Japanese games are completely overrated and only appeal to brainlets and lonley autists.
There, I sait it, what everyone secretly thinks and doesn't dare to say
Japanese games are completely overrated and only appeal to brainlets and lonley autists.
There, I sait it, what everyone secretly thinks and doesn't dare to say
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What about Silent Hill 2?
Didn't you hear him?
He sait it was shit.
Is that a BattleFrog
go to bed phil
We say it all the time. The weebs here are a vocal minority with shit opinions
so darksouls, metal gear, armored core, ace combat, mario, animal crossing or even castlevania are all brainlet games?
fuck you, your country needs to be nuked by china and raided by korea you fat piece of shit
i would say your weeb country needs to be nuked but it already happened twice ROFL
keep dreaming reddit tourist
I like dragons dogma and metal gear 3. The rest can disappear though.
Just like how every console war thread devolves into 3 shitskin weebs crying about "muh Japanese games"
yeah and it did wonders. our people are responsible, our people are productive, we have culture and one of the highest gdp in the entire world
what has your country ever done lately? thats right! you are all degenerates that want your white women being fucked by black men!
I don't know about Animal Crossing being a brainlet game but it sure does appeal to autismo manchildren. Haha high five!
You will never be Japanese dumb larpfag
Battletoads live action
This but for western games
sit down jap boy before we send 24000 niggers to rape your waifus
accorind to this shithead iam!
its a trick question dumbass, AC is a brainlet game
goddamn i want china to nuke the US so bad...oops, they might have done a lot better by spreading coronachan! suck on that mutts
Modern jap games, yeah, because they cater to the west.
I'm not American weeb :)
Consoles died with lack of weebshit though.
and how would you send those niggers? sucking them off first and calling them your daddies? "Mister Tay'shaun sir! *slurp* would you please rape those gooks? *slurp* I will let you fuck my daughter and impregnate my wife if you do! *shurp*"
Hitler would be ashamed
based frogposter
youre a tranny thats what you are! faggot
that's unironically what I think about japanese games and anime. It's like every creator in japan ever goes to the same school where they teach them how to be uncreative, cringe and boring.
Uh huh.
So we are all in agreement the US should at least be nuked once right
i was gonna say threaten to cut off gibs but thanks for proving your a fag
The meme that unironically made the bodybuilding.com's misc one of the best places on the internet in the 2000s
Sorry, kid, but you are wrong. I, the king of gaming, and someone with supreme taste in video games, can say for sure that you are wrong. Gamers with great taste such as myself only play japanese games due to them being leaps and bounds better than anything that the west does. Name tha last good game to come out of the west, I'll wait.
>what everyone secretly thinks and doesn't dare to say
I guess it's corona-induced summer
Every state at least once.
Or just drop all of them at cali.
Well, Japan has no testosterone.
Liking shit like that is unmanly.
>King of gaming
>Still hyped for new games
You are a plebeian and underaged
Name a single good western game other than Deus Ex. I'll fucking wait.
It's funny when neckbeards think this place is the same as it was a decade ago. Being an autistic neet weeb isn't celebrated anymore
Call of Duty
Kill yourself, commie. You haven't won yet, don't do victory laps.
What's the difference between frogs and toads?
Won what? Anime is dead, console gaming is dead... I didn't win but you sure as hell lost
Frogs spend more time in water among other things
>brainlets and lonley
>I sait it
really big fken cunt you are m8
Anime isn't dead, you fucking retard. What are you even talking about? Persona 5 is one of the hottest games.
>video games are completely overrated and only appeal to brainlets and lonley autists.
toads are frogs, but not every frog is a toad. basically toads are adapted for dryer environments.
you're retarded and a newfag tourist if you don't think there are daily weeb game hate threads
>Anime isn't dead
honestly of all the boards and shit, Yas Forums and bb.com's misc have always been pretty consistently funny
And you're a nigger
>cherry picking
>implying that (((western))) animation is any better
okay eop
>cherry picking
>one of the best anime/manga ever created
>reduced to south park tier animation
Suck a shotgun uguu~
No, you
A good manga doesn't automatically translate into a good anime. I don't know why I need to explain this to you.
Why didn't they just hire the dude that made the 2006 movies? They were not perfect by any means but at least the animation was god tier for the most part. They went from taking the most talented guys in the industry to guy that never worked on actual animation.
Do you have an argument
Are you illiterate? A good manga doesn't automatically translate into a good anime.
How does that translate to the anime industry isn't dead
How does one bad example translate into anime as a whole is dead?