
game good?

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Yeah. I need to replay this with the more recent PCSX2 build. I got a massive performance boost from the outdated, official one.

buy anyway

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its okay, not amazing, go play Onimusha or GOW for a good Ancient era hacknslash

play onimusha last year
gow bad

that cover look like shit

yea i dont like GOW too, its too mashy2

rare case where america has the upper hand over the japanese and europe cover
it's the same art in the japanese version but they zoomed in on the whole piece for some reason

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shit youre right, that looks like some chinese bootleg game

oh yeah Prince of Persia also a pretty good ancient hacknslash, my fav is sand of time

they did make the background darker in the american version though
and a fucking quick photoshop glow around his head
can't have it all, still find a way to fuck up

I miss PS2 era where we would have a shitload of "Ancient X" games

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play that when kid
fun game

shoulda mentioned shadow of rome as well
fun but sneak bad

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i gotta play that game again, i really like Onimusha back then and thought Inafune might gave out Greek Onimusha this time, i stopped playing it bcuz its a bit clunky

When I played Dead Rising 1 for the first time I couldn't place why it felt so familiar
Then I realized this game is basically Dead Rising's beta made into a full game

i didn't finish shadow of rome because i really cannot stand the sneak segments
but the gladiator fights are so good
such a frustrating game

however i should also mention this one, it's really good and it hardly gets mentioned
it's a bit on the easy side, so thats probably why i don't know

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admitedly i didn't play dead rising but that seems lke a really weird comparison

It actually is that though

no proofs

The stealth wasn't necessarily bad but it really fucked with the pacing of the game. After getting an amazing high from chopping a guy's arm off then beating another dude with it until he pissed himself causing someone in the crowd to get ecstatic throwing a giant fucking axe for me to use it's really hard to get hyped for mediocre stealth segments.

It's a shame we don't get ancient Greek games anymore besides rts shit.

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you sure that's not roman?

DR1 literally started development as a sequel to Shadow of Rome.

imagine if we actually had a sequel that just outright removed the sneak segments
what a wasted oportunity
could've had such a great franchise before they handed it off to some western dev to fuck it up a few years later and to come back to it in 2020 in proper form

The game is alright and bare bones for the most part. I think I'm close to beating the game. Its plays like a ps1 game with early ps2ish graphics. The story is very meh and hard to follow.

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big chest

She's the only reason why I or anyone would be baited to play the game. I believe they may have used Brittany spears likeness in designing her.

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recommending some ancient era ps2 game

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sweet now i be rollin wit da wizzars yo

played it recently on emulator, it's not very good unfortunately


wow, no kidding

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Genji is kinda okay, PSM gave it 5/10 from what i remember

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Judging by the replies this thread is filled with autistic ESLs, but I'll throw in my two cents anyway. It's not a bad game. There are some cool bits of level design, but the game relies too much on combat. Hitting shit with the Diskarmor is satisfying, but the combat itself is pretty basic and doesn't deserve the amount of focus put on it. When the game emphasizes platforming and forward movement it's good, though.

couch COOP good time

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speak 2 language

yeah unfortunately, it's really stiff and the voice acting is pretty bad but funny, if you want a lesser known game in the same genre try Crimson Tears

big money

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fun as fuck

i remember enjoying that game a lot when i had it,never got to play the second one though

Hey, little coward nigger. Yeah, you bitch. You got a problem with someone you fucking REPLY to their post rather than trying to say it behind their back otherwise you're a nigger. Hear me? Nig nog magoo? Oh wait, you're a nigger you're incapable of hearing only listening which is not the same thing cunt. Begone. NOW! Fucking loser.
Can you believe that asshole? What a little bitch.

calm down reddit

ok then hes a few more
Mark of Kri and it's sequel Rise of Kasai
God Hand
Maximo and it's sequel Army of Zin
God of War games obviously
Dark Cloud 1 and 2 are also good but quite a bit different

I fuck your mom you fucking cunt ass stinky asshole mother fucker.

>Mark of Kri and it's sequel Rise of Kasai
you sure? looks stinky
>god hand
good gam
will buy someday
>god war
bad gam
>dark cloud
burned out on jrpgs

mom dead

Yeah from my ten inch cock NIGGER and i fuck you up the ass with a beer bottle you fucking faggot jabroni.

well if you want Jap only games try the Viewtiful Joe, even though it's 2D and DMC games

like west gams
they cant make action gam tho
viewtiful jo is ok, got bored

How's Onimusha 3?
Feelin' for some Reno

played long time
but good game says memoery

I mean Hulk and Ultimate Spider-Man are both great

west cant mak combat
best exmaple is prince of persia ps2
that was good

also Dawn of Mana and The Warriors, sorry just going through my PS2 collection and seeing whats good

warriors is good gam but combat is weak part
dont know mana

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows' combat is pretty fun

dont believe you

Also Primal and Soul Reaver 2

Okami though that's more of a zelda like game and the Yakuza games are OK though made redundant with the remasters