Whý did it flop?

Whý did it flop?

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not call of duty or fortnite
zoomers have shit taste

New content focuses on a faggot and feels out of place.

The game sucks and the plot is bad.

They turned Vincent into a fanook

Gay character shoved in your face.

Shit gameplay, bad plot, mediocre girls.

Weebshit has never really be that popular.

Dicks. Dicks everywhere.


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They jumped on the trap bandwagon ten years too late

Now they are associated with trannies

Rins route was really stupid
Puzzle games are a niche

Isn't that also the same problem as P4G and P5R? Atlus are really good at taking a bad plot and making it even worse, aren't they?

I would have bought it if it included the original game. Adding characters in later versions never worked in the persona games, why would it work here?

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Because, it's a remake of a last generation, niche game for an already niche audience.

At this point, only the hardcore Atlus fans would buy this.

Not really. I liked Full Body more than Persona 5. It's story is pretty good and miles ahead of Persona's. It's really only weaker in how easily the game can be completed. I think the only reason it didn't sell well was simply... puzzle gameplay. Too many brainlets wouldn't be able to finish it, even on easy mode.

>niche game
>shitty new character
>new character badly shoehorned in and most of the new content has significantly worse writing
The only good thing about it is the godlike new C ending.

>shoved in your face.
only a tough guy tryhard says that shit

Is the switch version also going to be fucked in the west?

normalfaggots in the west never really play video games anyway, so...

pink haired tranny



What do you mean? The "censorship"? If so, yes.

It's still crazy to trash the game for a dialogue change that doesn't even change the meaning at all, just the connotation.

Trapfags btfo

Safe on JP?

No idea, but here's what changed:

Catherine and Vincent are wearing clothes on the steel book instead of only underwear, the entire game itself has all of the cutscenes intact.

A dialogue in Erica's side scene has its wording altered but ultimately meant the same thing. (As of the "I will kill you" and "I will make you lose your life" type of thing)

Eric has an "a" added behind the "c" in the credits

Seriously, it makes almost zero fucking difference and yeah, it was pointless change, but so what?

Qatherine was too cute

How could it have flopped, Resetera praised the game's censorship and said that it would BTFO evil gamers, didn't Resetera buy the game?

I like how Rin kinda ruins the game a little for being so unnecessary and pointless, even the narrator presenting the game thinks so when you hear him speak on the trailer

>you can choose.... Catherine, with a C! Or Katherine, with a K!...... or Rin.

The new C ending ruins the entire point of the story.

They still trashed it because the censorship made no difference to the actual meaning.

You're preaching to the wrong person. I'm just interested if the JP version is safe because that's what I'll play. The end.



Niche weeb puzzle games shouldn’t be expected to shift tons of units and there’s basically no reason to buy it again if you bought the original

Well, it would certainly sell more if it was available on more platforms, hehe
Eat shit fucklus, you get what you fucking deserve!

I cant believe they would remove the P from Vincent's shirt...

Because they took a surprisingly mature story about an adult man's struggles with his life and relationships and ruined it by adding a meme trap/tranny route whose dynamic completely ruins that of the one between C and K.
Original Catherine was about a man having to balance between two lives:
>one with a young lively thot who just wants to have fun, sex etc. and is very bratty, a life of adventure and carpe diem etc.
>other is the colder, responsible one who is ready to settle down, have family with you and is very career focused, takes no shit and no childish behavior
The game never judged which choice is the correct one. It compared your choices with others and gave you statistics at most, but it never directly said which one is better, which is proven that you can have a "good" ending with both girls.
Adding a meme tranny because it's the current fad in anime with Astolfo, Felix and other fag characters completely ruined the adult nature of the story and made it into a reddit tier shit anime one.

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Don't ever use knight to shitpost again.


No. All versions have been censored compared to the originals.
The devs claim it's uncensored because they're the ones doing it, to everything. But you got a brain and see changes, right? Censored is censored.

But you can completely ignore it if you want. You even have to be sure to make specific choices if you want to do the tranny route.

What is censored in the JP version?

>But you can completely ignore it if you want
Also you can buy the PS360 game for $10, and not have to actively ignore trash.

>all these people calling rin a tranny when he’s clearly a trap
Tourists out, also traps aren’t gay

The fact that the character is even there in the first place ruins the story.

Yes, and play at 720p with shittier textures and effects. You have to actively want the new route to get it, so there's no involvement in ignoring it.

There is no difference between the US and JP versions. So read the fucking thread

This. Rin was so fucking unnecessary. Should've just made a sequel.

>if I don't share my opinion with another person then it's a shitpost

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First day on Yas Forums bub?

Nobody gives a fuck about that shit you autist

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>There is no difference between the US and JP versions.
That sounds like you're either lying because you're a shitposter or you're just retarded. Either way, sucks to be you. The localization team has specifically said there's adjustments for the western audience. And here you are, saying both versions are the same. Clown.

indeed it is, what are you going to do about it?

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It'll be 1080p docked most likely, and 720p handheld on such a small screen is fine. All other graphical improvements remain, if you haven't seen the trailer. Get out of here faggot.

Go spend your money on whatever you want

Boy you are admitting in this post that you are a fake woman, hahaha, kys tranny fag even in your mind you know yoi are not a fucking woman.

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>oh shit he realized I was just saying retarded shit that was not true at all
>g-go do whatever you want then

>Extra content and new girl were relatively pointless as per Atlus re-release tradition
>Online multiplayer is still completely broken and rarely works
>One of the main marketing points was Joker as a DLC character, which serves no purpose
Switch and PS4 owners are forced to pay full price for minimal differences. PC players got a bad port of the original (they may have fixed it, can't remember), while Xbox owners can play the original on both Xbone and 360

>You can just ignore the new content

No. It literally changes the sexuality of your character.

Better visuals, proper resolution, stable framerate. Not saying it's worth the full price if you ignore the new content, but it's definitely worth a buy if cheap enough. Like how it's on sale for $30 CAD on PSN right now.


No hentai scenes animated by Orcsoft

Based and redpilled

this storyline is so obviously written by a foreigner alienated by the jew s a
they have no real grasp of traps or gays but force the storyline anyway
why was rin being portrayed as a little kid the entire time? if he loved vincent why were all of the text photos so bland? why didn’t rin just change to a girl body if he’s just a retarded pink alien?

Because there's a tranny and we hate trannies.

>all the fucking preaching about how same sex relationships are normal now and that you should follow your feelings etc
>Retardera is still mad and calls the game sexist and homophobic.