>Is actually the best thing of the game
Is actually the best thing of the game
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care about people bitching about Jill, Carlos got a flat out upgrade.
He looks like the protagonist of a cool, fast paced foreign action flick.
Or a side character in a Yakuza game.
You’ve been sleeping on Carlos if you didn’t think he’d be a good time
Oh cool that one Tekken character got a gun now
Everyone is complaining about the females in Capcom's games lately but no one is acknowledging all their male characters are beginning to resemble faggoty Asian boy band members.
There's a difference between manly, and ugly as fuck, user.
You're not an incel because you're especially manly, you're an incel because you look like garbage.
>if you didn’t think he’d be a good time
Oh, but I did
Gotta admit, he's hot
>tfw there's already porn of him and Jill
Life is good
Ecли ты дyмaeшь, чтo хopoшo пpoвoдишь вpeмя в игpaх, тo ты oчeнь oшибaeшьcя, вeдь лyчшaя вeщь в игpaх - этo yм
You must be fat.
Fuck yes! I've waited so long for Latino vidya porn.
ITT: coming out of the closet
I'd let him infect my boypussy with HIV desu
>Carlos is a sexy hunk
>Jill looks like ass
Why would they do that?
His hair still looks ridiculous.
Зaвaли eбaлo тpипфaг, нaдeюcь тeбя зaбaнят
Why is the messy hair the best part
It makes a good handlebar
Sounds like you'll be the one infecting him, though
it's too sexy, no way they would allow an army operative to have such sexy hair, even if its a private army
when you're good at your job you can do what you want
I was surprised desu. He actually is great. They should bring him back. They should do a Resident Evil game in a jungle or something
Cringy beta self inserters.
t. someone who edits out black cocks in porn
>army operative
He is private security/mercenary
Why are women wetting their panties over this spic? He looks like fucking Animal from the Muppets
what is manlybadasshero doing there
>Watching porn with blacks in the first place
Even seeing the original trailer i instantly knew Carol was just flat out better now as a character design.
The pretty boy Casper van Dien look of the 90's just didn't suit the concept of the character at all.
Having him just be Tekken's Migeul instead is a HUGE upgrade and a much better design.
>Gotta admit, he's hot
>porn with female
For the same reason mouthbreathers here fap to Claire and Ada
It doesn't even matter if you like dicks, you deserve the rope for stating this only
>Claire and Ada
Who would masturbate to such generic thots?
So why exactly is remake Carlos an entirely different character?
>Casual reminder that Capcom is still based
Jill thinks so too.
>implying I watch porn with guys
t. assblasted white boy.
t. trannigger
t. Alejandro Estrada Rodriguez
I hope he has an unlockable Luis Sera alt.
Is Jill going to get hue'd at the end of the game?
Has Samuel "Jetstream" Rodrigues finally been dethroned as the best BR in vidya?
user I...
They got a good VA for him. He sounded so familiar at first. It’s apparently the guy who voiced Javi in Telltale’s Walking Dead.
I don't, only Jill and probably Sheva matters
All of the guys are getting major upgrades in these REmakes.. As far as the chicks go, Ada looks good. But that's it.
Yeah I know, I know. Cool Capcom is dead & buried. But a man can dream. I'm also really hoping that REsistance is just a way to crowdsource encounter design for a new Outbreak file.
>All of the guys are getting major upgrades
*Cries in Chris*
Chris should've been THE ROCK in whiteface.
What is with those numbers? 1 is 1; 2 is 0; 3, 4 and 6 are all 6; and 5 is Code Veronica.
He did though.
That's not the official look, though
Chris was already perfect in RE5, it didn't needed any more changes
His last appearance was in vendetta so that’s his official look until a newer appearance.
Ay, caramba, Spanish Chris looks so fucking hot.
>Posts some ugly beaner instead of someone cool
Okay, I'll fix this thread for you. 61st post best post.
>Posting perfection
both are good, no need to flame you fuckin bitch
No thanks, doll face.
Hmm, not bad
How can chrisfags even recover
>still like four days remaining
I really want to fucking play already
Isn't it 6?
Chris has been eating that sandwich long before and after that, so no need to
I liked his RE5 design but I don't think that was a facescan which Capcom seems to be ate up with right now.
Me on the left
Contrary to popular opinon, a nice, sharp manly face goew best with longer, messy hair, not the manly face + short hitlerjugend haircut retards are pushing down everyone's throat.
What? Chris canonically in relationships with Piers.