Why do people like saying that Eastern gaming is better than Western gaming? I don't get it...

Why do people like saying that Eastern gaming is better than Western gaming? I don't get it. It has the exact same flaws nowadays.

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are mods gonna do anything to the "bay bay" faggot spam

Gender politics has no place in vidya.

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Becuase it's pointless to struggle anymore. The decadent left has won, as far as both history and people at large are concerned. We lost and it's just a matter of time now. Better to just submit and try to enjoy what's left.



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Women can have realistic proportions and still be sexy. If you're gonna whine about something as simple as that, you don't deserve to play vidya.

It's one fucking guy isn't it? He posts OP from his PC, posts the shitty meme reply from his iPhone three seconds later, repeat fifty times a day

ResetEra truly always wins.

Yas Forumstards keep seething, please.

It's just as likely it's multiple people in a synchronized Discord channel, a lot of them even have shared folders.



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Hope your lungs fill up and you die, corporate bootlicker

Don't care. I'm also not buying video games lmao

Unironically there has to be a discord group that does the spam.

I bet this guy cries about commies all the time lol


>”stealth” leftyshit thread


Western influence killing every culture

They do, the faggot cole post is one of them, mass report him for spam so we can remove the mods that dont remove him.

>Making the same shit thread shilling Billy D is not spam
>Mocking the fags who do it is
Your political bias is obvious. It's not my fault ResetEra owns the industry now, although I wish it was

Who the fuck is Billy D

And that's a good thing.

Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?

Post the link to the Animal Crossing one, you faggot. I don't believe that.

When did "looking at attractive women" become an alt-right thing

>not sexy

Attached: bikini.jpg (1080x1920, 511.28K)

They're shut-ins and grifters. Maybe they should try kickstarter scams. That's the most they can do to affect the industry.

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>Alt-right meme
Fuck off there's not alt-right only far right wing and just right wing

That one Capcom dev can try to say what ever the fuck he wants but i note Jill's big tits still do this

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That ugly fucking face.
What's the obsession of getting face models that look the same. Literally looks like the claire model.

SJW's in the west bitching and moaning to every company that doesn't comply to their standards no matter where they are on earth

This is some humongous cope.


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You don't though.

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This. They have to always demand other devs to make changes. All they can do is make YouTube vlogs

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I don't buy anything from Square after FF15

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But it isn't. Even Claire didn't have that. Jiggle physics do not exist to immerse the players, they exist to remind the players about big tits.

I guess the Japs didn't get the memo that their games go broke when they cater to us :^)
Sorry, sweetie, but our propaganda is stronger than facts

Refunds go brrrrrrrr.

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And yet Ada Wong will remain sexy as ever

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>Yas Forumstards are now deluding themselves that Animal Crossing is a flop

Your propaganda already failed in movies, and in the comic industry, now all that remains is games to also experience the same as movies and comics. You ain't winning sweetie.

Fucking based.
Yas Forums incelets seething forever.

>Thinking Captain Marvel made a billion dollars

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Oh no Eastern gaming is ruined!

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Joker didn’t even have help of China which Hollywood relies on, especially StarWars

Nice deflection

It doesn't need to be a flop just like Force awakens wasn't a flop and both TLJ and TROS suffered diminishing returns instead.
Japs are very touch with reviews you see?

What gender politics in animal crossing

>wrongthink post just got deleted


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Best part is that Joker didn't spend anything on marketing.
TLJ spend who knows how many tens of millions if not more on China alone only to get thrown out of theaters 2 weeks into the screening because Chinese were throwing shit at it en masse.

The English language (and only English language) version of New Horizons changed the gender selection screen to a "style selection" screen.

There's a unsourced rumor going around that an anonymous dev claims that was due to LGBTQ Twitter pressure. It is kind of jarring that Japanese and Italian and Spanish players are flatly asked "do you want to play as a boy or a girl" but only the Anglosphere gets "do you want to play as nebulous ponytail kid or short hair kid"

But it literally didn't make a billion dollars though.


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Do you ever get tired of being wrong all the time?

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>Animal Crossing
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. Animal Crossing is localized to remove all "cultural odor" by an entirely different team based in the United States.

>what Yas Forumspol thinks is happening
Wow those SJWs on Twitter sure are brainwashing all those indie and AAA devs! If I complain enough about black people and breasts being too small, just like the SJWs maybe they’ll cater to me instead!
>what is actually happening
Most game devs are left leaning to begin with, or are run by companies that want to maximize sales to the largest demographic they can

>this thread
i can't tell if those are kids or just retards shills .

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>Removing genders in western release

>maximize sales to the largest demographic they can
Does everybody really love looking at brown manfaced dykes

What's the appeal

>T-t-t-the developers will finally listen to us
You've been saying this for over half a decade. We only grow stronger.

>Most game devs are left leaning to begin with
Most people that makes art is left leaning.
Historically right leaning people have more issues being creative, because to be creative you generally needs creativity and introspection, both things most right leaning people lack.

Based Terry, the kikes want us hooked to porn

>Not knowing Disney cooked the books
Liberals really are retarded.


This is a stupid fucking argument because if you were right then why are the '90s and '00s full of "offensive problematic sexist" shit that needs to be changed at all? Why wasn't Lara Croft a weeping, filth covered chestlet from her first incarnation the way the feminist devs always intended?

You grow so strong you get voted out by the vast majority of society, including minorities, like in UK when you've pushed things too far.
Now the same event is starting to replicate in other countries.
So strong that you are now being kicked out of the comic and movie industry, only gaming remains to be fixed of your kind and it's gonna go the same route as aforementioned.

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>Most game devs are left leaning to begin with
if you say you are right leaning in USA or West, they will think you're a nazi and will fire you.
>are run by companies that want to maximize sales to the largest demographic
so faggots and trannies make a big part of population ?

Wait, that's not Nintendo's doing though, that's treehouse faggot localizers and we've known they're pozzed.
How is that Eastern gaming's fault?

Ok, you're right. BUT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT?! HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO CHANGE THAT?! I've seen these bullshit whine threads for about 7 years now and not a single one has ever tried to change that trend but instead only wants to bitch about how everything is going to shit. You're not wrong, gaming is being sanitized of the more edgy elements we all got to enjoy for about 25 years. That is over and nobody can do anything about it.

Yeah, they are indie and are trying to sell their game on this wave of controversy. Unless we get 5 Succubus-tier titles every year, gaming is just going to get more (american) family friendly.

So you can either keep shitposting or finally do something.

shh shhh shhh it's ok poor little baby, no need to keep crying over being btfo last year

Why can't ESL faggots properly format a sentence despite reading them all day, being surrounded by examples, and having the entire internet at their disposal?

>restricted tifa chest
>made aerith one bigger

>REMAKE3 made jill uglier because of muh sex apeal
>yet they have her being mouth fucked by a insect full of goo

>animal crossing is only "gay" in the american version, european and jap are still normal

Attached: the apeal of animal crossing.png (400x240, 279.95K)

>Eastern gaming is better than Western gaming?
aren't they all just multinational corps anyway? all the big games are not from specific regions.

Look up the Weimar republic and how an economic downturn changed one of the most liberal and progressive societies on Earth.

So it's absolutely baseless? Good to know.

>a-a-any day now, Yas Forumsbros, we'll get vidya back
Again, you've been saying this for over half a decade. Cope more.

Japs only change shit for the west when they want jew gold

>animal crossing is only "gay" in the american version, european and jap are still normal
What's this about?

The right can’t into video game development. Or art. Or anything creative. There’s a reason why they think spamming the same Wojak images over and over is funny

they removed genders from the american version
european and jap has you choosing boy or girl
american is "choose your settings"

I've been saying this for over half a decade for comics, movies, and UK. For some reason you stopped making the same reply for those instances, only gaming remains. I wonder why LMAO

no one cares you worthless brain damaged retard

The change itself isn't baseless. It's blatant as fuck that one and only one version has the weird genderless shit, and it's the English language version. A conscious choice was made to do that only for English speaking audiences, so the open question is why

How the FUCK is this an ugly face?

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that's not necessarily true. it would good if it's done realistically, and correctly, in an exploratory manner, but game devs aren't sociologists.
they're coders. they don't have people skills. anything they write is going to be through the lens of shit they ripped off of social media which they don't even fully understand.


real life has jiggle physics

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The better question is who gives a flying fuck?

>All they did was give Tifa a sports bra
>Jill is still cute and the original outfit is still in the game
>All they did in AC is change the word "gender" to "style"

I really wonder where all the outrage is when something that actually matters happens in videogames.

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Saying this for half a decade, and now Animal Crossing is one of the worst rated games while Zoom Eternal Masculinity Edition is the top rated. The signal is pretty clear.

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Figured something was up there. Fucking mutts, man.

There were games in the 90s that overtly shit on Republicans, user

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See Every version of AC has "do you want to play as a boy or a girl" except for the English version that replaced it with "choose your style"

those people never saw a real woman in their life user

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>He plays Eastern games and is surprised there's SJW shit
This is why I only play games made in America, they don't care about SJW bullshit over there.

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They only stopped it because it was muslims complaining
when white people complained about the same thing we were ignored

Jiggle physics also exist in real life to remind human players that tits exist. What's your point?

The reality is that woke shit won't make a good game bad but it also won't make a bad game good. Most people simply don't care about these issues, it's a meaningless shitflinging contest between the SJWs and anti-SJWs. Sucks if one of your favorite things is caught in the crossfire but it can't be helped.

Being a racist sexist transphobe asshole automatically makes them braindead so of course they're not capable of anything. These "people" should be locked up, or better yet, killed...

>"Make your own games!"
>Guy makes game where you kill gays as either Trump, Hitler, or Jesus
>Liberals cry
Why? You told us to make our own games so we did.



I do. I’m oppressed because the video game character I masturbate to has smaller breasts. We literally need a second Civil Rights movement