>le resetranny boogeyman
A gaynigger community of less than 5k active faggots isn't ruining gaming you stupid retards
Le resetranny boogeyman
Yeah?Ideals and agitation is stronger than gayniggers
You'll never get rid of their boogeyman because without it all the Yas Forumstards that come here would have to face reality: games just aren't that fun for them anymore as a means of escapism because they've taken the black pill and can't find joy or satisfaction in anything anymore. Everything to them has to lead back to their grand narrative about Jews or sjws.
It's the same thing religious people do. Everything, and I man EVERYTHING has to be connect to God or whatever. They literally can't stop thinking about it.
They're brainlets.
I bet you cry about "the 1%" though
>A gaynigger community of less than 5k active faggots
A lot of these active faggots work in gaming companies.
i wouldn't listen to somebody with this many grammar errors talk about "brainlets" lol.
I really wish corona wasn't a nothingburger. This world is lost.
This thread need to be pinned so every time some retard tries to say that retardera is just a small forum with no influence, just a boogyman am I rite?, realize how fucking oblivious and ignorant they are.
The worst part is these images contain only a fraction of the people on the website who are involved in the industry.
but you, you're smart
they're dumb and you're smart
The issue isn't with the average poster, it's that the mods and admins have a treasure trove of blackmail material over industry figures, and they aren't afraid to use it
That little group of people who all fit into a nice box I can criticize for all problems are so stupid because of how they generalize and stereotype their boogeyman.
It's part of why they want Japanese developers to fall in line and start following Western industry trends, they want more influence.
Still more alive than Sonygaf / Neofag. The only members there now are autist who pretend or act like they are from this site. Please kill yourself brap you're the biggest faggot of them all.
1-twitter has the power, not some shitty forum with no one in there, if they aren't banned on sight
2-almost every one in there is a suicidal tranny, what they hate more than videogames is themselves, so it's clear they will die soon
>Yas Forumstard: "S-stop generalizing us!!!!"
>Also Yas Forumstard: "lol trannies and Jews are all apart of the same global conspiracy to overthrow my videogames, can't fool me!!"
Are they still seething that THQ nordic did an AMA on 8gag?
based tranny-lies exposing user
5k members on that forum are enough to censor games though. What does that tell you about their power?
it's only that many users because resetera jannie trannies ban like 50 people daily
>journalists and indie devs
Wow it’s fucking nothing
Life is ruled by minorities.
You think the rich elites that rule you are a majority of the population? lol
This shit is why I dont buy LRG physical copies.
One generalization is accurate while the other isnt. Hipocrasy burning aka tu quoquoe is the most smooth brain form of "argumentation" out there.
Nothing, because mostly the outrage comes from twitter.
>343 Industries
>Ars Technica
>CD Prokect Red
>Deep Silver
>Riot Games
>Square Enix
>The Hollywood Reporter
>The Verge
>Washington Post
Yep, just indie studios and no-name journalists.
Yes, so? You posted nothing.
Those "journalists" aren't journalists
I'd advise taking some medication for your reality-defying delusions.
>Yes, so? You posted nothing.
are you jewish?
Too bad the devs are too stupid to get scared by them anyway when they flood the devs' emails.
Tneyare still journalist and or the janitors you know one person doesn’t have affecte on the whole company you fucking asstard
>From "it's just 5k people in a forum" to "i-it's just the media!"
Pure desperation.
How the fuck are you this retarded?
The more you argue, the more I'm beginning to believe you're a falseflagging Retardera poster. Let's see here
>Editor in Chief
>Editor AND Writer
>Chief Editor
>Esports player
>More Chief Editors
>Senior localisers
>PR Representative
>Community manager
>Community liaison
>Public relations
>Brand marketing specialist
>Business Development and Public Relations
>Community Manager
>Public Relations
>Product Marketing
And so on and so forth as I go down the list more and more. Every single one of them the faggots who set the narrative on social media, who decide what's "in the best interests" of the -product's presentation and how corporate handles its own image. Shut the fuck up.
Like less than 50 people run the entire world economy right now.
Numbers don't mean anything.
5000 people with the right connections hold more power over the video game industry than millions of Yas Forumsirgins.
Nobody cares if there are some PR in there. Those "devs" are just some artist or some code monkey. Obviously I won't mention the indie rappresentative
He's not stupid, he knows what's going on and knows it's indefensible. Denial and deflection is the only way they can defend their behavior, because admitting to it shows how disgusting they really are.
This shit right here is .44 magnum of red pills.
Your generalization ain't the accurate one bud
5000 with very similar tranny opinions enforcing that "most" gamers share these same views to game devs should be very worrying.
>Nobody cares if there are some PR in there
So you're just retarded and have no concept of how PR affects products?
based as fuck
Don't be too hard on him user, his entire world is crumbling before his eyes and he's having a hard time coping with it.
So ill take that as a yes, you are jewish
games resetera has ruined
>cyberpunk 2077
>persona 5 royal
>resident evil 3
>final fantasy 7 remake
probably a couple more i can't think of right now
>public relations, social media, editiors and journalists
Again people who don’t actually do anything or have any effect on the games retard all that is social media and glorified journalists again it doesn’t mean shit for the actual games you fucking tard hang yourself
>esports player
Do you want me to laugh at uou
dilate, you are backed to a corner and it's pathetic even for your usual standard tranny.
Why should I be a jew? I fucking hate that shithole
Post 4 post of each company doing the PR work in there
They actually don’t really affect crap retard
Not really that was just cause japan has a strong feminist following now.
>>public relations, social media, editiors and journalists
>Again people who don’t actually do anything or have any effect on the games retard
>Why should I be a jew?
Well are you? Im not hearing a no, user.
Fuck no I'm not