People unironically believe this is good game design

People unironically believe this is good game design.

Attached: DoomEternal.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

then don't spam the boosts then you autist

Looks like a journalist playing

IE: someone that doesn't know the first thing about game design or even how to play

this is extremely inaccurate, you should also be spamming all your cooldown moves on rotation


How many layers of ironic falseflagging bait is OP on?

> cooldown moves on rotation
So, this is what Doom was reduced to.

Doom was always shit

Fuck OP's tranny hole.

Its like those people who spam dpad in DMC and go like AHAHHAAH LOOK THIS IS HOW STUPID YOU LOOK when they're not getting anything done. We get it, you suck. But really. The incapable making fun of the capable. Thats just upside down world.

lmao what is this spastic shit. Learn to fucking play

Yup, and people unironically think that's a good thing.


holy shit you are so fucking bad

This game looks awful


The player in this webm is trying so hard to miss, to prove some dishonest point.
This. This I what's actually wrong with Eternal.

>The game is bad because I'm bad at games
Weak bait, try harder.

Attached: 1585418199070.png (706x784, 38.56K)

Why are you deliberately moving so weird?

Doom Eternal, another Bethesda flop

Some fucker being obviously bad on purpose.

I love it.

Git gud, however

Attached: 1581441558032.jpg (500x425, 37.7K)

Do you think this is marketing?

Where the OP pretends to be retarded in order to get a higher rate of engagement.

It's marketing.

Are you Micheal J Fox? What's with the schizophrenic movement?

no its id tech 7

its from twitter

this is literally every quake webm posted here

>not even hitting any of the fodder
i giggled

What the fuck is this trying to prove? Lower your fucking sensitivity and see a fucking doctor jesus.

unlike most of the tards in this thread, I understand what the webm is trying to portray.
Seeing other webms of DE gameplay "the way you're supposed to be playing it" doesn't stray much further than how you see OPs webm here.
>is this journalist playing XD
>stop spamming
>learn to aim
If any of these is how you interpreted what this web was portray, you missed the point entirely.

The point is that there is point and strategy to all that spamming. However here there is none and it is just to joke about better players.


>You're SUPPOSED to miss every single shot while spamming jump and side strafe on an enemy that doesn't even have projectiles
Stop lying, retard.

man i fucking love this game
it fully exposed how terrible Yas Forums is at videogames

its obviously exaggerated.
you're missing the point of the webm entirely.

I know Yas Forums is dumb and takes everything at surface value, but c'mon now. Use that brain of yours.

bethesda shills out in full force, they are also defending watching the same few canned animations 100+ times just so you can get ammo

Not him but I understand what the webm was trying to do. But it's still stupid, especially considering that OP tried to disingenuously shitpost with it.

At least this thread served to make me laugh.

Your face was always shit.

>its obviously exaggerated.
No, it's not, he's missing on purpose and boosting out of the way of enemies that don't use projectiles, neither of which were EVER portrayed as how you're supposed to play, in the DE gameplay they're dodging projectiles, counting shoots, and using melee on smaller mooks like how the game is meant to be played. What's shown here isn't an exaggeration, it's disingenuousness.

easiest way for (You)s as most of Yas Forums is incapable of any sort of interpretation deeper than what they explicitly see.

Not every thing is a shill you brainless asshole

>it fully exposed how terrible Yas Forums is at videogames
This is a board where most posters are 15-18, I can promise you that a large majority of people that played Doom here did it on consoles because they're too dumb to own a computer.

It's easy to assume this place is better than you think, but the reality is that it's teenagers playing these games on fucking playstation. It's sad. No wonder they hate it, imagine how miserable it must be to play Doom Eternal with a controller.

Man, you can't aim for shit, or encode video for shit. Try harder next time you want to make a point.

Shut up retard

man imagine fighting the Maurauder on controller
consolefags got filtered hard

what the fuck is this gameplay? please fuck off

the webm was making a point and it went straight over your head lol.
the ironing lmao

>OP damage controlling his lack of skill

The only point that webm is making is that the player is being retarded and ineffective.
Jumping around in place while twitching the mouse around isn't the same as actually playing the game you dumb faggot.

Next time try not taking speed before playing the game, retard.

>''Hello im Micheal J Fox and welcome to my playthrough of DOOM Eternal''

Attached: ok retard.jpg (713x616, 56.43K)

haha, nice.

That is good design. But terrible motor skills. Get help OP.

OP, I appreciate your critique of the webms being posted here, I did get a good chuckle, thanks for posting.
I'm surprised so many people misunderstood it.

No, put some work on your videos if you want to make a point. The only thing you can infer from it is that you suck at the game.

So, the webm is bait.

Backpedal harder you ridiculous fucking faggot.

Yas Forums, why can you never recognise a joke when its staring you right in the face?

Attached: 3d8farfzyjq31.png (735x881, 393.35K)

No, that's just a desperate attempt to save face. OP is a petty and furiously homosexual creature.

in a sense, yes, but the webm still has a point. it's depressing observing how dimwitted Yas Forums is.
disappointed, but not surprised!

Attached: dean.gif (258x214, 2.24M)

from what? it's obviously a fucking joke about how spastic the doom webms posted are