>buy physical nintendo switch game
>10 years later
>switch eshop shuts down
>still own game
physicalchads where u at
Buy physical nintendo switch game
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is that real?
It's hard to believe, but yes.
How is that cat doing that?
Wow I just realized
The background dancers and the cat have different shadow directions. The background dancers are clearly cgi
Wow that's a talented squirrel
The truth will surprise you
omg how did they make the cat do that
its a cat you idiot
>is that real?
You can put your digitally bought Switch games on multiple micro sd and never lose them, just like physical. Eshop shutting down is irrelevant, the console doesn't check if you're online to play digital games
It's not retard
I've always been of the opinion that all cats are female and all dogs are male.
Why the fuck do Xbox and Playstation systems have to waste so much fucking HDD whenever you get a new game? This is hardly a problem at all with the Switch. Fuck 50-100GB games even if you own the disc.
I guess that's probably the average intellegence of v/
I think the only animal that hits a wall harder than cows do when they go from bouncy calves to dead on the inside adults are raccoons when they go from curious...uh...kits? to asshole adults. Elephant bulls might also rank up there too.
What kind of a fucking dog breed is that?
Can lizards really do that?
Just chillin out maxed and relaxing all cool with my physical game collection.
Higher resolution
mfw Jimmy Buffet - Margaritaville comes on
Look at him go
A cow stays loving forever. They're only dead on the inside if they're treated poorly, like people.
Not all pitbulls
Is that real?
i want to kill person who made this video
Mind if I save this?
fucking kek
It's all yours my friend.
yo aint that todd off of scrubs on the left???
Appreciate it ^.^
Can I save it too?
Literal drone behavior or like a conditioned rat in a lab.
this isn't real I know the guy on the left he can't dance like that
>you throwing my shit around?
Is that a yes or a no...?
Because discs are slower than cards and they need to install the whole game
I never got to experience affectionate cows. Grandpa raised em, but I think he just sort of fed them and left them alone. Whenever I went in the pasture to do whatever, they would get about 6 ft away from me, I imagine wanting something to eat. Never let me pet them :(
why did I watch the whole thing :(
In 10 years we will still have piracy user. Buying physical should be only about COLLECTING, even reselling shit it's a bad and jewish argument when you can just be a pased pirate.
haha i wish i was cool like you :)
look at him go
so it is real?
saw this on the Yas Forumss the other day and it really made me LOL
bro I just want to know if cats can dance can they?
Yeah but is that lizard real or not you gay cunt?
holy fuck look at this cool user over here
Cows seem like they would be such good, playful loving pets.
>be a hippo
>be overpowered as fuck
seething drones
the irony is that you've been conditioned to respond with the conditioned rat meme