What was the exact point Sonic died? I'm thinking it's here

What was the exact point Sonic died? I'm thinking it's here.
>solidified boostshit as Sonic's main type of gameplay
>no dreamcast Sonic
>classicuck pandering

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This thread will hit the bump limit


>only good 3D Sonic
>where sonic died

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Heroes was the beginning of the end, and I tried so hard to like it too becuase it had such based characters like Omega and the Chaotix but it was just shit

sonic will never die

I'd say Unleashed had the better 3D Sonic segments, but is brought down immensely by the Werehog bits, with Generations being consistently good throughout (except for the final boss I mean Jesus fucking Christ)

Sonic was never good. It was always flawed. The sonic you like is colored by what age you were when that Sonic game released.

heroes has atleast some redeeming qualities, shadow is just bad across the board.

Both Colors and Generations take equal blame for what ruined the series. Watered down mechanics, poor level design, nostalgia-pandering and just a general lack of creativity. But since fans eat up whatever Sonic Team shit out for them and normie game critics praised it because it made them "feel like Sonic", this is what Sonic is now. Bland and soulless.

Newfags can stop acting like sonic threads hitting the bump limit is anything new. They regularly hit 500+ responses.

Every franchise is flawed so therefore none are good?

Unleashed - Day was kino, Night's a mixed bag (good concept considering Unleashed was gonna be an Adventure sequel, poor execution)

Colours - Story was meh but dialogue was based, gameplay was good but way too much 2D sections

Generations - Good, but short

And then Sonic Team jumped the shark so bad they have to rely on fans and memelords to keep the Sonic brand alive.

sonic 06 is where it really lost all control

Shadow is the closest thing to a single player 3D experience and to be fair it has some exceptional exploration ruined by the mission system that demands you explore entire stages but the exploration is still pretty good snd the guns actually worked very well for a platformer. It just didnt "fit" in a sonic game.

>Bad level design
>Lack of creativity
You did not even play Generations did you? Colors had bad level design, but was still just as creative as the previous games.

Sonic becoming self-aware was the biggest mistake. Sonic is now an actual meme series.

It died when the devs started getting scared about gamers thinking Sonic games were too short and so they added a bunch of bullshit alternate gameplay styles that aren't what anyone wanted from a Sonic game to try and pad out the length.

In other words, first Adventure game, and they've been doing the same shit for ironically every 3D game since

1998 when the games first went 3D. Sonic as a concept just doesn't translate well to 3D and it really shows.

>What was the exact point Sonic died?

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I would argue that the most offensive part of Generations is that it was too easy which makes the experience feel entirely useless. There is little to no skill skill ceiling whereas Unleashed actually demands the skill you acquired from everything before whatever stage you are on. Nothing in Generations should take more than 5 or 6 tries whereas Unleashed challenges you to actually slow down and just see what the hell you're doing before boosting through everything like a breeze.

I would say that the braindead gameplay of Generations is *almost* as offensive as the werehog. The controls are stellar snd the level design is as well but it never truly realizes its full potential to engage you like Unleashed does (except for that ONE mission, Action master)

Sonic Adventure 2 was where the alternate gameplay styles became a detriment.
If you only played the Sonic parts of SA1, you only missed one boss fight instead of the whole game.

Awful lot of zooming in this thread.

It was one of the few times where everyone agreed it fucking sucked

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I would not say that the level design is bad by any stretch but it is certainly more dull and simple than Unleashed.

This, except that Generations is consistently bad because it tried to make a 2D sonic while having abyssal physics and no momentum.

sonic robo blast 2
sonic utopia

To this day I still don't understand the issues people have with this game other than the special stages controlling like ass. Everything else controls fine and the level design is good outside of Rail Canyon


Those fan games, if they can be called games and not demos are just as janky if not worse than Sonic Adventure.

sonic heroes duh anything else is wrong

Yeah well everyone said the same things about Unleashed but it has been coming around to plenty of positive reception as people replay it. The game has aged like wine and Heroes has as well.

>if they can be called games
what are you smoking? srb2 is known for being one of the best fangames with it's mod community and how long it's been going on.

Sonic doesn't die he's survived the dark ages of the mid 2000s, Survived Lost World, the entire Boom Era and Forces. Sonic will continue to exist he literally is unstoppable.

Last time I checked SRB2 only had 3 levels in total.

I liked Heroes alot even more than the Adventure games

srb2 is currently on v2.2

everything after SA2 is utter trash except Mania

There's not a single criticism to the boost formula that doesn't apply tenfold to Adventure.

That hasn't been true in over a decade.

>classicuck pandering
What is this new meme Sonicfags keep repeating non-stop lately

>What was the exact point Sonic died
It was easily after Black Knight, but not for the reasons some people might think.

Gameplay wise, 3D Sonic stopped being even somewhat consistent after 06.

Heroes and Shadow tried to build off of the pre-established Sonic/Shadow gameplay from SA2, they couldn't quite get the same feel, but the moveset and design was still there. 06 tried to be the third adventure game, while lacking the 3D physics and rolling of the first two, so it came off feeling like another Shadow's game, especially with how the spindash and slope jumping works.

Starting with Secret Rings was when they began ditching everyone but Sonic, and focusing on straight hallway levels, and mechanics that let you plow through the levels with less effort. It became more about the spectacle.

The moment Sonic died for me was in the 2010s, with Colours.
People forget how much of a breath of fresh air that game was. In a franchise filled with mixed reception games, Colours came in, and wasn't afraid to take what worked in Unleashed and improve it(within the limitations of the Wii).

Sadly, time has not been kind to it.

Even back then, I found the level design dull. Not to mention, people refer to it as a 3D game, while it's predominantly 2D, with very restricted 3D section with nothing but drifting or side-stepping.

Colours not only lowered the bar in terms of gameplay... you know where I'm going with this, but the writing, my god, has aged horribly.

I don't get where people think that Sonic was always some Disney-esc cartoon, that needs to be lighthearthed to the point of losing the player's interest.
If Sonic and Tails, care so little about their adventure that all they can do is crack jokes and call attention to how lame Eggman is, then why should I even care? Generations and Lost World made it even worse.

Say what you will about mid-2000s Sonic, it had soul. It wasn't afraid to be itself.
Now however, memes are his life support.

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Where the FUCK is the Sonic Extravaganza announcement Sega?!?!!?
Why won't you FUCKING announce it already? It's almost been 3 years since Sonic Mania came out.

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Sonic Heroes is very divisive tho.
You have just as many people saying it's a good game as there are people saying its bad I'm part of the former, but I can see why people don't like Heroes

What level design, it's just change character to do contextual action on hallways.

The thing about Gens is that all the problems it caused weren't even the actual game's fault. A celebration of the series can be a good thing if it's a one time thing, but since then we've had nothing BUT nostalgia pandering.

The only people who like Unleashed more than Colors are contrarians or people who refuse to understand that 'serious story' and 'Sonic' don't go together.

Cool, which youtube eceleb did you hear that one from?

this is why you lurk

Or people who can appreciate level design.

Hard to appreciate level design when 70% of the time you're playing a mediocre God of War clone.

If you appreciate level design you're not liking "3D" Sonic to begin with, let alone ANY boostshit.

Better 30% of a decent game than 0%. Face it, you only like the setpieces.

Eh, final boss reuse wasn't as blatant. We'e had Egg Nega Wisp like three times already.
Through maybe it's because Egg Nega Wisp was the only modern final boss to actually be good.

Heroes wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t as good as SA2.

It was 06 that made them realize that something had to change, which led to them taking other mechanics and seeing if they work in the franchise. That’s how we got a beat-em-up Sonic (Unleashed), the fairytale Sonics (Secret Rings and Black Knight) and 2 Mario Galaxy Sonics (Colors and Lost World). Since 06, they have no idea what direction they want to take with Sonic at all.

Yeah, 2D block platforming is so engaging.

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Oh, you're one of those people that interpret anything engaging as serious and dark.
As if a Sonic story can't be genuine without a million children's joke.
Suck my fucking cock you bastard, you are the ones ST is pandering to and the reason the state of the franchise is where it is now.

sonic died with 06 and revived with generations. Too bad it's been dying again since then, although mania was a nice bump in quality.

Just give me Christian Weston Chandlers Adult Chronicles already

>classic pandering
>adventure pandering

Kill yourself

Actually attempt to refute it dumb erafag. It’s just hypocritical bullshit. If it was your cringey nostalgia shit they pandered to instead you’d be in perpetual onions mode

Sonic died the second he hit the GameCube.