What was the Yas Forumserdict?
What was the Yas Forumserdict?
shit, essentially a 6th gen game.
normals ate it up though.
Complete garbage just like everything after 5th gen
It's another fucking XY game. Literally no content, no effort and runs like shit, but with the """"""added"""""" benefit of less Pokémon. All this despite the re-used assets.
It’s okay but still a disappointing rushed messed.
I don’t get why people who are allowed to like the game constantly want to mention the boogeyman dexitors to defend criticism
It’s not my problem that a billion dollar franchise had a video game team with deadlines like Call of duty but the budget and team size of a fucking Indie Game
It's not that it was BAD, it was about as good as any other modern pokemon game. Just felt like a prettier 3ds pokemon gen, I wish they tried to push the boundaries of the new hardware like many other 1st party titles that have moved to the switch.
So if I haven’t played Pokémon in years and just want to relive the glory days do you think I’ll find it enjoyable?
It's gonna be the X/Y of Switch Pokemon titles: serves as the first of its kind and has like a dickload of issues that held it back from being great
At least the fashion is based though.
Why play this shit when gens 4 and 5 exist with objectively more content?
It's a fine pokemon game. It just didn't meet the expectations of the "hardcore pokemon fans" who wanted a gigantic technological leap from the 3DS. If you haven't played for years it may meet that big leap for you anyway.
I don’t have a DS
This is pretty much what it is. That's why I'm holding out for a DP remake. The game is just not at all impressive for $60 + $30 expac for being full-on reused assets and being rather barebones in content.
Then play them on an emulator or even on your phone.
worst gen in the series easily
They never improved enough on x/y to make it worth being dogshit
>Broken exp system not optional
>Linear and smallest region in the franchise
>3 major cities, less than any other game
>One town is literally a pokémon center and a gym
>10 routes, less than any other game
>Routes are literally hallways
>No optional areas other than wild area
>Wild area is an empty laggy multiplayer lobby
>No exploration at all
>No dungeons
>Escape rope is now useless, there's nowhere you can get lost
>No day/night cycle until postgame except wild area
>The rest of the region has progression-gated day/night cycle during the story
>Pay multiplayer and pay Home or they'll delete your old pokémon
>Only 1 optional legendary hunt, less than any other game
>2 legendaries per game, less than any other game
>Awful story, even by Pokemon standards
>No elite 4
>Elite 4 replacements are 3 battles against newbies like you and heal you between fights
>The credits movie has the mouse cursor still on screen
>have to talk to a random NPC just to be able to adjust volume controls
>Postgame as short as XY
>Most generic battle tower in the franchise
>Cut a lot of moves
>Cut over half of the dex "to improve" visuals
>Graphics barely improved
>Same models
>Same animations except a few specific attacks
>Kanto pandering in form of regional forms
>Kanto pandering in form of new shitty exclusive and temporal mechanic
>20$ more for much less and messier overall content
>have to pay an extra $30 for post-game DLC
>still won’t have all the Pokemon after DLC
>Complete garbage just like everything after 4th gen
Fixed this for you
Completely terrible and basically completes the slide into shittiness that GF's been on for a long time, it doesn't matter whether you think the slide started in Gen 4, 5 or 6 fact is this is where it gets to the bottom. Anyone who actually thinks these games are good has buyer's remorse or has actual shit taste in video games.
The absolute horrible part is all the moves they took out. So many fun niche and strategic moves were taken out. And very few people bring it up regarding how much it's affected the meta and the skill ceiling.
Wait, they took out moves?
>continues the trend of horrible wild battle themes
You would say people were too harsh but keep in mind the actual fans were told to fuck off for 3 years,one oh which being Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee
Everyone was being a smart ass and saying
>It’s not for you, fuck off and wait for next year
Only for Sword and Shield to be a disappointment and still aimed at the casual Go and Let’s Go crowd
Fuck Gamefreak
Don't worry, the wave of removed moves finally gave Vespiquen the nerf she deserved. They were clearly a threat with their dreaded Heal Order.
Reminder that it was Japan who started
Yeah, you should be able to find a list on serebii.
The most baffling removal was return. The removed fucking RETURN.
I like the fags who defended the removal of GTS by saying how shitty it was, only for Gamefreak to bring it back in Home exactly the same way
This act alone shows how much of a piece of shit Gamefreak and TPC are
The two things Sword and Shield did right are Alcremie and Indeedee.
Prove me wrong
Based, exposed Gamefreak for not putting effort into their games and riding off of the Pokemon brand hype.
I’m trying to imagine how short this game would be if you were to not be a Nintendo online subscriber meaning you couldn’t use Wild Area for 60% of its intended purpose.
absolute trash fire with poisonous fumes
Yes, most notably return and hidden power which cripplied every special electric attacker.
If you don't touch the wild area at all and just beeline progression then it's roughly 10 hours.
And since collecting is now pointless and PvP is inferior to showdown, it's $60 for that babified 10 hours.
>complete garbage just like everything after 2nd gen
fixed this for you.
Your only required to use the Wild Area twice, to go to Motostoke and dragon gym city
Route 10 was the biggest disappointment in existance, that was supposed to be your Victory Road by the way
I could get behind them removing return if they added another 90-100 power normal move in its place. Meanwhile my Diggersby is stuck with fucking body slam and giga impact for normal damage.
I had not played a Pokémon game since gen 4, and it felt like a downgrade.
Exposes Pokefags as retarded mouthbreathers, leagues worse than CoD normies.
That’s not an excuse when you look at literally every other first party Switch game
Pokémon is the shit that sticks out compared to Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, , Fire Emblem,Animal Crossing and even fucking Luigi’s Mansion
My guy, the animations are literally worse than gamecube games.
The games almost seem like Tim "BU" Buckley had his hand in them as the characters never fucking shut up and walls of text keep interrupting the game.
>The Good
-The Wild Area.
-The Gym Challenge.
-The Quality of life improvements in addition to make any team you want easily competitive.
>The bad
-Story is massively disappointing and rushed even with Pokémon standards.
-Because of the wild area, the normal routes are extremely linear pieces of shits, Escape rope was upgraded to a key item but is extremely useless because of it.
-Lack of actual content and things to do, they expect you to do nothing but raid battles all day.
-Removed features for the sole purpose of selling it to you as either DLC or Pokémon Home subscription
-Every single excuse for the removed features has been debunked because they still gave it back exactly the same as it was before but with a cost
I’m seeing a trend of twitter fags make a gag whenever they see a glitch or graphical bug in a game to suddenly bring up the “dexit people”
These people don’t know anything about what actually happened and need to learn to shut the fuck up
They removed Hidden Power of all things. Like my Jolteon wasn't already move starved.
based shazam
it sucks
It's not a great game but it's not good either
fucking dogshit
legit worst game in the franchise
Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee fooled people into thinking it was for casuals and newcomers and setting up the Pokémon game people actually wanted
SWSH just continued being for casuals and newcomers who don’t have a clue what actual content in a Pokémon game is
The fact alone that LGPE came out before the actual mainline games was proof that the series is now irredeemable.
Taking a quote from Arlo because he perfectly describes it
>It's not about the dex, it's not even just about the graphics, the entire package feels so rushed and devoid of compelling content
Cute grils 9/10
It went downhill when Masuda announced to the world that not all Pokémon was going to be in because of graphics and animations
After that almost every reveal had issues
>Making people watch a 24 hour png for Galarian Ponyta
>Sucking Kanto’s dick with the gigantamax trailer, becoming even worse when the only non-new gen Pokémon was Garbodor and more Kanto
>The $30 DLC
>What was the Yas Forumserdict?
Platinum and Gen 5 were the only good games in the series.
TPC keeps forcing Gamefreak to make a Pokémon game every year.
On top of that, Gamefreak refuses to increase the amount of employees they have.
And for whatever fucking reason they split their team even further for Town, a game nobody asked for and massively flopped.
Honestly this company really is a piece of shit
This, also what are some cute Pokemon I need to catch in Sword? Hattana and Gothita come to mind
Reminder that Isle of Armor is literally just a smaller wild area and 2 battle towers that seem to be exactly the same as the main game battle tower
Also gamefreak is all old outdated devs who seem to have missed 20 years of game development and are putting out ps2 games
can't give a verdict as I refused to buy it based on what I saw in reviews and on streams
feel like i'm the only one who stuck to his guns
I loved little town hero though
The forest thing was lulzy
So basically yeet the boomers
>That G-Max Trailer
My faith in the game was already anemic at that point but that was what killed the game for me until the leaks starting coming in.
No i didn't but it either but us two chucklefucks aren't even nothing compared to the over 15 million people who did