>girl joins the game
>needs everyone to know they are in fact a girl
>egirl or GiRL clan tags etc.
>she clears her throat into the mic
>pretends to giggle at something unrelated to the game
>if all hope is lost she pretends her pet is doing something stupid and calls its name
>after realizing nobody has acknowleged her yet she only then starts complaining about her deaths in game
>someone says a word
>she replies with "omg are you actually so desperate for attention you need to jump at the first girl you see online? What kind of loser are you just sitting in your mom's basement all day playing video games? You're a fuckin LOSER"
Women should not be allowed online
Girl joins the game
And then everyone clapped. Kill yourself OP
>Playing online games
Go fuck yourself OP
Reminds me of that one Overwatch video of a chick flipping her shit when someone tells her to get back in the kitchen, and the name of the video is that a real incel was spotted. Funniest shit.
>girl joins the game
>Says something at one point of the game to respond or confirm when someone else asks them something
>Goes throughout the game even after she stops talking
I swear virgins should be eliminated from society.
Based Chads shitting on the femoids. Cope, roastie.
I knew a girl who did exactly all this and it was the reason we all stopped being her friend
>where are you? Are you in washington?
>.... yeah!
>things that never happened
>only posts on Yas Forums to get attention
You will never be a real woman.
One of the reasons I am glad a lot of virgins get banned off online games for these kinds of toxic conducts. Fuck em.
Christ, you're pussy-whipped.
I bet this is the type of gal who loves to be choked and spat on during sex.
>I'm gonna hack your baby and turn it black
much more likely:
>premade joins into the game
>its a bunch of desperate nu-males hogging the mic
>check their group
>1 girl in it
>she's mostly quiet
My "friends" (who are girls) never do this in online games. So this is not real
>>things that never happened
>only posts on Yas Forums to get attention
Imagine thinking you want attention by being anonymous.
>You will never be a real woman.
I am not but pretty sure you probably look more feminine than me.
>not immediately votekicking or, if you're the server admin, IP banning thots
You have no one to blame but yourself.
>Imagine thinking you want attention by being anonymous.
Why do you think people bait for (You)s? Also what do you mean
>some people online are assholes, idiots or weirdos
Holy shit clearly this is WOMEN'S fault and only a problem with them
>Why do you think people bait for (You)s? Also what do you mean
They like trolling low IQ retards, like you.
Anyway, why didn't you address the part about "things that never happened?" You admit you're wrong, little bitch?
I agree 100%. Why don't you do a favor to the community and use your meat flaps to relieve them all of their virginity, you seething roastie.
Based videos. Why not put roasties in their place?
Do they have beer gardens by Paulaner in the states, sounds like it.
>why didn't you address the part about "things that never happened?"
Because im not the same person.
>pic related
Absolutely fucking based
One of this reason why people like you aren't taken seriously. The more you actually think about it, the more it seems the feminists are right, about video games at least. Whatever a women does is bad but whatever a man does is good. I don't disagree there are attention seeking women but there are men who go around harassing women for being in their video gaming "safe space." I'll have to agree with developers who are banning these actions these day, seems the most reasonable action
The weak should fear the strong
>seems the feminists are right
Stopped reading here
you deserve a bad experience for playing MMOs
This, theyre gacha-tier garbage
Alright, you want my serious thoughts? I only watched the video where the Hanzo player left and then the chick got shit talked for not wanting two healers. In that video the guy was in the wrong for getting so mad over a video game, people get mad. She should've just talked shit back because he was so angry. But his insults were just funny. Reporting this as hate speech is retarded. I play League and I fucking suck, but when people insult me, I just shit talk right back. Only time I'll report someone is if they leave the game like a bunch of faggots. This isn't a big fucking issue. People will be dicks online, being a woman doesn't change this.
>Stopped reading here
Obviously because you're a coward without an argument to support your stances.
I dont have any personal stances on the matter.
To add: The issue isn't that these people get ridiculed, the issue is treating this as a severe problem and that they deserve to get banned and then cancelled on Twitter. These people will get ridiculed more than normal because it's a woman who got mad.
>She should've just talked shit back
You think women are raised in an environment where they can shit talk back? Some or then sure but most women are generally cuddled. Most women are also not good at shit talking back. Is it also reasonable to except them to shit talk when they are either constantly being attacked or attacked by a group of guys? It seems like "just shit talk back lol" hasn't been working this is why Developers have been harsher in their bans on these kinds of things nowadays. It still happens a lot though.
>This isn't a big fucking issue.
This is the same thread where Yas Forumsirgins think the biggest issue in gaming is women online wanting attention. Seems like it would be at the same level of issue.
>People will be dicks online, being a woman doesn't change this.
I agree people are dicks but when you're a dude you don't get attacked based on your gender.
It seems like you do. When I mentioned feminists you got pretty triggered.
don't be that guy.
I bet you were the "what? No hug?" Kid
Then why does it rile up a woman so bad? Again, people fucking hate me because I'm garbage at the game, but I don't get mad and want their lives ruined. The issue here is that women are fucking retarded and get mad at these people. Just don't, it's a video game. My solution is just shit talking back, but if they can't do it, fine whatever. Reporting them because you're mad about sexism is retarded though.
niggers are the biggest simps in the world
>You think women are raised in an environment where they can shit talk back?
Grow the fuck up. If someone is shouting dumb shit at you over a fucking video game then do it back. Simple as.
Just don't play games with female playerbase.
The problem is women get it at a larger extend. Majority of games. It's easy to say you can shit talk back, but it's harder if it's constantly for every single game you get into to a point where you don't really want to play the game.
You sound like a total baby. Everyone has been chewed out down the mic for not doing something exactly how some random cunt in your game wants you to do things. Everyone has to deal with retards. Yes, being a woman gives people more ammunition to shit talk you with but it’s just a fucking video game. There’s no reason to take anything they say seriously. Go take a break and smoke a joint if it’s really getting to you
>Then why does it rile up a woman so bad?
>people fucking hate me because I'm garbage at the game
Exactly. You aren't getting attacked based on your gender, race or sexuality. It's because you're shit at the game. When a women does play the game they get attacked based on their gender.
>Reporting them because you're mad about sexism is retarded though. Because it is sexism and if the developers have a report function to report gendered base attacks, then it's fine and all.
unironically female.
i never chat in game of make it obvious i’m a girl because it all just goes to shit after that
shut the fuck up kiddo
over the years most multiplayer games have been flooded with complete autists who will shout into the mic over anything
you're most probably one of those sadcases that spends time spamming your impotent rage at people judging by how desperately you're trying to play it off
I have no problem with losers like you getting permabanned
>When a women does play the game they get attacked based on their gender.
Okay so what? You have the option to ignore this. Wow a bunch of retards hate you for no reason. Who cares? Also, I love how you're saying people getting mad at me is justified when they're equally being retarded. When you get mad at someone getting mad at you in an online video game, you know you have problems. "I'm going to make someone not be able to playing a video game because they said something mean to me!" You're infinitely the bigger asshole. These jackasses are just that, they don't deserve to be banned because they got mad and told you do get back in the kitchen.
They're slowly learning
>You sound like a total baby
I can deal with retards all day and night because i've been on Yas Forums for years. I don't except normies to deal with this level of shit.
>Everyone has to deal with retards.
I'll use this guy as an example. >"people fucking hate me because I'm garbage at the game"
The difference is when a guy faces retards, they face them based on quality of their play. Not their gender.
>Yes, being a woman gives people more ammunition to shit talk you with but it’s just a fucking video game.
But it's not shit talking about or on their game. It's shit talking their gender. It's easy for us to say that because we aren't getting attacked on these things.
>There’s no reason to take anything they say seriously. Go take a break and smoke a joint if it’s really getting to you
If it were just a single women, probably not but if there is a trend, it seems like there is something to be said. It seems like it's not serious to you is because it doesn't affect you and you can't empathize with it.
Dude, when people are mad they'll insult you based on anything. You're the one making this a sexism thing. You're an ape, and you shouldn't play any online games if you gets this defensive over mean words.
I suppose there is sexism in them using your gender as ammunition against you, but as I said before everyone has to deal with screaming retards. You could have a lisp and someone will talk shit about it on top of your playing ability. The best thing to do is insult them back and get on with your life, if you can’t handle that then simply DON’T PLAY MULTIPLAYER GAMES
>Okay so what? You have the option to ignore this.
You can't ignore this if this happens constantly in every few matches. This seemed to be a gendered based problem.
>Who cares?
Women. Devs. Most reasonable people who aren't Yas Forumsirgins who are in group think and would like to reason anyway to attack women.
>I love how you're saying people getting mad at me is justified when they're equally being retarded
I didn't say it's justified. I said you aren't being attacked based on something you are in real life. Which is obviously less impactful than your gender, race or even sexuality.
>When you get mad at someone getting mad at you in an online video game, you know you have problems.
Not really. I am sure you've gotten mad over someone or something in a video game. Most people probably have. The problem is women are generally attacked fore being women in those online video games which seems to be a problem.
>"I'm going to make someone not be able to playing a video game because they said something mean to me!" You're infinitely the bigger asshole. These jackasses are just that, they don't deserve to be banned because they got mad and told you do get back in the kitchen.
That seems reasonable to get them banned if it's against the rules. Also, I would 100% disagree that "you're the bigger asshole" meme. Obviously you didn't think that thought through before typing it.
Almost certainly, any normal person would have just left the match/turned off their mic. Especially if their 'five year old daughter' was sitting on their lap.
They are right, she's a terrible fucking parent.
>You can't ignore this if this happens constantly in every few matches.
Yes, you can. Let me guess, you reply to bait all the fucking time?
>Women. Devs. Most reasonable people who aren't Yas Forumsirgins who are in group think and would like to reason anyway to attack women.
>"I don't like these people!!! Let me take away what they find fun!!!"
Be the bigger man here, you fucking pussy.
>Which is obviously less impactful than your gender, race or even sexuality.
When I was a child people called me out on being a squeaker. Do you think I gave a shit despite it happening almost all the time? No. Just play the game. People attacking me for being a squeaker is on the same level of retarded as attacking a woman for being a woman. However, that's only when it's because people are genuinely mad for no fucking reason. When everyone bands together to shit on someone with no anger, it's hilarious, I do it as well, and the reason why it's so funny is because people will always fall for the obvious bait and then in turn get mad. In both cases, no one deserves to be reported. It's just fun laughing at idiots who get mad.
>I am sure you've gotten mad over someone or something in a video game.
I have, but I don't vocalize it to other players and rage like an ape when I do. I just play the video game.
>The problem is women are generally attacked fore being women in those online video games which seems to be a problem.
Not an argument, and not problem. You literally just can't handle banter or think people with anger issues should be banned from video games forever. Just laugh at them.
>That seems reasonable to get them banned if it's against the rules.
Rules in place because people like you are pussies who can't handle getting insulted? Also you saying I didn't think that statement through is retarded, because guess what? You're an asshole. You're an unlikable scumbag, who can't have fun. You can disagree, but that's what you're viewed as. End of story.
>Dude, when people are mad they'll insult you based on anything.
It's not always being mad. They just want to be sexist towards women. It's also attacking based on their gender.
>You're the one making this a sexism thing
Because it is a sexism think. How is "get back in the kitchen" or "u mad u got period" "slut" aren't sexist attacks. If you want to argue if sexism is okay that would be a different argument.
>You're an ape, and you shouldn't play any online games if you gets this defensive over mean words.
It's not getting defensive over video games though. It's getting defensive over people saying stuff to you over the video games. I highly doubt most people, including you, have never gotten defensive. I also don't except people should be constantly attacked over their gender on an video game that is supposed to be fun. I also think people getting banned over sexist comments is absolutely fine.
>I said before everyone has to deal with screaming retards
Difference is some people are dealing with screaming retards who're attacking you based on your gender, race or sexuality. If it was "LOL U BAD, SON. GIT GOOD" is fine but if it's "LOL U BAD, BITCH. GTFO AND BACK IN YOUR KITCHEN" Isn't fine and I don't except any reasonable person to take this abuse every single day.
> The best thing to do is insult them back and get on with your life
Again, the problem is it happens more so for women and is more gendered based attacks.
>if you can’t handle that then simply DON’T PLAY MULTIPLAYER GAMES
I'd rather see more of the toxic part of the community gone than "lol don't play games." It shouldn't be part of the video game that you find fun to take abuse or personal attacks based on your gender everyday.
I really can’t stand cunts who write a paragraph in response to every single sentence in my post so you win this one. Not even gonna bother reading all that shit my nigga
>omg I just want to play games like a normal person okay :D
>proceeds to upload video to her girl gaming youtube account
It's a video game. You get mad on the behalf of women you don't know, you fucking virgin. Let people play their video game. If you can't handle the way they play, then don't play. No one is obliged to follow your retarded guidelines.