I'm actually crying, I never thought it would happen

I'm actually crying, I never thought it would happen

Hold me Yas Forums

Attached: NieR-Replicant-Siliconera[1].jpg (1080x660, 314.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>I never thought it would happen

Shit game lmao loser at least find something worthwhile to be a bitch over if you're going to be a bitch.

Mostly because it sold like dogshit back in the day

>outsourced to literal who devs

Into the trash it goes

Based, now people can stop pretending that it's actually a good game, and not just "walk for 20 minutes, hit things with a spear for 20 minutes and then listen to the characters explicitly state their motives and emotions for 20 minutes, repeat: the game".

>crying over a video game announcement
OP is literally a consoomer

Alright fine i'll play it, but only because the dude is voiced by japanese Shadow

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They're in for a rude Awakening when this sells like shit

The only reason autonoma sold was because of cookers, I don't know how they haven't realized that

>gestalt cuck

I don't think anyone actually ever praised the game for the gameplay. It's there, it's not absolute shit. Like some 70-75% title. Graphics were also ass and PS2 tier. Story and presentation were great though.

>a fucking port with the worst protagonist

>not drakengard 1 and 2

Why are you crying about playing the game you've already played?

t. casual

>They're in for a rude Awakening when this sells like shit
who gives a fuck? The fans get the game the way it was originally meant to be played. If the coat tail chasing casuals don't want it then fuck em.

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Im happy. Loved the soundtrack, still listen to it till this day. Coudlnt play the game though, combat tedious, overall ;laughable

Where are the tits and ass? Yikes, gonna be a pass for me.

Fuck every single remaster, instead of making another game they put a new coat of paint over an old car and call it a day, at least they could make a remake like other games already did.
Just fix the bugs of the original and port them to other consoles you fuckers, im pretty sure they will charge full price for this decade old game.

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>Drakengard 2
>not just releasing 1 and 3

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>Jay: and then theres drakengard 3, Grimoire Nier..
>Mike: Whhaaa
>Jay: Nier Automata.. Yorha Boys Stage Plays...
>Mike: Uhhh
>Jay: don't get me started on Sin O Alice.
>Mike: Jay why do you have all those?

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Based phone poster

That’s literally every video game

amazing argument

Wut? Why just replicant? Does the one chick have a penis or not?

I better be able to play as Father Nier

Just pirate it dude


>Does the one chick have a penis or not?
Yeah she does, that's what makes the game so unique! I love anime!

Can a hardcore nier fag explain to me if all the games are connected or is the series just one big alternate universes and what ifs?

>brand new Nier game
>it's for phones

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I will, but it makes me mad that remasters are accepted, they could either make a remake like RE2 or shadow of the colossus, or add a new bunch of quality upgrades like GTA V from ps3/xbox 360 to ps4/xbox one/pc did.

I hate what Automata did to Nier.
Everyone on the internet is now just blindly screaming
>OMG Automata sequel!?
>Automata DLC?!
>where is 2B!!
>where is tits and ass

The worst thing is when people call Automatas gameplay amazing while shitting on the gameplay in the original.
The balance in both of them is bad it's even worse in Automata, at least in the original you couldn't spam combos, Pod abilites and Pod shooting all at the same time and in Automata you can literally spam dodge to be 100% invincible.
Idiots who are impressed by muh flashy style over substance garbage.

>there are people unironically defending retarded localization choices and character design shittier than generic twink boy.

There was that jap director that tried to rationalize not having western actors in the live action Fullmetal Alchemist movie buy saying only japanese can understand deep sibling bonds and I thought it was just a nip being a nip, but seeing how many people freak out that they aren't getting their shitty tired trope of grizzled old man protecting young girl for the millionth time, and think sibling bonds as creepy, maybe that jap wasn't so wrong after all. I mean fuck my life experiences being raised by an older sibling, gotta have this gay bara faggot deliver lines meant for a twink.

So is this a remake or just a port?

Nier is shit and nobody gives a fuck if you played it before nier automata even existed.

Remaster by no name dev with rerecorded OST and full voice acting.

Oh, don't care then. Nier has pretty boring gameplay, always wanted a remake to fix that.

Looking forward to all the people dropping it because of the awful combat.

Problem is that it won't make the gameplay any better.
Think back and then think about 100%ing Nier again.

It's great and kinda inevitable that this is being made for Automata fans, but even 10 years later I'm not fucking doing that again. It's like asking me to play through Drakengard again. It's not happening.

both are shit games, on a shit franchise, the only thing that's salvageable is the soundtrack

Nier 1 and automata are connected but not heavily. Shit that happened in 1 is what caused human extinction in automata though.

Dude why does everyone fucking do this. No one gave a fuck about nier pre automata you are the type of fucks who say I enjoyed devil may cry 2 over 3 just to be retarded contrarians.

> -Saito says it's "version up" not a remake or remaster
it's a retcon to Automata, so expect new gameplay

haha Yas Forums everything bad am i right guys

>2b's voice actress confirmed
>was already hinted the divine tree memory of the warrior woman fighting the red eye legion at the wall of jericho was her template

no, just Nier and Drakengard, which are the games in question, if the gameplay is shit, than the game is shit, it's not quantum physics to grasp

Nah, you're just oblivious to the fact that you are obsesses with a shitty series that managed to shit out 1 good game that "salvaged" the franchise

You may want to read the Drag-On-Dragoon 10th anniversary novel friend. You don't want to look like a NieR secondary.

All connected and also connected to drakenguard. It all started with the first Drakenguard. And if you get the super secret ending you and the dragon go through a Portal and end up in modern Tokyo then get blown up by a fucking jet. Nier Replicant/Gestalt takes place a few months later, where bacteria in the dragons corpse from the magical world starts fucking everyone. The entire game you think your just some humans rebuilding the world but your all robots and the monsters your killing are humans that you can't percieve. Oops just spoiled 5 games.

No i don't and i never said i enjoy one over the other. But Automata only became a success because sexy robutts and muh platinum gameplay which was just as shit as the original gameplay it just looked cool so people felt like they were good at the videogame.

>>was already hinted the divine tree memory of the warrior woman fighting the red eye legion at the wall of jericho was her template
Was that the forest text quest in nier 1?

The game is just a shitty film with 30 minutes of uninspired gameplay between cutscenes.
Retards buying remakes and remastered bullshit and treating those products as the second coming of Christ is the reason why the industry is stalled.
But fuck me, that's one great soundrack.

>>was already hinted the divine tree memory of the warrior woman fighting the red eye legion at the wall of jericho was her template
well shit, I didn't even think about that

Yi. Lone swordswoman fights the leader of the red eye legion in the nuked out ruins of Shibuya after the Wall of Jericho containing them fell. We got it in the original as a text scrawl because cavia ran out of time and money but 2b's VA being confirmed is mighty suspicious.

what's with these companies naming their games the most retarded fucking thing ever?
>kingdom sharts dream drop distance 2.8HD
like fuck off japan

And nothing will change. The minority who loved it will still love it and the rest will once again shit on it or drop it/completely ignore it.
They should have made a full remake with Platinum again otherwise people will not give a shit.
I'm surprised it doesn't get a full remake considering the sales of Automata.

Yes! We need more simple and straight titles, like Call of War: Modern Resurrection of Evil 4!

Hush now little child.

Really despise the ironic weeb coomer fanbase that taro brought to vidya


i just pray to God that he leaves Drakengard alone

Xeno series, Fire Emblem, Persona all over again, just close your eyes and accept fate

There's gonna be Gestalt content and Automata shit. If it was a straight remaster we'd have a date already,not concept art.

Drakengard and Nier are just edgy retarded series.
Play Metal Gear solid for real story

Ico - Shadow of the Colossus style. It is but it doesn't really matter.
still going to be nice to see what a million Automata fans think about BEST GIRL OF THE 7TH GENERATION Kaine.
and I guess Emil, in his actual game.

Not even his fault. A single line of text in a document turned Nier threads into futa central for 10 years.

Fuck automata secondaries

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As opposed to the burger friendly:

Fuck this, where's Xenosaga remasters?

I can't play this game on modded ps3

>not even his fault that he wants to be the Anno of videogames, therefore bringing too deep 4 you retards and waifufags

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I'll play the better game

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Metal Gear is the brainlet equivalent of DrakeNiers patrician writing.

>Hush now little child
Why? I love Nier but nothing i said is wrong.
It only became popular after Automata and not for the right reasons. I can already tell you that the majority will still call it mediocre or just drop it because it looks and plays rather simple and that's all these people care about. They want to hit things real hard with flashy combos and sexy characters.

Isn't this game super average?
Also why doesn't it look like the original?

Was there even a single demonstration in-engine? I mean maybe the desert which looked nice but idk.

This will be done cheaply and poorly sadly. But it's better than nothing.

Is this a new game or

>It only became popular after Automata
No, NieR was plenty popular. It just was not a huge mainstream smash-hit like Automata.
It's like claiming that Silent Hill 2 was loathed back in the day.

>majority will still call it mediocre or just drop it because it looks and plays rather simple
Let them seethe. True masterpieces never have been for everyone, and never should be.

No. And what do you mean doesn't look like?
It's gonna be the ORIGINAL NieR, remastered / remade.

It's connected but none of it actually matters.

>not even his fault that he wants to be the Anno of videogames, therefore bringing too deep 4 you retards and waifufags

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I doubt most Automata fans will even get far into this game or even buy it after they see the first gameplay trailer.
Both have bad gameplay, but people still act like Automatas gameplay is great just because it has flashy animations.
Just look at the rest of the internet everyone is just asking if this is Automata 2 or some Automata DLC. They can't even be bothered to do 1 minute research to know that Automata isn't the first Nier.

>never played mgs

Yeah but it sold well and is trendy, so normies are screaming.

>what do you mean doesn't look like?
I thought the main character was a big gruff dude while the character in the OP looks like generic anime boy.

>Nier Replicant ver.122474487139
Ok they are clearly too far up their own butts lmao

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I'm unironically really interested in this for whatever reason. I wish they told us what the gameplay is like or a ballpark release date.

all connected in different timelines and sealed dimensions

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>was plenty popular
>not a huge mainstream smash-hit

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This is the guy who made a game with a maid as the main character, with the fattest ass, then killed them off

>not a remaster or remake but just a straight port
Back to emulating the ps3 version at 4k and 120fps.

>never played Drag-on-dragoon
Pity the brainlet for he knows not how ignorant his limited scope is.

Just re-read the quest

Thats pretty based as a small detail that can be missed

>I thought the main character was a big gruff dude
They changed it into a Kratos-wannabe daddy in the West, because that's what "western folks" (read: yanks) apparently want.

This is the ORIGINAL, true version, starring a young kid who tries to take care of his sister, and grows up into a Raiden-lite after some edgy shit happens to him.

Attached: papa & brother Nier.png (1800x1672, 2.36M)

Im guessing a Monument Valley kind of gameplay

The amount of replies of who don't even know that Replicant/Gestalt was a thing is crazy.
They don't even have to play it but how have they not even heard of the original.
But then again they are probably the generic Square Enix fan who screams "OMG i love [insert game series]" but then they never even touched it or only played one game. Same with all the people who started FF with FFXV because turn based bad.

It's likely some kind of goroawase but I'm too lazy to try and pick it apart.

Yes sonny Jim. A game can be very popular and beloved, and not sell 10 billion copies like your Cowadooties.

What I'm saying is that the guy is clearly not as focused and obsessed with Kaine's veiny futa cock as the internet is. I wish it was never mentioned because from what I remember it really doesn't matter what's underneath her lace panties.

>Isn't this game super average?
I mean it kinda is, but you should still play it.

>No, NieR was plenty popular.
Didn't it kill Cavia?

>Dude Nukes LMAO
>Dude Memes LMAO
>Dude Genes LMAO
>Dude Scenes LMAO
>Dude my son wont stop playing monster hunter LMAO
>Dude David Bowie LMAO


I always laugh at people that say you should play the old games because the lore is connected.

Nigga I don't have to play medieval 2 total war to understand games set in modern times even tho lore is connected :)

>Didn't it kill Cavia?
No. The staff was just merged into SE.

bad b8 is bad.

Hey that's great I was waiting to do another playthrough of Automata when I got to play the first Nier

Can't wait for another wait of muh oniiii-chan purists.
I played both versions and loved both. Replicant just has a bit more context here and there oh and also he lets himself get fucked for money wow so deep and edgy.

Considering Sony just made wicked bank on a game that turned Kratos into a grumpy dad this seems an odd choice to go back on when Taro himself said after the fact Papa Nier was the better choice because emil lusting after a child was fucked up and the brother-sister relationship was a worse retread of Chaim and Furiae

its a mobile game, so its probably gonna be gacha. the company listed made blade x lord so maybe it'll take some inspiration from that game?

Oh you watched alot of youtube videos.
Play the games.
There is more value in one conversation there than in all of nier and drakengard lore combined.


N:A didn't sell 10 billion copies. It sold 4.5. And All of Taro's older games sold less than half a million. So, no, they were not popular. Not by a long shot.

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>Why did that mountain explode and a robot came out and flew into space?
>Dude just shut your brain off and graze.

Fucking consoomers.

Nice argument retard.

Yeah think of all those stellar gameplay moments. Like climbing the long meme ladder and a boss reading your memory card to reward konami shills.

and other moments.