>still no American high school simulator
Surviving High School and High School Story were pretty good
What do you mean call of duty comes out every year
there actually is a simulator game used by police officers to train for these scenarios
Bully is kinda weird in that it has more of a British boarding school mood with its school uniforms and general architectural aesthetics. So it doesn't fit the bill.
>Play highschool stimulator.
>Get the kissless virgin ending.
I dont think I want to play that game.
We already have Hatred, user
We already have enough FPS games.
It is literally an American high school
Fuck off
>ITT: brainwashed NPCs joke about shooting up their schools
Why is it always the nogunz who joke about shooting people?
I've seen Napoleon Dynamite once, and it made me incredibly glad that I was born a proud European and that I didn't have to go through the torture of American high schools.
We have boarding schools in the US you moron.
>spot the poorfag
>wauw... what an uneventful boring game
>normie ending
Because we're not pussies who feel the need to be constantly terrified to the point we carry a loaded weapon with us 24/7
grow some fucking balls faggot
>I'm so tuff, look at me, I don't need a gun
You live in your mother's basement and you cry to daddy government any time anyone hurts your fee-fees. Get real, faggot.
There was some school shooting response training video game where there was a gunman, cops, and students and teachers. Apparently it’s available for first responders only.
But first person shooters exist.
>have to have hunting license to have gun in country
>have to maintain hunting license and actually do hunting
>don't like hunting
Life is Strange
>someone tries to remove guns
>noooooooo government stahpppp them!
>government please help me
>liberal says something you don't like
>what the fuck! how are they allowed to say the thing I don't want them saying! government stop them from saying things i don't like!
the times I've needed a gun is 0. because i'm not a dumbass.
Literally the only reason to own a gun is because its fun as hell to shoot things if you're at the range or hunting. anyone who buys a gun for self defense is an insecure faggot.
>>don't like hunting
You could always consume less phytoestrogen, growth hormone milk, etc.
Only in America, lmao
Game would be boring as fuck no matter what character you pick.
I had thought high school was a shit-show back when I graduated in 2005. It must be a complete nightmare now that everyone has smartphones and social media use is basically a social requirement.
>2000's nerdy kid: Get called a loser and maybe have shit thrown at you or smacked around a bit
>2020's nerdy kid: same except now everyone records it as well to send to all their friends/acquaintances.
>Because *whispers in spoiler* we're not p-pussies
>retard only has logical fallacies like schizo strawmen
Wow, you sure showed him. Now I only want the government to have firearms, that way I'd feel safe and stop crying on the internet too.
I'm american and 95% gun owners look like pussies
>You live in your mother's basement and you cry to daddy government any time anyone hurts your fee-fees. Get real, faggot.
>w-why are you making strawmen and now having a perfectly structured debate instead
is it the Alzheimer kicking in?
Who in their right mind would ever pretend to be an abomination we call "mutts"?
because faggots only read things in spoilers
idk senpai ask literally all your country's young people, politicians, movie stars, rich people in general, in fact ask your mom when she's wearing those cute jeans that brings out her ass
There is one developed by the American government, but no one except people who use it for training are allowed to use it.
Which is a shame because from the videos that popped up about it it looked legitimately good.
And none of them wants to actually be anything like mutts.
Yas Forums can't meme.
ah yes, good ol' foreigner movie studios, truly the best cinema.
>He actually thinks the hatred for mutts is a mere meme
Will covid-19 be a net gain for american lives because the kids not being in school means no school shootings?
Yas Forums is where the memes go to be made into shitty foreign knockoffs after they've been shat out by regular Yas Forums
>pretending to know anything about structured argument
>posted this retardation
It's always the same shit with you leftist commie rat finks. You never make a logical argument, but when anyone responds in kind, you cry about them not making a logical argument. I wish you had a gun so you could shoot yourself, retard. Go jump off a bridge.
Only leftist nogunz joke about shooting their classmates or people and this thread proves it. I guess the antifa trannyfags are bored of their discord.
>glenbrook north
we unironically played against them
>that architecture
Wtf literally soulless.
Everyone worships Amerigods
why do Yas Forumsniggers think they're funny? "haha Amerimutt school shooting xdddd" is just as played out as shit like "haha France surrender xdddd" at this point.
>make a harmless joke
>people start getting upset and start shutting up the thread
What happened to this website?
>someone makes logical argument
>b-but the government said I could have my guns 500 years ago
>yeah well X, Y, and Z, and statistics show...
jeeze, i wonder why people stopped trying to actually debate you faggots. Also, you're the first one to bring up the guns vs noguns in this thread, on a board about vidya.
obsessed much?
also i do own guns, solely because i like shooting shit at the range. i hate all you faggots who constantly cry about self-defense and how much you need it cause 'muh rights'
what the fuck
If you hate Americans so much, then why are you even here? It's not like any of us want your kind on here either, you obnoxious twat.
*blocks you're path*
They're creatively bankrupt, why else do you think the shining shit pinnacle of eurofag memes is wojak of all things?
someone probably spiked the cafeteria food with laxatives, like a shitload to get that reaction.
>be american
>get shot
i mean, have you ever been to fruitport?
95% of americans in general are pussies, you included
>Yeah, that's right. Over at Yas Forums, we call Americans "mutts". Pretty cool, amirite?
wow, now this has got to be the saddest attempt at trying to fit in i've seen to date.
does this have sound somewhere else and more infos?
>me included
I could beat the fuck out of everyone in this thread at once
Quality posts from Yas Forums, like always.
>implying I wouldn't teleport behind you and unsheath my katana
Nothing personal kid
Just play Persona and pretend there are more black people
>muh Yas Forums
Is this the mutt's "muh Yas Forums?
>muh mutts
Yep, Yas Forums poster confirmed.
it's fake, prank from American Vandal, but pretty authentic looking
its fake
Imagine the smell
zoomers bro
school level seems perfect for a SWAT game. why did it never happen?
probably just too boring.
I mean think about your school layout
>straight hallfway with identical rooms everywhere
>more straight hallways with identical rooms
>gym, a giant open room
>cafeteria, a giant open room
there's a gmod gamemode "school shooter simulator" that has a map and gameplay with potential, but tries too hard to be ironically funny with randumb minigames because it's gmod and only 12 year olds play it
>If you hate Americans so much, then why are you even here?
I am not in America last time i checked
You're on an American website. Using the internet, which is invented by Americans.
>go to bathroom, find 14 kids sharing 1 vape
>have to convince them to stop sitting in the urinals so you can pee
sounds really fun OP
There was that school shooting training simulator but nothing more happened with that even when anons tried to get a copy of it from the publisher
Sorry americans, i had no idea bantz on Yas Forums actually hurt you this bad
>invented by americans
Yes, the WWW is american, and ARPAnet was british, which is a colony of USA, much like Japan is.
holy cope
>Japan isn't just a glorified US colony
>I am not in America last time i checked
Ok, and what part of my sentence implies that you braindead retard? My point is this site has historically been made up by an overwhelmingly majority American userbase, and despite having a dislike for Americans, you still insist on coming here. That's almost the equivalent of pic related but with nationalities, it's fucking stupid and you're stupid too.
>eurofag is a newfag
site was made by an American and is still hosted in the US.
Brit here who went to boarding school, fuck off retard there was nothing British about Bully outside of its cringy forced accents.