This board desperately needs a policy of nuking recommendation threads in the manner of Yas Forums...

This board desperately needs a policy of nuking recommendation threads in the manner of Yas Forums. This should be a place of game discussion and game discussion only. You can get your ass to the google search bar if you want recs.

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Yas Forums is fucking cringe
>Please no frog pictures, they trigger me
>Please no recommendations, even though recommendation threads are both helpful and fun to post in
>Please no "spoonfeeding"
>Jizzhead threads everywhere? Oh, yes, by all means
The only good thing they have going for them is they actually manage to eviscerate Yas Forumsniggers. That's it.

I completely disagree.
Such pruning is a late stage fine tuning of the board, once a board is MOSTLY functioning correctly, such as Yas Forums.
And Yas Forums is only like that because they have actual iron fist moderators that give a shit.
Yas Forums is so dysfunctional most of the time the board can't even stick to the subject it's supposed to be about.
In such an envroinment, rec threads are at least threads talking about video games.

You can't demand to get a bidet when your toilet is half broken and leaking water everywhere, fix what isn't working first.

>The only good thing they have going for them is they actually manage to eviscerate Yas Forumsniggers. That's it.

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>The only good thing they have going for them is they actually manage to eviscerate Yas Forumsniggers.
This is worth any sacrifice, user.

Eeeh, I agree, but I feel like you can achieve Yas Forumsnigger blocking without also being elitist cunts about harmless frog memes. We certainly don't need to import any of their rules here unless we're also importing the anti-Yas Forumsnigger clause.

Recommendation threads are better than most of the threads on the board. People actually talk about what video games they like instead of shitposting about stupid horseshit.

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Recommendations ARE a type of game discussion.

God this thread smells of newfag.

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I think there's a lot more important problems with Yas Forums than rec threads

I spoonfeed on purpose just to upset all the autismos. It's gold. They absolutely chimp out over it.

>Eeeh, I agree, but I feel like you can achieve Yas Forumsnigger blocking without also being elitist cunts about harmless frog memes.
You can't, you must be strict, anything left leaves gaps they can crawl trough like the cockroaches they are.
>We certainly don't need to import any of their rules here unless we're also importing the anti-Yas Forumsnigger clause.
We're never going to get any of this type of moderation in the first place because Yas Forums is one of Yas Forums's money making machines.
This is among the boards that get the most traffic and our mods are TRAINED to keep shitty threads up to keep the traffic going, only deleting them when they're nice and plump already.
Our mods not only not ban shitposting, they encourage them, and farm it for money.

>nuking in the manner of Yas Forums.
For removing all wojak and frog posters yes.

Being helpful AND annoying the Yas Forumsutists? Sign me the fuck up.

They hated OP because he spoke the truth.

You're ten years too late, Yas Forums is now nincel + r*ddit newfag tier. This shit board has the worst moderation out of all the big boards since Hiroshima only cares about ad revenue from mobile cucks who come from r/gaming to post about smash or some faggot gay kiddie ninshito game that takes up the entire catalog.

No, we hate OP because Yas Forums has bigger problems.
We can get to this kind of minor shit once the board is decent, we can't even have a baseline video game discussion right now.

>This board desperately needs a policy of nuking recommendation threads in the manner of Yas Forums. This should be a place of game discussion and game discussion only. You can get your ass to the google search bar if you want recs.
Games for this feel?

This. Imagine being an elitist over fucking A N I M E.

Berserk 2016 was good suck my fucking balls Yas Forumsssplay

>This shit board has the worst moderation
>r/gaming to post about smash or some faggot gay kiddie ninshito game
Wait so you want the rules to be enforced, but you post console war shit yourself?
You know that's against the rules, in theory, right?

Eh, I was about to agree with him until
>You can get your ass to the google search bar if you want recs
OP is a negative IQ Twitter screencap poster who is too brainfried to understand what is Vidya and what is not

>Yas Forumsjack poster


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I wish mods on Yas Forums wpuld ban frogniggers and wojaks on sight.
I want another drama on this board about censorship lol
Also ban people discussing e celeb shit

>>Please no recommendations, even though recommendation threads
We all know that ((recommendation threads)) on Yas Forums are just thinly veiled off-topic threads. For every thread where somebody's asking for a specific genre, there's two dozen 500-post "games for this feel" threads with a website screencap in OP.

Why the fuck do they hate spoonfeeding so much?

Too many days since the last Bloodborne thread, huh, snoycuck.

>We all know that ((recommendation threads)) on Yas Forums are just thinly veiled off-topic threads. For every thread where somebody's asking for a specific genre, there's two dozen 500-post "games for this feel" threads with a website screencap in OP.
Games for this feel?

Yas Forums is cancer
the less like Yas Forums this place is, the better

Spoonfeeding encourages retards to be retards. Making people do their own research is the best form of gatekeeping.

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>t. shitposter

That's what you tell yourself to feel special.

can you recommend me some reasons to hate recommendation threads?

>"This is Momo. She's a Momo.
>200 threads about animu girls on the toilet

Quality content there

You might get spoiled on something you might've taken interest in
Even though looking up the thing you're interested in on Google or whatever would probably result in more spoilers due to search results

If you can't spend 2 seconds on Google, why would anyone want to bother with you?

people don't want to discuss vidya, they only want porn games and vidya girls. i tried talking about mario games like 5 times in the last couple weeks and nobody cares

>recommendations aren't discussion
You made me post a wojak. Screw you, OP

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Not a sony nigger or a console cuck. Its just obvious that this board is infested with uppity underaged nincels and r*ddit trash who force too many wojak faggot frog threads. There is no other explanation for the amount of garbage threads on Yas Forums in the past 5 or so years.

>I tried to make bing bing wahoo conversation
>Nobody cared

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>Not a sony nigger or a console cuck.
Then why are you pushing for console war?
It's against the rules.
You just said you want better moderation.

Yas Forums has been nintendoga/v/ for years newfag. Why do you think playstation gets bullied as much as it does here?


>he says as he posts a bing bing wahoo reaction image
>Why do you think playstation gets bullied as much as it does here?
Because you people keep spamming soijaks and goldjaks

mario is better than most games

>Google reverse search

Ironically this reveals how you probably never Google anything, yourself. It's the worst option in this case.

Bing Bing Wahoo are perfectly good games, it's just that they've been talked to death.

You are very, very dumb, aren't you?

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>gatekeeping anime
>when it's mainstream

Do autists really???????

Its not console warring at all because I don't give a shit about consoles period, Im pointing out the worst fanbase in this board. Yas Forums was never this bad back in the early 2010s before the mobile posting r*ddit cucks came in droves. And its obvious they are nincels since r*ddit newfags are underaged b&s and underage b&s love Nintendo. So you end up with wojak/frog threads, more console warring (bc nincels begin the shitposting and other console cucks follow suit to push back) and a catalog shitted up over some shitty Smash dlc character reveal

maybe for laughing at nerds, no anime except dragon ball was ever pure mainstream

>This board desperately needs a policy of nuking recommendation threads in the manner of Yas Forums. This should be a place of game discussion and game discussion only. You can get your ass to the google search bar if you want recs.

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>wahhh my anus hurts cause Yas Forums won't let me spam my facebook meme group frog folder

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Here is a better idea

Anyone who complains about Boogeymen instead of contributing should be banned instead.

This entire thread is nothing but faggots complaining about Yas Forums, pepe, Wojak, Tweet Screencaps, recommendations (for some fucking reason), ect.
And yet, none of you are contributing at all, and at least your boogeymen actually do discuss about video games.

And yes, discussion about video games you don’t like is still discussion about video games, no matter how much you cry to /qa/ to ban certain images or opinions.

And no, I am not one of those people that will be banned, since this entire thread proves you faggots aren’t boogeymen and are in fact harmful to the board.


>Narutards never existed lmao

>Its not console warring at all because I don't give a shit about consoles period
PC vs console is still console warring, it's in the rules.
>underaged b&s and underage b&s love Nintendo
People that are underage care about brands, and partecipate in console wars.
Looks like you just want selective moderation against things you don't personally like, and not mods to actually enforce the rules propely.

Right, just like the PS3 days when it was shitted on for no games. Yas Forums has always been a Nintendo majority board with the odd pc games here and there.

Frog posting is fucking terrible though and you know that frogs and wojaks only grew big in the first place because they were things that reddit and facebook could easily use due to how it had no direct tie to Yas Forums. Unlike say, anonymous which you would be using instead and wasn't such a fucking fag.

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>Anyone who complains about Boogeymen instead of contributing should be banned instead.
Hi Yas Forums.
Nobody likes you.

>get btfo
get smoked.
Piss off to /r/masterrace.

>likes Yas Forums

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Fuck off, tripfag.

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>Complains about rec threads over the blatant anime titty spam, steam avatar threads, and twitter screencap threads.
The absolute state of you speds.

>People that contribute to Yas Forums are Yas Forums
>People who don’t contribute are ResetEra Trannies
Thanks for admitting that, boy.

I drummed up some defense for bing bing wahoo. That's vidya

>it's just that they've been talked to death
playing through them for the first time now :( i grew up on amiga>pc>ps1>ps2

this is why meta threads were banned

This. Phoneposters and GaymurGoobers killed whatever decency was left of post 2012 Yas Forums and the nintendo takeover was complete by then. Consolewarring and Nintendo masturbation was never as bad back in 09 or 08, everything was fucking comfy and every fanbase was shitted on equally (except PC, and PS3 got shitted on more often for no games memes)

>complaining about boogeymans

>Makes a thread that has nothing to do with video games what so ever to complain about video game threads for said threads being off-topic

It’s not a Boogeyman if it’s real.
*Smug Anime Grill face*

>at least Yas Forums, frogs, and feelsguy talk about vidiya
Bitch are you for real?

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Your level of retardation is truly staggering. Pic related: It's you nigga

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incredibly shit taste

Rules against recommendation threads just get more and more out of hand. The original intent was to stop lazy people who'd done no research from posting, but then it gets expanded to all types of recommendations even by people who know a lot and are looking for specific things and then it gets expanded again to "recommendation threads in disguise", first the broader threads where people are meant to name various things they like, and then that gets expanded again to also cover any thread where it's likely that a large number of different stuff gets mentioned and that's where Yas Forums is now.
It may seem okay if it's just to cover lazy people who've done no research, but that's a really minor problem in the first place, and it WILL expand and expand and expand until lots of stuff gets banned because people are so desperate to call out stuff.

>angry boomer noises

>Your level of retardation is truly staggering. Pic related: It's you nigga

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They're better than attention whoring tripfags anyday

>It’s not a Boogeyman if it’s real.
>*Smug Anime Grill face*
*soijak face*

Rec threads were never the problem.

>s they actually manage to eviscerate Yas Forumsniggers

By 'Yas Forumsniggers' you mean Yas Forumsmblr right? Because Yas Forums has historically brought more pain to Yas Forums trannies than they have Yas Forums

Still not getting the running bing bing response images. You really should be put out of everyone else's misery

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weebshit is degenerate and Yas Forums is scared of Yas Forums, you can see it itt.

t. Yas Forums

1. Yas Forums is trash
2. recommendations are bringing up video games via comparisons and contrasts and discussing genre types
3. you're a faggot if you think anything besides smash threads, fake leak threads, and vg generals need to be nuked

And you can get your ass to the thread-hiding button if you don't want to see people actually posting about games instead of making a thread to bitch like a cramping twat.