Yas Forums BTFO’d

> One character is leaked & called The Mexican
> The leaks were actually true

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Other urls found in this thread:


>get to play as a big titty latina


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>playing as a girl
Mite B Cool

Also Vite City should be a fuck yeah, but it's not the eighties anymore so it won't be as cool or funny. Oh well. There's always Vice City.

No shit this was news 4 years ago when it come out the same time as the RDR2 beta map.

vice city def wont be the same if you arent playing as a canonical big dicked chad

>female character
maybe now they'll put some effort into making a good looking female character

Literal faggot, all gay men should be killed on sight

>modern r*

>leaks were actually true
Try again faggot.

It's gonna be an ugly fuck.

Lol nope, miami has spics from literally every other country on the globe but mexcrement are nonexistant

Next time you want to push your fake leak, try something more believable

>there are literally 0 mexicans in miami
you can lie, but please try

>lead character is _______ because GTA VI is entirely online and you create the MC

GTA 6 will be set in the future, locations include the moon, mars and ceres. You play as a robot. -rumor

Rockstar has previously spoken out that women as protagonists do not fit the type of story they make.

>Yas Forums blow the fuck outed

Can't wait for another awful story that's so desperately trying to ape The Sopranos and a MTX-ridden multiplayer that doesn't work for the first two years.

>>get to play as a big titty latina

are you fucking retarded. its all about the ass with latinas.

Cope. You are retarded if you think it won’t have a female protagonist

Nah that's just bad PR. You can definitely make an insane chick just as capable yet dysfunctional as the cast of V


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OP's mom sucks nigger dicks - rumour

Why are you assuming user is white? That's pretty racist.


Realism grafix were a mistake

>female mc means male hookers
>Male hookers would be made to work with any male mc
So Rockstar is confirmed fags.
>We aren't going to take away your video games!

it should be legal to cull ugly people

means nothing

This better not be true im not playing a fucking girl in a GTA game

Name one GTA game where you played as a character that was above 5/10

Lol if you think the female protag is gonna look good Yas Forums is gonna have a meltdown

Ballad of gay tony and the first GTA.

After gta5 and rdr2 I don't care about shit story, shit characters and same shit missions.

>lesbian big tittied crime boss

But unironically this may be cool if they don't SJWify it. You can have a female lead without being lefty garbage, see Metroid, NOLF, RE, and OG Tomb Raider.

Press x to change tampon
press triangle to "no u"
press circle to compliment another women then talk shit about them
press square to lift literally nothing

Michael was at least a 6

Protagonist will just be a lesbian, also dual protagonists


Are the male hookers hot?

>you can lie, but please try
Take your own advice, faggot OP

>crime sim
>female lead

If its true then its going to be pozzed beyond hope. They're going to have to bend the laws on nature to a breaking point to make it "work". Only type of criminal activity a woman could realistically participate is white collar crime. No way is she going to go around in typical GTA fashion.

lol nah, characters are 3 and all male.


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I don't know... As much as GTA looks like a parody, I can't imagine developers trying to create a world where a crazy woman participates in shootings against rival meth dealers. Women generally have a well-defined role in GTAs and they generally do not escape much of what you expect in gang/mafia stories.

Wouldn't mind a female lead character as long as she's a piece of shit like other GTA leads and isn't some generic cringey omg so badass and tuffff girl.

Nigga you could kiss boys in Bully how fucking new are you

Women are even bigger bullies & more intelligent than Men you absolute retard, what makes you think they aren’t capable of white collar crime? Women are always scheming & have underhanded reasonings for everything they say. You can’t take anything a woman says at face value


>He didn't play a big titted muscle dyke in Saints Row

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gta you guys stil like it? the last gta i did played was san andreas

That was also the last good game Rockstar made, you really aren't missing out on anything.


Well then go play saints row you fag.

Seethe more virgin

I did, but I'm talking about GTA

>Catalina is back

I did actually, muscle women are the best.

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>believing leaks about GTA still

You guys never learn.

>female protagonist

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Well don't.

Anglo generic garbage with extra woke points.

You're not my real dad you can't tell me what to do

>play as a criminal female in south america
As a full fledged spic I would be disappointed if it doesn't include violent rape if you fuck up.

This. The only reason they're making a female is to pander to the LGBTQ liberal left crowd. That's it. You can fucking bet your ass the character will be but shit ugly and have a nasty, disgusting personality.

Why the fuck can't they just put in a character creator like in online mode, and record both female and male voices? It's a tiny bit of extra effort and then everyone would be happy. I just don't get some developers that make these weird, obtuse market-irrelevant choices simply because they're such fucking autists.

If Rockstar went with a character creator, and fixed their fucking GUI / weapon shortcut controls and bugs that have existed since GTA4 and extended to RDR games too, they'd be twice the company they are today. But no. They just have to do some things wrong on fucking dumb ass principle.

I don't think Rockstar is a Japanese company

If I was i'd beat the shit out of you for trying to ruin GTA because you're coomer

They literally said that they don't want female protagonists

>"The concept of being masculine was so key to this story" Houser said simply.

I feel like we have been hearing about "First Female Protaganist" with every GTA game since maybe 4, possibly earlier.

Why do people keep on with these fake 'leaks' that never pan out?
Is short term site traffic better than long term credibility?

>If Rockstar went with a character creator, and fixed their fucking GUI / weapon shortcut controls and bugs that have existed since GTA4 and extended to RDR games too, they'd be twice the company they are today.
Those aren't even close to being the biggest problems in Rockstar's games.

>ruin GTA

There's not a whole lot left to ruin m8

What's japanese about that? It's literally real life in south america. There are cases of female drug dealers and criminal bosses but it's not pretty what they do to them. But of course, rockstar is PG edgy.

Well there are a fucking million, I just picked the few that came to mind. I just uninstalled the shit that is RDR2 because even after 2 fucking years, that shit is borderline unplayable. And people praise it for something great? What a fucking joke.

did any of you niggas watch too old to die young on amazon

i want the mexican girl to be like yaritza


would be kino as fuck

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He recently left rockstar... just sayin...

>psycho bitch latina mc
If rockstar still has the balls to pull it off without making her an "empowered" character it would be kino

>Houser said

One of them is gone, and the other has always been a cuck riding the coattails.

Rockstart is now for EVERYONE*

*not straight males

Fucking christ I hope that's true, imagine the seethe threads.

small dick seething virgin detected
pic related, you

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hitler fought against shit like this

>a LITERAL goblina

in CY+8, it's going to be GigaGoblina

I didn't know Danny Devito got a sex change

His brother still works there and Dan probably still worked on GTA 6. They usually have two games developed at the same time. It's speculated that GTA 6 started development after GTA V release, like always.

i wish, instead we get syber faggot 6969