ITT: Yas Forums friendly games
ITT: Yas Forums friendly games
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fuck off, all this does is instigate shitstorms
System Shock 2. No one here genuinely likes SS1, they just pretend to for muh experienced boomer points.
That compilation is proof that some people do not understand how posting mentality functions.
We will naturally have threads filled with people who post Yas Forums shit, and threads filled with people who complain about Yas Forumsshit. And when both camps do not intersect, people will pick up on it and immediately start rambling off about why either camp is unjustified in their remarks.
Resident Evil 5
Based, killing nogs and colonizing cutee african
DOOM Eternal
cherry picking
Hazumi and the Pregnation.
A game where your objective is to make as many children as possible. You can also do a virgin conception, if you want.
Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing
The only thing more pathetic than stormniggers are weeb stormniggers.
No, Yas Forums is just that shit, as are the faggots who don't hide their power level, as are the people who spam 'le ebin kekistani' shit.
This includes faggots like you.
Anime website cunt.
Pavement ape, who are you trying to fool here?
It's obvious as fuck that those are cherry picked posts. Many of us here were on Yas Forums long enough to know how it looks on the inside.
You even have a guy call out Yas Forumstards for being triggered niggers.
Yas Forums is actually one of the less shit major boards. Unironically.
no you're just shit and you like this shit
Back to r*ddit with you commie anime hater
unironically thighs too fat
Who let in the faggots?
Post Scriptum
Yas Forums definitely has better film discussion than Yas Forums, that's for sure
Africa Universalis IV and Tranny of war
Custer’s Revenge.
SMT IV, you get to protect a medieval european trad ethnostate from modernity, commies and literal demons.
Any game where a white woman can sleep with a black man.
I kinda want to fuck that clown in the beautiful red ball cap.
Ace Combat Joint Assault
You are a pilot of a PMC, fighting against a Jewish scheme to take over the world via insurance fraud.
Deus Ex is not Yas Forums friendly. It heavily pushes communism as the "right" answer. Invisible War is the Yas Forums friendly Deus Ex game.
Why are americans like this
So Right Wing pandering games, got it.
that game was so far up it's own ass in terms of writing. Just like MGS2
>he sees US flags on a flagless board
Why are Euros like this
Hearts of Iron IV
There was no communist ending in Deus Ex. If anything, that would be the JC-Helios ending in Invisible War. Personally, I favored the Jankowski ending. It hurt to have to put down JC after the first game, but that AI gave him radiation and mutants in his brain. Did not like how little faith in humanity the IW devs had, thinking that killing all these power hungry assholes would somehow lead to Armageddon.
>If anything, that would be the JC-Helios ending in Invisible War.
Which was an ending in Deus Ex too. The one the game heavily pushes.
Yeah I liked that ending too, and it looked promising in 1, but I think JC-Helios was more Helios than JC.
Of course it looked promising. On the surface communism is very appealing and has great arguments.
>but I think JC-Helios was more Helios than JC
No, they were specifically pointing out the inherent result of such a system. Individual identity is lost. The collective is all that matters.
The US is to the EU what California is to the rest of the US. They have to think about the US every other minute of the day to justify their own existence.
I'll explain it to you autistic burgers:
Burgers are the easiest obesity to troll. Your narcissism makes you easy targets, your obsession with pretending socialism is bad and your religiosity make you a good example of a stereotypical retard.
Together, all this means that all we need to say is
>Do American's really?
and the replies just happen.
I already explained it. Ill make it simple and just use two words. RENT FREE.
People like you are why there are shitstorms you fucking homosexual retard.
>Together, all this means that all we need to say is
>>Do American's really?
>and the replies just happen.
That just makes you look like sour grape Euros though.
t. non-American
You are so gay
Both of these games are left-wing, what the fuck are you talking about
but socialism is bad and religiosity is good, just ask literally the entire eastern half of your shithole continent
It's more like laughing at someone who has it worse but can't accept it.
There are many groups that got bantzed at:
>short men
>brainlets without college education
They learned and stopped replying.
However American's DO really. This is why we keep laughing at you.
>first mission is shooting up a neighborhood of black people
>main characters use racial slurs non-jokingly
Even in 2010, I'm surprised they got away with this
>get bantzed at
holy fuck just stop you cringy ESL trash thats not even how you use that word
you're like the weird effeminate faggot with a foreign lisp who stumbled into a pub and thinks he's one of the lads
They had to make up for it with 3 though.
that one is pure /leftypol/ though
That's the joke
Burger status: [X] Bantzed at
It's a real shame they didn't go full right-wing on the game and instead went for some pansy shit.
Would have been funny as fuck to have situations like Pic related.
>It's a real shame they didn't go full right-wing on the game and instead went for some pansy shit.
That's because they're literal Marxists.
MP40 is so cute why does she have to be stuck in a shit game?
hey man its my favorite gacha