takes several weeks to get it.
I wasn't ready to get VR but I admit it would be worth it to have it right now given the current circumstances.
But only if I can actually get it right now not if it takes several weeks to get it delivered.

Not at all Based

Very much Based

You'd say the same thing several weeks from now while you still don't have it

M2TW Stainless Steel, the mongols are a pain in the ass.
blue exorcist, pretty meh so far
nothing at the moment
canned beans with potatoes
overwatch sfm, as always.
worried about what will be the state of the economy afther coronachan is gone.

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Kill yourself

Several weeks from now I am back to having no time user.

new Animal Crossing with my fiance
we might watch Twilight Zone later
Bach piano works as per usual. also the new Nine Inch Nails album is breddy gud
a while back I started reading Siddhartha but I'm lazy and haven't finished it even though it's so short
might make some pasta later
cold, gross coffee. couldn't get my gourmet bulk beans because of Corona-chan lel
fiance took care of that in the shower yesterday :^)
like I wish the quarantine wouldn't end so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. works starts again this week though. I pretty much wasted these last 2 weeks on Yas Forums.

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I've been having trouble picking a game to get for pc for the last few days, lack of good sales is a problem too, any nice game you picked up recently anons?

subnautica, path of exile or warhammer 2
dire straits and acdc

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How do you think I got addicted to vore again, user. But yeah I've been on there far too much.

ACNH, Bioshock
Had a jimmy dean egg and sausage crossiantwich.
Barely legal sluts
Tired. Didn't sleep much last night.

>What are ya?
I don't know. I have 3 or 4 hours before sleep. Help me pick something from pic related. I just beat Bayo and bought DD but I may need to have more free time for this
Yas Forums
steak and fries
whiskey atm
I don't want to go to work tomorrow

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play morrowind