The Dark Souls 2 of the LoZ franchise

The Dark Souls 2 of the LoZ franchise.

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When's it coming to switch bros? I want to relive this heckin yummy underrated kinorino

It has best girl in it, so it can't be that bad. Bug girl ain't half bad either...

However, Link is not a cute young boy, therefore it's shit.

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Shit game

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>However, Link is not a cute young boy, therefore it's shit.
This is why he's the best Link though.

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It’s got 10/10 music, you’ve got to give it that.

All Links are Cute!

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So, the best one?

>think it's going to be a bit more hardcore than usual based on the art
>ends up being even easier than WW

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Just another reminder that Ganon was better written in Windwaker. The artstyle of Twilight Princess has aged horribly and that the wolflink sections are still trash.

TLOZ > BOTW > Windwaker > Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > LTTP > Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword

This is the best order. If you disagree you're a nostalgia fag

>Midna's Lament
>Hidden Village

Not him but I liked Ganondorf's final battle theme and the overworld, especially the orchestrated version. TP was on the weaker side OST wise.

No BotW is if you think about it.
>massively different design philosophy
>shitty world
>shitty level design
>worst story
>worst item degradation

So basically the best one

It's the lowkey best one then? Never played Zeldas after trying the one SNES for a while. Found it too predictable and easy.

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Arbiter Grounds and Gerudo Desert
Ganondorf and all the battle themes
That short triumphant tune that plays everytime you hit the weakspot of a boss
Best Hyrule Field theme
Best Hyrule Castle theme that grows the further up you go
Light Spirits theme

Its a shame it was MIDI instead of orchestral like SS

Its the best one in terms of atmosphere. No other Zelda has a serious or gritty tone and I miss it because later Zeldas were either toon Link garbage or animu crap.

On top of everything else, how did BotW fuck the music up so bad?

I played WW as my first Zelda and I still wouldn't put it that high. Also putting Zelda1 as the best is pretty funny.

My personal list would be
MM > LTTP > OOT > TP > WW > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 > SS

I know this is a troll but it made me seethe a little bit

>Zelda 2 > SS

>BOTW second
And a zoom zoom to you too, switchlet

DS2 was good

TP was shit and zoomers first zelda game outside of a few good dungeons it was a shitty version of LttP

>WW that high
Yeah, gay list

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ok pedo

>Ganon was better written in Wind Waker
Do you want to know how I know you're an underaged b&?

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>underaged b&
>for preferring something from an older game

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>No other Zelda has a serious or gritty tone
Majora's Mask did. Arguably so did OoT but that really only kicked off once you were an adult and Ganondorf had been fucking the world for the better part of a decade.

There isn't really a proper comparison between Zelda and Souls. No Zelda game is as relatively bad to its series as DaS2 is to Souls, no not even SS.

just replayed it to see if it was as mediocre as I remember and it is

>awful wolf segments doing mundane tasks and auto jumping
>focus on combat that is barley an improvement over N64 zelda
>god awful pacing and filler for what should have been a 10 hour game
>shitty visuals and try hard edgy atmosphere
>even easier then n64 zelda

besides some good dungeons this game would have been complete shit

Guys why do so many people love Wind Waker so much, calling it their favorite game. Relatively few people do it here but it's really common everywhere else on the internet. Like WW is fine, it's not the worst 3D Zelda but it's objectively unfinished (cut content due to deadlines) and everything it does well has been done better in another Zelda game

OoT was just 3D ALttP, Dark Souls was in the Demon's Souls engine but changed the formula entirely. That said I think the rest are fine. In fact I think DeS as ALttP is good.

Dark Souls should be LoZ 2.

This is the post. Also good on you for not including Botw because its not a Zelda game

I hated how realistic everything tried to be BOTW or OOT was better

I like TP but it tried to be dark and came out as middle school edge. MM did dark better with the concept of people dying at the end of the three day cycle, pretending that nothing is wrong the first few days then hiding in the last few hours talking about how they are afraid to die.

But Twilight Princess had good bosses and level design.

MIDI > orchestral for video games.

Almost perfect. BB and MM are my favorite but while BB is objectively the best From game MM is not the objectively best Zelda game.

The DS3/TP thing works really well for me: Both are games that try to copy the 'magnum opus' of DS1/OOT but with better gameplay but most people still prefer the original. That said I like playing TP/DS3 more than OOT/DS1

>middle school edge
Why is this so common as a criticism in this board? How is the game "edgy" or "grimdark"? Link is a normal protagonist that doesnt mope or show any emo tendencies. The characters for the most part cope well in the twilight invasion. Zelda is monotone but she lost her kingdom to Zant and is powerless to stop him and on top of that was already ruling Hyrule at that point. Ganondorf and Zant were great in the game. The game even has goofy aspects like being blown from a clown canon to reach the desert and talking to the village kids. Its no more "edgier than OoT"
>but muh Lanayru vision

Why? Zelda 2 wasn't good and had no impact on the series

>Its no more "edgier than OoT"
Oot had a better balance going from a peace full kingdom to redeads invasion of hyrule was shocking and suspenseful

in TP immediately going into kakariko village its already a apocalyptic mess its boring and there is no suspense

dark souls 2 is an interesting tire fire
Twilight Princess is just boring outside of Midna

Link to the Past isn't the best Zelda though

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This. I started replaying TP recently and I didn't find the game to be notably dark or edgy either. Really I found it more mellow and laid back most of the time.

This is accurate once you get to Temple of Time.

Wrong on both counts. Moreover those images don't have much point if you just boil them down to
>thing good
>thing bad
do they? LoZ2 was a deviation from the first game focused largely on combat. Later games returned to the original formula but retained plenty of minor details. OoT, MM, TP, even Link's Smash moveset would be drastically different without input from LoZ2.

DaSII is a much better video game than twilight princess. Whike TP has a lot of work put ibto it, its mostly a linear soulless cash-grab like DaS3.

Look at the art style its more serous and realistic and the fact that its more action oriented. Nitendo was overcompensation for the complaints of WW instead of doing what was right

Retards seem to think if a Zelda game doesn't have cartoon graphics, it's dark and edgy.

Its very common here.

I'm convinced that the edge complaint stems entirely from that lake hylia cutscene.

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>used to play OoT and TP so much as a kid that I would practically roleplay to spice things up
>then as an adult, I eventually discovered Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and it's more of the same though I can actually add shit to improve my roleplaying

It's been a long time since I beat it, but if I'm remembering right, the start of TP was such a slog to me that it made the rest of the game feel like a chore.

Just realized the wolf head is the hat


Been playing through the whole series and am on TP right now. Honestly I Think it's pretty consistent. Even the worst I've played is still fun at least.

Midna is too cool for BotW.

>>ends up being even easier than WW
t. WWfag

Someone doesn't appreciate MM nearly enough.